Контрольні роботи 11 клас

11 КЛАC  ________________________________________________________




Dear mom,

I am working very hard on cleaning my room. But I want to go to Katy’s this afternoon to work on our Halloween costumes. Can I finish tomorrow? I would get up early and do it before breakfast and I’ll do a good job. Please? Write back.

Love, The Prisoner in Tower # 3

Dear Prisoner,


Love, Mom.

For days a time Sam’s mother never came up to her room. And then one day Sam would come home from school and find the Condemned sign on her doorknob. Her mother had made the sign. It said: THIS ROOM IS CONDEMNED.

ITS OWNER MAY NOT GO ANYWHERE OR DO ANYTHING UNTIL THE PREMISES ARE RESTORED TO NEETNESS. In other words, Sam was grounded until she cleaned her room.

It wasn’t fair. She was always getting the Condemned sign. Bradley hardly ever did. And his room was really disgusting, with posters of rock stars and basketball stars and movie stars wearing tiny bikinis covering every inch of his walls, and even suspended from the ceiling. But, her mother pointed out, his floor was clean. And his desk. That was all she cared about.

Sam had been imprisoned in her room for three hours now. She sat on the floor, looking at everything she was supposed to be putting away. It was possible she might be there all day.

There were her clothes, piled high on her chair and overflowing onto the floor. Assorted shoes. An umbrella from when it rained on Tuesday. Library books. Magazines with pictures of adorable teen-movie stars that Rebecca had lent her. Her piano music from yesterday’s lesson. And odds and ends of junk: nail polish remover, cotton balls, a tennis-ball, wadded-up notes from Katy, rocks from rock collection they were making for science, pencil stubs, gum wrappers. And about twenty crumpled tissues.

The thing to do, Sam decided, was sort everything into piles. A pile of dirty laundry, a pile of her dresser drawers, a pile to throw away. That was how her father, the organization man, would do it.

She sighed. It was conceivable she could be imprisoned in her room all week-end. She decided to paint her finger nails instead.


  1. Find true and false statements.
  2. Sam was a schoolgirl.
  3. She was the only child in the family.
  4. The above mentioned episode occurred in winter.
  5. Sam was put into prison.
  6. Sam was often punished by her mother for the constant disorder in her room.
  7. Sam’s mother was abusive and aggressive.
  8. As a punishment the girl was not allowed to: a) visit her friend; b) attend the party;
  9. c) leave the room until it is cleaned.
  10. Sam wanted to go to Katy’s because she wanted: a) to prepare costumes for
    the party; b) to gossip about their classmates; c) to do homework together.
  11. Bradley was fond of: a) basketball stars; b) rock, movie and basketball stars;
  12. c) posters of stars.
  13. The mother didn’t scold Bradley because:

II. Choose the correct variant

a)she liked Bradley more than Sam; b) he was physically handicapped; c) the floor in his room was always clean.

  1. Sam’s clothes were:
  2. a) scattered around the room; b) piled on her chair, c)kept in a wardrobe.

6 Concerning her possessions lying on the floor Sam’s decision was:

  1. a) to sort everything into piles; b) to throw everything away; c) to put everything into her dresser drawers.
  2. a) humorous; b) tragic; c) dramatic.

III. Answer the questions.

  1. What sign did Sam see on her doorknob?
  2. Why did Sam think that it wasn’t fair?
  3. What was Sam doing in her room?
  4. What kinds of things were there on the floor?
  5. What did she decide to do first?
  6. What did she do at the end of the story?
  1. Make up six questions of different type to the text.  

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Less than two hundred years ago, no one ever dreamed there was such a thing as dinosaur. Today, everyone knows about dinosaurs. They are especially popular with children. Even young children who can barely write their own names are often familiar with such dinosaur names as Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops.

People have known of dinosaurs for only about 150 years. Before then, no one dreamed there had ever been such creatures. The word “ dinosaur” didn’t even exist.

Anyone who chanced to dig up a fossil dinosaur bone or tooth might have thought it had come from an elephant – or perhaps from a dragon or giant! There were few if any people who could look at a bone and tell what sort of animal it had come from.

