Business English by Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О.

Тема 1: Пошук роботи. Оголошення про пошук роботи/вакансії. Вимоги до кваліфікації.


  • What is the first step in a successful search for a job?
  • What questions must you ask yourself when beginning to search for a job?
  • What methods of finding a job do you know?
  • Why should you read the want ads?
  • What information can you find in a want ad?
  • Why isn’t it easy to read ads?
  • What suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively?


  1. Підготуватися до словникового диктанту
  2. Написати рекламне оголошенняпро пошук роботи/прийом на роботу.

Список літератури :

  1. 1. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128с.
  2. Карпусь И. А. Английский деловой язык: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – К.: МАУП, 1996. – 208с.
  3. Дарская В.Г., Журавченко К.В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. – М.: Вече, 2005. – 672с.
  4. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина II: Навч. посіб. для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263с.

Topical words

job робота
your job interests and concerns тут: робота, яка Вас цікавить
job advertisements = want ads оголошення про прийом на роботу
to apply for a job звертатися про прийом на роботу
employer роботодавець
required and preferred qualifications обов’язкові та бажані вимоги до


job search пошук роботи
resume / curriculum vitae (CV) резюме
chronological resume хронологічне резюме
робота, яка Вас цікавить
обов’язкові та бажані вимоги до               кваліфікації
пошук роботи
         accomplishment досягнення
cover letter супровідний лист
recruitment набір
position посада
vacancy, job opening вакансія
application заява
applicant, candidate претендент, кандидат
career кар’єра
experience досвід
background біографічні дані
reference рекомендація
employer роботодавець
employ/recruit/hire наймати на роботу
discharge/lay off /dismiss звільняти
earn заробляти
term of probation випробний термін
curriculum vitae (CV) автобіографія
cover/accompanying letter супровідний лист
marital status сімейний стан
hunting for a job пошук роботи
personnel department відділ кадрів



  1. Read and discuss the text.

The Kind of Job You Want

The first step in a successful search for a job is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that first you should answer the questions “What can I do well?” and “What do I really want to do?” Begin with thinking about the work you can do. Include work you have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you enjoy doing. Therefore, you have to answer some questions.

  • Do you like to work with your hands?
  • Do you like to work outdoors?
  • Do you like to work with others?

Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns. Talk to your friends, neighbours, and your family or relatives. These contacts may help you to get more information about different jobs; to form a “network” of people interested in helping you; to find people who work (or who know people who work) in the area of your interest; each discussion will give you additional practice in expressing yourself.

Now when you know the kind of job you want, the next question to answer is “Where can I find that job?”

People use many methods of finding a job. They answer job advertisements (want ads), or apply directly to employers. Of course, some methods are better than the others.


  1. Read, translate and try to identify your interests.
  2. What are you looking for: money, power, prestige, security, travel opportunities, spare time?
  3. How important are the salary, environment, benefits, and job stability?
  4. Do you enjoy working with people, information, or things?
  5. Is it important to be your own boss?
  6. What is your idea of a perfect job? A perfect boss? A perfect colleague?


  1. Read and translate the text. Write out the unknown words.

“Want Ads”

“Want ads” are job advertisements you can find in the classified advertising section of newspapers, professional or trade journals. You should read the want ads at least for two reasons:

  • to learn more general information about jobs available;
  • to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.

The ad may tell you about the education and work experience required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay. It also tells you how to apply for that particular job.

Some want ads say that certain qualifications are required, while other qualifications are preferred or hoped for. The employer will try to find someone who has all of the required and preferred qualifications. However, if no one has all the qualifications that the employer requires and prefers, he may hire someone who has only some of those qualifications. It is usually best to apply only for jobs for which you have at least all the required qualifications. However, this is not always true.

Not all want ads are easy to read. The longer a want ad is, the more money it costs to print. In order to save money, employers leave unnecessary words out of the advertisement. They also use abbreviations.

There are many good reasons for using the want ads in your job search. The following suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively:

  1.  Remember that want ads are only one of the methods you may use. Save time to use other
  2. Reading all the want ads you will learn useful general information.
  3. Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers.
  4. Analyze ads, which are of interest to you.
  5. Determine your qualifications for that job.
  6. Act quickly, effectively and stay cheerful!


