Author: Nadya Svizh

Контрольна робота

Variant 1 Level I. Complete the sentences: 1.Englishmen speak… Ukrainians speak… Americans speak… Level II. Choose the right form: I…(am living, live) in Ukraine. Ben …(plays, is playing) ball now. She always …(listens, listening)...

Фразы для деловой переписки

It is to be noted – Необходимо заметить. (Необходимо иметь в виду.) We have no doubt of (that) – У нас нет сомнений в (том что) in case of necessity – в случае необходимости...

Useful phrases

a while back / a while ago – некоторое время назад, раньше about time – наконец-то after a while – через некоторое время ahead of time – заранее all along – всё время all...

    Exercise 1. Memorize the following proverbs in which the plural of nouns is used. Give their Ukrainian  equivalents.   So many countries, so many customs. Many men, many minds. Men may meet...


  Визначення рівня мовленнєвої компетенції. (Ситуації)   A hero is traditionally a person who, in the face of danger, adversity or weakness, displays courage and the will for self-sacrifice for some greater good for...

My travelling to Turkey

I’d like to tell you about my summer trip to the sea. Last year my family and I went to Turkey. I was very interested in this country, that’s why I often took pictures...


Слабая форма (градуируемая) | Сильная форма (неградуируемая)Very little – маленький | Tiny – крошечный Very tasty – вкусный | Delicious – восхитительный Very angry – злой | Furious – разъяренный Very afraid – напуганный...