But by 150 years ago there were a good many scientists who could examine a bone or a tooth  and tell exactly what kind of animal it had come from. Some of these man were very interested in the fossil remains of ancient animals. And they began to discover a number of  fossils that they knew had come from reptiles – scaly skinned creatures such as lizards, snakes and crocodiles. But most reptiles of today are rather small, and these fossil reptile bones and teeth were enormous!

In a book written in 1824, an Englishman named William Buckland described a huge fossil jaw that had been dug up near an English town. He called this creature Megalosaurus, which means “ giant lizard ”. It was the first dinosaur to be named. During the next few years, fossils of other ancient reptiles were found and named. Scientists now realized that a great many different kinds of giant reptiles must have lived long ago. A name was needed for these reptiles, just  as there is a name for every other group of animals that are alike. In 1841, the English scientist Richard Owen suggested these huge, terrible-seeming reptiles should be called dinosaurs. The word was made up from Greek words “deinos “, which means “terrible”, and sauros”,  which means “lizard”. As it turned out, this really wasn’t good name, because dinosaurs were not lizards.


I. Say if the sentence true or false 

1) People have known of dinosaurs for about 150 years.

2) Three hundred years ago there were few people who could tell what sort of animal the bones belonged to.

3)  By 150 years ago the scientists learned to tell exactly what kind of animal it had come from.

4) The first dinosaur to be named was Triceratops.

5) William Buckland was the first man to name  the creature Megalosaurus.

6) The word “dinosaur” was suggested by Richard Owen

  1. Complete the sentences.

1) The word …  didn’t even exist.

  1. a) thesaurus; b) dinosaur; c) jigsaw d) creature

2) These fossil reptile bones and teeth were … !

  1. a) anomalous; b) great; c) enormous; d) normal

3) William Buckland described a huge fossil … that had been dug up near an English town.

  1. a) jaw; b) skeleton; c) bone; d) leg

4) He called this creature Megalosaurus, which means “ giant … ”.

  1. a) elephant; b) crocodile; c) bird; d) lizard

5) A …  was needed for these reptiles.

  1. a) title; b) name; c) kind; d) surname

6) The word was made up from … words.

  1. a) Latin; b) Italian; c) German; d) Greek.


III. Answer the questions.

  • For how much time have people known of dinosaurs?
  • Who named the first dinosaur?
  • When and where was it?
  • Who suggested he name for that group of animals?
  • How was the word “dinosaur” created?
  • Why wasn’t it a very good name for the animals?

IV. Make up and write down a plan to retell the story


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  1. Choose the correct answers.
  2. Did you celebrate the New Year with your family?
  3. Yes, you did. B)Yes, we always celebrate it together. c) Fine, thanks.
  4. Do you celebrate St Valentine’s Day at school?
  5. Yes, and it’s really exciting. b)With my classmates. c) On the 14th of February.
  6. Have you already sent the greeting cards?
  7. Of course, I have. b) No, not already. c) Yes, sometimes.
  8. Excuse me, I’m a foreigner, and I cannot speak Ukrainian.
  9. I also cannot speak Ukrainian. b) Nice to meet you. c) OK. I speak English. How can I help you?
  10. Did you tell anybody about it?
  11. No, I didn’t tell nobody. b) Of course not. c) Was it interesting?
  12. Do you mind if I ask you a question?
  13. What would you like to ask? b) OK. I’m glad to hear that. c) Yes, please.
  14. Make up questions to your partner using the cues.
  15. What/telephone number?
  16. How far/live?
  17. How/get/railway station?
  18. What/date/your birth?
  19. Can/spell/name?
  20. Have/English books/library?
  21. What book/reading?
  22. What kind of books/read?


III.    Complete the following conversation. Imagine a foreigner in Kyiv asks you to help him.


Foreigner: Excuse me. I’m a stranger in Kyiv and I’ve lost my way. Can you, please, tell me the way to the centre of the city?

Passer-by: …

F: Yes, where do I go then?


F: Wouldn’t it be better for me to go by bus?


F: Thank you. And where is the bus stop?


F: Will it take me long to get there?


F: What places of interest are worth seeing here?

P: …

F: No, I’ve never been there. Thank you very much.

P: …

  1. Describe the place, the people, and the situation in the picture. Say where the people are, what they are doing. Make up a conversation between the people in the picture. (Hotel res­ervation.)