  1. Read and discuss the samples of want ads. Compare the ordinary and abbreviated one.
Ordinary want ad Abbreviated want ad


2 Years Experience 2 yrs exp. & H.S. req.


High School Graduate  


Working hours 5days, Mon.-Fri. M-F
Pay $9.00 hour $9/hr
How to apply Apply in person, before 10:00 a.m.


4396 Melrose Ave.

Apply before 10 am


4396 Melrose


  1. Let’s speak about the personal features. Match the definitions in A with the correct adjectives or phrases in B. Try to describe your features of character for the future employer.

А                                                    В

  1. wants to get to the top sensitive
  2. open and friendly creative
  3. doesn’t get tired easily attentive to detail
  4. can change people’s opinions ambitious
  5. doesn’t get angry or irritated quickly adaptable
  6. can produce new ideas independent
  7. thinks of other people’s feelings outgoing
  8. doesn’t mind changing his/her habits energetic
  9. can work alone persuasive
  10. regularly checks the quality of his/her work j. patient


  1. Write a short description of someone you like (or dislike) in your personal or professional life.

MODEL: My boss is very energetic. She works about 12 hours a day. She is a patient woman, and always has time to talk to us if we have a problem.


  1. 7. Read the text and try to retell it.

The United States leads the industrial nations in the proportion of its young people who receive higher education. For some careers – law, medicine, education, and engineering – a college education is a necessary first step. More than 60 percent of Americans now work in jobs that involve the handling of information, and a high school diploma is seldom adequate for such work. Other careers do not strictly require a college degree, but having one can often improve a person’s chances of getting a job and can increase the salary he or she is paid.


  1. 8. Read and translate the part of the interview. Is it hard to find a good job nowadays?

AJ: That’s great. You said that you did start working after your children grew up. Where did you work or what did you do?

NC: Well, I had a hard time finding a job because jobs were very hard to find, but finally I had a job with the state and I worked for the state and I got a job there, but my experiences of getting a job after high school were terrible. It was so bad. It was terribly hard to get a job. And all I wanted to be at that particular time was a court stenographer. I loved shorthand and everything I heard I was taking it down, and I was so naive, I thought all I had to do was be smart and be ready, and I was.


  1. Look and try to analyze these ads for job openings.

Dental Receptionist/Secretary

Part-time. Bilingual Spanish/English. Mature, bright. Respond with qualifications and salary requirements, Larkin Agency, 23rd Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Matsuda of Tokyo


Opportunities available for salesperson in Philadelphia boutique. Send resume with salary requirement and references to Nicole. 109 Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19105


  1. If you want to get a job about which you’ve read in the want ads, you have to send a letter of application. Read the instructions how to write it better.
  2. Remember that the first impression is very important.
  3. Type the letter neatly on good stationery.
  4. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word. Retype the letter if necessary.
  5. Describe yourself, your qualifications, and your experience clearly.
  6. If the ad tells you to write for an application form you do not need to give detailed information in your letter.
  7. Follow standard business letter format. Address the letter and envelope clearly.

A Letter

421 Lafayette Drive, Apt. 317 St. Paul, Minnesota 56106 April 4, 2005

Personnel Department

Continental Computer Corp.

935 Watson Ave

St. Paul, MN 55101

Dear Sir or Madam!

In reference to your ad in today’s Standard I am interested in the opening for a trainee computer programmer. Please send me an application form and any further details. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours truly,

Ashley Wychulte


  1. Write a letter of application

Тема № 2

Тема: Резюме. Види резюме. Основні вимоги до складання резюме.


  1. What is a resume?
  2. What are the basic requirements for a good resume?
  3. How many types of resumes do you know? What do they differ in?
  4. What type of resume is the most popular with the recruiters?
  5. What information is recommended to exclude from your resume?
  6. Which of special suggestions that can help you write a perfect resume do you think are the most important?


  1. Підготуйте доповідь про основні  вимоги  оформлення резюме, використовуючи текст “The Requirements for a Resume”.
  2. Складіть власне резюме.

