Мета: активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми в усному мовленні семикласників, практикувати учнів у зв’язних монологічних та діалогічних висловлюваннях, навчати дітей працювати в парах та групах;
формувати навички аудіювання та читання, вміння вживати ЛО теми в граматичних структурах різночасових форм дієслова, розвивати пам’ять та логічне мислення, навички аналізу та синтезу;
виховувати пізнавальний інтерес, здатність виконувати хатні обов’язки.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: прислів’я, вірш для фонетичної зарядки, комп’ютерні презентації («Моя квартира», «Домашні обов’язки»), роздавальний матеріал(картки з граматичним завданням, діалог, рецепти, текст «Як сервірувати стіл?»), предмети сервіровки стола, музичний супровід, комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор.
Хід уроку:
І. Організаційний момент
І.1 Greeting
– Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
– Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start our work.
I.2 Aims and objectivities
Today we’ll continue speaking about your home duties. We’re going to lay the table, cook some dishes, do some grammar exercises, listen to the text about different household machines and of cause to have a little rest after hard work.
I.3 Warm-up
1) Pronunciation
– Read and translate some proverbs. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.
All is well that ends well. Time and tide wait for no man. Little strokes fell great oaks. Life is not all cakes and ale. East or West home is best. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. – Read the poem When you have a job that’s not much fun, And you wonder when you’ll get it done, Don’t wait till later – time may not allow! Don’t wait till later – do it now! When you have some work that’s not much fun, A job to do before the day is done, Don’t wait till tomorrow – better not delay! Don’t wait tomorrow – do it today! – What proverbs fit our poem? |
- Основна частина уроку
II.1 Presentation “My flat ”
- There is an old proverb East or West, home is best. Do you agree with me? So, let’s listen to … about her(his)
- We liked your presentation, didn’t we? Your flat is very comfortable and tidy. Is it difficult to keep your flat tidy?
You are right. In order everything in your house will be clean and neat you have to do a lot of work. So, let’s see what must we do?
Vocabulary practice
II.3 Grammar review |
1) Look the pictures and complete
(ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ “Household chores”) To iron To clean To clear away To hoover To do To lay To wash To repair To keep To polish To sweep |
the word- combinations
the linen the room the dishes a carpet washing up the table clothes electric devices the flat tidy the furniture the floor with a broom
2) Make up the questions with these word-combinations and ask your classmates.
1) Individual task – Match the Tense with its Grammar formula Present Simple V1/s,es do, does Past Simple V II/ed did Future Simple shall will V
Future in the past Simple should would VI
Present Continuous am is Ving are
Past Continuous was were Ving
Future Continuous shall will V ing
Present Perfect have has VIII
Past Perfect had VIII
2) – Open the brackets
1. As a rule we (to try) to keep our flat tidy. 2. She (to wash), (to dry) but (not to iron) all the clothes two days ago. 3. My elder sister promised that she (to do) the washing up in the evening. 4. When our mother came home her daughter (to hoover) a carpet. 5. They (not to polish) the furniture yet. 6. Her brother said he (to sweep) the floor with a broom. 7. Look! It is impossible! Our sun (to fry) eggs himself! 8. Kate (not to clean) her flat in two days, because she’ll be very busy. 9. When our guests arrive we (to lay the table). 10. He already (to repair) our mother’s electric iron.
Group work Pair work
1) Put the phrases of the dialogue in order and dramatize it.
2) Lay the table for a special dinner. How to lay the table? If you have a special dinner you should know how to lay the table on such an occasion. First you spread the table-cloth and put out table-mats to protect the table from hot dishes. Then take soup spoons for the soup, spoons for the sweet and all the cutlery – knives and forks, including a small knife for butter, a small knife and fork for the hors d’oeuvres and a fruit knife for the dessert. You should put the knives and the spoon on the right-hand side and the fork on the left. The spoon for sweet you should put across the top. On the left of each guest you put a small plate for bread and on the right a wine-glass. Don’t forget to put out the table napkins for each guest and place several salt-cellars. One again have a look at the table. You are ready for the friends to come. And don’t forget to put a bowl of beautiful flowers on dinner table. Occasion – випадок to spread the table-cloth – застеляти скатертину to protect – захищати hors d’oeuvres – закуска table napkins – серветки cutlery – ножові вироби salt–cellars – сільниці
3) Put the sentences in order and cook your favourite dishes. a) Pizza recipe You need: For toppings you have to take 100 g flour 2 tomatoes 25 butter 50 g cheese Pinch of salt for a dough salami, mushrooms, carrot, eggs, ham) · Oil the pan · Put the flour and salt into a bowl · Cut the butter into small pieces and mix in with the flour, · Add some milk and mix into a dough, · Cover it with grated cheese and mayonnaise, · Put the dough into the oiled pan, · Put the toppings on the dough, · Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot over, · Enjoy your pizza! b) Omelet recipe
4. Listen to the descriptions of some household machines. There are some mistakes in them. If you’ll hear the false statement you should clap your hands and correct the mistake.
Microwave oven is a device that heats food with short radio waves. Microwave cooking takes much more time than cooking with electric or gas ovens. Meats and vegetables cooked in a microwave oven have more natural juices than when cooked by other methods. Microwaves pass through glass, paper and most kinds of plastics. That’s why most containers made of these materials may not be used in microwave ovens. Microwave ovens were introduced for home use in the 1950s. They became really popular in the mid-1970x.
Vacuum cleaner is an electric device that removes dirt from carpets, rugs and bare floors. It may also, be used to remove dust and dirt from furniture, woodwork, curtains and other above-the-floor items. The first vacuum cleaning devices were developed about 1890. Washing machine is a machine that quickly washes clothes and other things. Before its invention, people spent hours doing it by hand. Most washing machines don’t work automatically. The operator simply sets the controls. One of the first mechanical washers was made in 1960. An electric washer was invented in 1910, and an automatic washing machine was introduced in 1937.
Check on homework
And now let’s have a little rest. I suggest you to dance and …do the washing at the same time. Show me please how:
To wash the linen To wring out the water To hang the linen To shake off the water from our hands To give your forehead a wipe МУЗИКА 1 (учні виконують дії під музику)
1) Dramatize the dialogue 2) Lay the table 3) Cook your favourite dishes
1) When I was a little girl I liked when my parents invited guests. It was very interesting for me what they were talking about but I couldn’t hear that because my parent sent me to my room. I think your parents do the same when somebody comes to see them. And your home task was to imagine yourselves as adults and make up the dialogue. Let’s check your homework.
– Ex. p. (read and translate) – * to make a project “Household chores”
1) Answer the question – What can you do to help your mother or father about the house? 2) Sing the song “Do it now”. – At the end of our lesson I want you to remember an old proverb Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.