11 КЛАСC  ________________________________________________________



1.Complete the sentences 

1)After failing his driving test four times, he finally … trying to pass.

  1. a) gave in; b) gave off; c) gave away; d) gave up

2) I … all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.

  1. a) am answering; b) answer; c) have answered; d) had answered

3) I have my English class … Monday morning.

  1. a) in; b) at; c) for; d) on

4) I was late. The teacher … the test when I … to class.

  1. a) has already given, got; b) had already given, got; c) has already given, get;         d) was already giving, get

5) They can’t have … more strawberries. I want … to make jam.

  1. a) some, any; b) no, some; c) any, any; d) any, some

6) Nothing was stolen, … ?

  1. a) was it; b) wasn’t anything; c) wasn’t it; d) was anything


2.Fill in the appropriate grammar forms

1) I put 5 pound note into one of my books: but next day it ( take) me ages to find it because I (forget) which book I ( put) it into.

2) You are too young to understand. I ( explain) it to you when you (be) older.

3) I thought my train (leave) at 14.33, and (be) very disappointed when I ( arrive) at 14.30. and (learn) it just (leave).

4) Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stagecoaches.

5) We (have) a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us). It’s his last night: he (leave) tomorrow.

6) Railway notice: Passengers ( modal verb) be in possession of a ticket.

  1. Read each sentence carefully. Then, select the appropriate adjective from the list and write it in the blank.

Rocky, eventful, silk like, careless, metallic, yearly.

1) The … cost of the insurance is $452.

2) Polyester is a … material.

3) Saturday was certainly an … day.

4) The car was badly damaged on the … road.

5) Sheila made some … mistakes on her income tax.

6) She liked silver and other colours

  1. Think of any famous product or thing advertised nowadays. Write the slogan of the commercial and ways that are used to make customers buy the product or thing.

11 КЛАC  ________________________________________________________



In Britain censorship of videos is much stricter than in many other European countries. And it might be even stricter in future, especially with violent. Soon, it may be difficult to hire films like Reservoir Dogs on video in Britain. Film censors are worried that young people might copy screen violence.

In England last year, a ten-year-old and eleven-year-old killed two-year-old boy. Many people blamed a famous horror film. The two boys copied many of the violent scenes in the film when they attacked their victim.

A recent investigation showed that many young, violent criminals watch violent films. However, this does not mean that there is a definite connection. Millions of other people also watch them, but not perform violent crimes.

In the USA, a boy dropped a bowling ball from a bridge onto cars on motorway and killed someone after he saw it on “Beavis and Butt-Head”. A mother blamed this programme when her son started a fire, which killed his sister. But don’t young people know the difference between reality and fiction? The producers of the programme say that the audience know that the two characters are “crazy”, but prefer  “Beavis and Butt-Head” to cartoons with moral messages because they are original and funny.

Countries vary in their opinion of video violence. Spain and Portugal have almost no limitations for the cinema or video. France has no limitations for videos.

In England “Die Hard 2” was a certificate 15 but the film censors cut out the most violent scenes. In France, there was no age limitation and it was possible to see the entire film.

Many film producers believe that too much censorship might destroy the film industry. What do you think?


  1. Find true and false statements

1) In most European countries there’s no censorship on videos.

2) censorship in Great Britain is very strict.

3) Violent films on TV cause violence in reality.

4) Teenagers sometimes cannot see the difference between reality and fiction.

5) The film producers think that too strict censorship might destroy the film industry.

6) Parents may not be worried about the quality and content of the films their kids watch on TV.

  1. Complete the sentences.

1) Film censors are worried that young people might copy screen … .

  1. a) fights; b) violence; c) kisses; d) movements

2)    A recent … showed that many young, violent criminals watch violent films.

  1. a) discussion; b) investment; c) research; d) investigation

3) But don’t young people know the difference between reality and … ?

  1. a) fiction; b) fantasy; c) film; d) flowers

4) France has no limitations for … .

  1. a) music; b) films; c) videos; d) clips

5) Countries vary in their opinion of video … .

  1. a) cruel scenes; b) murders; c) fights; d) violence.

6) Spain and … have almost no limitations for the cinema or video.

  1. a) Ukraine; b) Portugal; c) Peru; d) Germany.

III. Answer the questions. 

1) Why can the censorship become stricter in Great Britain?