Список літератури:

  1. Business English. Бизнес-курс английского языка / Под ред. Е. И. Кобзарь, Н.А. Лешнёвой. – Харьков: Парус, 2007.– 152 с.
  2. Буданов С. І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.
  3. Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006. – 304 с.
  4. Шевелева С. А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2000. – 438 с.


  1. Read and translate the texts. Write out the unknown words.

The Resume

A Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an objective written summary of your personal, educational, and experience qualifications. It packages your assets in the form of a convincing advertisement, which sells you for a specific job. A resume is a kind of written sales presentation. An effective resume creates a favorable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience.

The basic requirements for a good resume are:

  • brevity: оnе page is preferable, but not more than two pages;
  • top quality paper;
  • perfect spelling and grammar;
  • no typographical errors;
  • attractive layout.

Your personal data sheet contains most of the information you need, to prepare resume. Now you have to select and arrange that information in the way that best relates your background to the work you seek. Every resume is an individualized presentation of your qualifications for a particular job. It means that you may prepare a few different resumes, depending on the types of jobs you are applying for. You can choose from among four types of resumes:

  • Chronological resume lists work experience or education in reverse chronological order. It describes responsibilities and accom­plishments associated with each job or educational experiences.
  • Functional resume lists functional skills and experience separately from employment history.
  • Combination (functional/chronological) resume draws on the best features of the chronological and functional resumes. It high­lights applicant’s capabilities and includes a complete job history.
  • Targeted resume emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for. Work experience is briefly listed in a separate section.

The Requirements for a Resume

A resume should show an applicant’s qualification for a specific job. It should include your name, address, and telephone number; an employment objective; educational and training data: a list of previous work experience. The list should start with your present or with your last job that shows qualifications for the work you want now.

All this data should be listed in an easy-to-read form. If possible, all of the information should be on one page. Type your resume on standard size business stationery.

The interviewer usually sees the resume before he sees the applicant. The resume gives the first impression of the applicant to the employer. It should be neat and well organized.


  1. To strengthen your resume you may use action verbs like (try to learn them by heart):

Analyzed – аналізував

Administered, managed – вів справи, керував

Completed – проводив (роботу)

Created – створював

Evaluated – визначав (кількість, вартість); підраховував

Implemented – впроваджував

Improved – удосконалював

Investigated – дослідив, вивчив

Organized – організував

Participated – брав участь

Performed – виконав

Planned – планував

Proposed – запропонував

Provided – забезпечив

Researched – досліджував

Solved – вирішив (проблему, задачу)

Streamlined – модернізував

Supervised – завідував

Supported – підтримував


  1. Knowing what to exclude from your resume is as important as knowing what to include. Here is a list of details to exclude from your resume:
  • Height, weight, hair or eye colour;
  • Comments about your family, spouse, or children;
  • Your photograph (unless you are applying for modeling or acting job);
  • Travel restrictions;
  • Preferences for work schedule, days off, or overtime;
  • Salary demands or expectations.

Very few people have good resumes. If English is not your native language or if you come from another country, it can be even more difficult to know the right things to do. Some special suggestions will help you write a perfect resume:

  1. Adapt your resume to the information you have gathered about the employer and the job you want.
  2. Use action verbs, they will bring your resume to life.
  3. Avoid the pronoun “I”. Describe your skills and capabilities by using as many specific words as possible.
  4. Highlight your accomplishments and achievements.
  5. Keep it simple and clear: two pages at most.
  6. Be truthful, don’t exaggerate or misrepresent yourself. Remember that employers check the information.
  7. Don’t mention salary.
  8. Avoid long sentences. Use the minimum number of words and phrases but avoid abbreviations.
  9. Looks are important. The resume should be typed with plenty of white space and wide margins. Place headings at the left side of the page, and the details relating to them on the right
  10. Make sure there are no errors in spelling, punctuation, or
  11. Don’t sign or date the resume.
  12. Always send an original of your resume. Don’t send a photo
  13. Keep copies of resumes on file for future reference. Once you have a job, update your resume on a regular basis.


  1. Look through the sample of a resume. Write your resume.

Ivan Ivanov
Dimitrov Street 17, Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: (044) 333-33-33


Date of birth: 6 February, 1989

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kiev

Marital status: married (single)

Getting the sales manager position (to improve the professional skills, to have an opportunity for growth…)


September 2008 – to present

Kherson State University; student of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies Department (The Institute of Foreign Philology; The Institute of Psychology, History and Sociology; The Institute of Philology and Journalism; The Institute of Natural Sciences; Economics and Law Department; Physical Training and Sports Department; Preschool and Primary Education Department; Culture and Arts Department; Engineering and Technology Department).


Kherson Academic Lyceum


July 2009

Summer camp “Artek”; a leader of the detachment.

Responsible for up-bringing work in the detachment.

June 2008-August 2008

Supermarket “Oscar”; an assistant of the sales manager

Answered telephone calls, filed documents, composed business letters.


Computer literate:  IBM PC user: MS Office;  Windows 7, Vista,  XP; Microsoft Word,     Microsoft Excel; Adobe Acrobat; proficient Internet user.

Languages: Ukrainian – mother tongue, English – free speaking, German – beginning, good working language of Poland.

Driver’s license.

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.


Computers, football, reading (drawing, embroidery, hiking, running, amateur painting etc.)


Member of Student’s Committee (group leader, vice-leader of the group, etc).


  1. Interview another student. Write down his /her answers:
  2. What kind of job are you looking for?
  3. Are you working now?
  4. What do you do?
  5. How long have you been working there?
  6. What jobs have you had? And exactly what did you do?
  7. Tell me about education and any special training you have had.
  8. What other skills do you have?
  9. What hours can you work?
  10. Why do you want to change your job?
  11. Do you have any questions about the job?


  1. Prove that proverbs (sayings) have sense:


  • The work shows the workman.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Jack of all trades is master of none.
  • The hardest work is to do nothing.
  • Business before pleasure.
  • Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration.
  • Through hardship to stars.
  • What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
  • He that will not work shall not eat.


 Тема  № 3

Тема: Співбесіда з роботодавцем. Основні вимоги та норми етикету.


  1. How do you understand the meaning of the word “the job interview”?
  2. What does the employer judge during the interview?
  3. What makes a good interview?
  4. Which guidelines do you think are the most important? Why?
  5. Can you give any other advice to a candidate?


  1. Підготуйте та обіграйте в парі діалог з теми «The Job Interview».
  2. Складіть 10 запитань до вашого майбутнього роботодавця та 10 запитань до претендента, з яким проводитимете  співбесіду.

Список літератури:

  1. Business English. Бизнес-курс английского языка / Под ред. Е. И. Кобзарь, Н.А. Лешнёвой. – Харьков: Парус, 2007. – 152 с.
  2. Буданов С. І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.
  3. Гужва Т.М. Reasons to Speak. Сучасні розмовні теми. – Х.: Торсінг Плюс, 2006. – 304 с.


  1. Read and translate the text. Write out the unknown words. Make up a plan of preparing to your future job interview.

The Job Interview

A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness for the job. Equally important, the interview gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. The interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for.

To present your qualifications most advantageously, you have to prepare for the interview: you should know how to act to make the interview an opportunity to “sell” your skills.

Careers officer speaking:

– What makes a good interview? First, good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you. Guideline number one is – find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview. For example, you can get a lot of useful information from the company’s brochures, annual reports, and catalogues. Two, find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are. It’s very useful to know something about the interviewers before you meet them. And three, make a checklist of the questions you want to ask at the interview. Remember an interview is two-way process. The company finds out as much as possible about you, and you find as much as possible about the company.

So, that’s what you need to do before the interview.

Now the interview itself. There are seven more guidelines to remember here.

Guideline number four: dress smartly. A suit or something formal is best. Five, arrive in good time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing you can do. Rule number six: create a good first impression. First impressions are very important. Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. Guideline number seven: try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. I know that’s difficult. As a rule, people don’t feel relaxed, but your body language gives the interviewer a lot of information about you. You want that information to be positive. Number eight: don’t give only “Yes” or “No” answers. Talk freely about yourself, give reasons for your opinions, and explain why you’re interested in the job. Nine: ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you’re interested! Finally, guideline number ten: learn from the interview. Analyze your performance afterwards and think how you can improve the next time!