2) Why do people prefer to watch “Beavis and Butt-Head”?

3) What countries don’t almost have censorship?

4) What might destroy film industry?


  1. Ask 6 questions of different type to the text.

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  1. Choose correct answer.

1) My mother was … of making a cake when front door bell rang.

  1. a) at the center b) on her way c) in the middle d) halfway through

2) … you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam

  1. a) Although b) If c) Unless  d) When

3) If you want to join the history society, you must first … this application form.

  1. a) make up b) write down c) fill in  d) do up

4) He has just taken an examination … History.

  1. a) on b) about c) for  d) in

5) The police have asked that … who saw the accident get in touch with them.

  1. a) somebody b) someone c) one  d) anyone

6) It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to … a story.

  1. a) invent b) combine c) manage  d) lie


2. Here are fifteen  pairs of words. One words functions as a noun while the other one as an adjective. Write each word in the proper column.

Ease, heroic, fame, foolish, care, supplement, troublesome, wooden, statuesque, comfort, truthful, famous, traditional, Texas, comfortable, death, statue, tradition, action, heroism, easy, truth, active, supplementary, careless, trouble, Texan, wood, fool, deathly.

Nouns:                                                                    Adjectives:


  1. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1)“Aeneid”, a masterpiece of national humour, written in colloquial Ukrainian language.

2) I don’t know when “Aeneid”, written by I Kotlyarevsky, was first publishing.

3) Nobody couldn’t show me the way to the Art Gallery.

4) Nothing was never written in the newspaper about the new play.

5) We went either to the museum nor to the theatre last week.

6) We couldn’t buy tickets nowhere.

  1. Choose and write on the theme of the two topics. Use about 100 words.
  • You are going abroad, but you haven’t decided yet which way of travelling to choose. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of air travel in your letter to an English-speaking friend.
  • Describe the area where you grew up in a way that would help a tourist to decide whether or not to visit it.

11 КЛАСC  ________________________________________________________




Mother Teresa was a simple nun. She never wanted to be famous, but every­one in the world knew who she was. She received many important awards. She travelled around the world to accept them. She asked people for help. Then she gave everything to the poor.

Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 in what is now Macedonia. She was the youngest of three children. Agnes’s father died when she was a child. Her mother made dresses to support the family. Agnes’s mother also liked to do charity work, such as visiting the sick. Agnes often went with her, and she enjoyed helping these people. She was a good and re­ligious girl.

Even as a child, Agnes wanted to be a nun. When she was 18 years old, she joined a group of nuns in Darjeeling, India. There, she chose the name Teresa. Then she went to Calcutta to work at St. Mary’s School. The school was in a con­vent. Sister Teresa lived in the convent and worked at the school for 20 years. She eventually became the principal. During all those years, Sister Teresa was always concerned about how other people lived. The convent had clean buildings and beautiful lawns. But outside the convent, the streets were dirty and crowded and full of very poor people.

One day in 1946, Sister Teresa was riding on a train to Darjeeling. She looked out of the window and saw dirty children. They were wearing rags and sleeping in doorways. Sick and dying people were lying on filthy streets. She loved her work at the school, but she realized that other people needed her help more. At that moment, she believed God sent her a message. She decided to go to work with the poor.

Two years later, Sister Teresa left the convent. First, she went to a hospital to learn to take care of sick people. After three months, she was ready to live with the poor and the sick. One day, she saw a group of poor children and called them to her. She told them she was going to open a school. The school had no roof, no walls, and no chairs. On the first day, only five students came. She used a stick to write lessons in the dirt.

Several months later, Sister Teresa had many students. Everyone in Calcutta knew about her. A friend let her use part of his house for the school. She taught the children language and math. She also taught them how to keep clean and stay healthy. Soon, other nuns came to help her. Sister Teresa was happy that they wanted to join her. But she told them that life with her was not easy. She said that everyone had to wear the same clothes — white cotton saris. She wanted all the nuns to look like the poor people in India.

In 1948, Sister Teresa started her own group of nuns. They were called the Missionaries of Charity. She was their leader, so they called her “Mother” Tere­sa. The nuns lived in the slums with people who were poor, dirty, and sick. It was hard work and the days were long. But many young nuns came from around the world to join Mother Teresa.

One day, Mother Teresa saw an old woman in the street. She took her to a hospital. They refused to help the woman because she was poor. Mother Ter­esa decided to open a place for the sick and the dying. Later, she started homes for children without families. She also started clinics. Over the years, news of her work spread around the world. Many people sent her donations of money. Oth­ers came to work with her in India or other places. By 1990, the Missionaries of Charity were working in 400 centres around the world.

Over the years, Mother Teresa received many great awards, such as the Nobel Peace Prize. But she always said her greatest reward was helping people. Her message to the world was, “We can do no great things — only small things with great love”. She died in 1997 at the age of 87. The whole world mourned her death.


  1. True or False Statements
  • Everyone in the world knows who Mother Teresa was.
  • Agnes chose the name Teresa when she joined a group of nuns in In­dia.
  • Sister Teresa had worked at St. Mary’s school for 20 years and eventu­ally became a principal.
  • Sister Teresa was rarely concerned about the convent where the school
  • She decided to go to work with the poor because she didn’t like her
    work at school.
  • Sister Teresa was the only nun in the school she opened.
  1. Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Mother Teresa became famous because she…
  3. started a hospital; B. was a good teacher; C. knew everything about everybody;
  4. lived her life to help others.
  5. When Agnes was 18 years old, she went to…
  6. Macedonia. B. Mexico; C. India. D. Indonesia.
  7. Sister Teresa lived and worked in the convent in Calcutta for…
  8. two years; B. twelve years; C. twenty years; D. twenty two years.
  9. Right after Sister Teresa had left the convent, she…
  10. went to hospital to learn to take care of sick people; B. went to Calcutta; C. travelled around the world to accept awards; D. went to St. Mary’s School.
  11. Sister Teresa decided to work with the poor…
  12. when she did charity with her mother; B. when she saw sick and dying people lying on dirty streets; C. when she asked people for help; D. when she opened her school.
  13. Mother Teresa’s first school…
  14. taught religious subjects only; B. was very small and simple; C. wasn’t liked by the people of Calcutta; D. had clean buildings and beautiful lawns.
  15. Complete the sentences.
  • She never wanted … , but everyone in the world knew who she was.
  • Even as a child, Agnes wanted to be … .
  • During all those years, … Teresa was always concerned about how other people lived.
  • First, she went to … to learn to take care of sick people.
  • She also taught them how to keep … and stay … .
  • By 1990, the Missionaries of … were working in 400 centres around the world.
  1. Make up four questions of different type to this text.


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  1. Choose the correct answers.
  2. How are you getting on?
  3. Nothing to boast of.
  • I am not getting on.
  1. Early in the morning.
  2. You enjoyed the play, didn’t you?
  3. Yes, you did.
  4. No, I didn’t.
  5. Neither did I.
  6. Will you be able to do this exercise?
  7. I’m afraid it’s impossible.
  8. I’m afraid I will.
  9. I’m afraid to do this exercise.
  10. Thank you for inviting me to the party.
  11. Will you invite me?
  12. Here you are.
  13. Oh, the pleasure was all mine.
  14. What’s the charge for a registered air-mail letter?
  • Sorry, I don’t know.
  1. Over there, into the mail-box.
  2. About three or four days.
  3. Excuse me, sir. I want to get to the hotel “Mir”. Am I in the right bus?
  4. No, not to the right. Turn left.
  5. Yes, I’m going right up that way myself.
  6. I don’t want to speak to you right now.
  7. Make up questions to your partner using the cues.
  8. What/best theatre?
  9. Ukrainian playwrights/like?
  10. Youth Club/near?
  11. prefer/travelling?
  12. stay/hotel/cottage?
  13. What sport/go in for?
  14. ever/participate/competitions?
  15. What/best Ukrainian teams?


  1. Complete the following conversation. Imagine you are going to stay at a hotel in England.


Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Visitor:

R: Do you have a reservation with us? V:…

R: Your name, please? V: R: OK. Let me see. You have a reservation for a single room.

Is that correct? V:

R: Have you already decided how many nights to stay? V: R: 65 dollars per night.

V  .    …

R: Of course you may. Any time.


R: You’re welcome.

  1. Describe the place, the people, and the situation in the pic­ture. Say where the people are, what they are doing. Make up a conversation between the people in the picture. (Hotel res­ervation.)


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