  1. Look through the plan of the job interview. Can you give any other advice to a candidate?

Before the interview:

  1. Find out all you can about the company.
  2. Find out the interviewer’s name and office phone number.
  3. Find out where the interview is held.
  4. Find out how to get there and how long it will take you to get there.
  5. Make sure you know what the job involves.
  6. Dress to look clean and neat.

During the interview:

  1. Arrive early. Call ahead if you’re delayed.
  2. Try to smile and show confidence.
  3. Ask questions and show interest in the job.
  4. Be polite, listen carefully, and speak clearly.


  1. Don’t panic, even if faced by more than one person. (Breathe deeply and remember all your good points.)
  2. Don’t slouch or look bored. (Stand and sit straight, make eye contact.)
  3. Don’t smoke or chew gum.
  4. Don’t give one-word answer or say you don’t care what you do.


  1. Read, translate and role-play the dialogue.

Interviewer: Are you working?

Mr. Guzman: Yes, I am.

Interviewer: Exactly what do you do?

Mr. Guzman: I’m a mechanic. I work in a small auto shop with three mechanics and supervise all auto repairs. I diag­nose problems, make repairs and also check all the repairs in the shop. I have experience with both American and foreign cars.

Interviewer: How long have you been working there?

Mr. Guzman: For three years.

Interviewer: What other jobs have you had? And what did you do?

Mr. Guzman: I was a maintenance mechanic in a plastics factory. I repaired the production machinery. I also did all the general maintenance work and made all electrical re­pairs.

Interviewer: How long were you there?

Mr. Guzman: For about three years.

Interviewer: Tell me about your education and any special training you’ve had.

Mr. Guzman: I graduated from high school in Colombia in 1980. After high school I went to a university for one year and studied engineering. Now I’m studying English at Ale Community College.

Interviewer: What other skills do you have?

Mr. Guzman: I can do general bookkeeping and billing.

Interviewer: Why do you want to change your job?

Mr. Guzman: The auto shop I work in is very small. There is little room for advancement.

Interviewer: What hours can you work?

Mr. Guzman: I prefer to work days, but I could work any hours.


  1. Answer the questions.

What is your future profession? / What is your profession /oc­cupation?

Had you a dilemma in choosing your profession /occupation?

What subjects have you always given your preference to?

Did your parents (friends) impose their views, likes and dis­likes on you?

When did you make a choice to become an English teacher (a lawyer, an economist, an accountant, a doctor, a designer, etc.)?

What do you have to do to master English?

  1. What is your regular business?
  2. Have you got a big personnel /staff?
  3. How do you (your parents) earn your (their) living?
  4. What special education does your (future) profession require? Name some other occupations in which special education or training is required.
  5. How many hours a day do you (your parents) work?
  6. Are you satisfied with your salary?
  7. What are the merits and demerits of your (your parents’) job? Give your reasons.
  8. What is the noblest and most difficult of professions?

 Тема № 4

Тема: Ділова телефонна розмова. Домовленість про зустріч.


  1. Are there any differences between formal and informal telephone conversations?
  2. What are the main rules of a business call?
  3. What business call manners do you know?
  4. How do you usually make an appointment?


  1. Підготуватись до словникового диктанту.
  2. Вивчити правила ділового телефонного етикету, навчитись призначати ділову зустріч.

Список літератури:

  1. Business English. Бизнес-курс английского языка / Под ред. Е. И. Кобзарь, Н.А.Лешнёвой. – Харьков: Парус, 2007.– 152 с.
  2. Буданов С. І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128с.
  3. Шевелева С. А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.:ЮНИТИ,2000. – 438 с.


  1. Read and discuss the text, using the topical words

Topical words

to dial                                                       набирати номер

to ring/ to call smb up                              дзвонити по телефону

long distance/ international call               міжнародна розмова

to call back                                               передзвонювати

schedule                                                    розклад

May/ Can I speak to…                              Можна мені поговорити з …

Any message?                                           Щось передати?

The line is busy / engaged                        Лінія зайнята

Don’t hang up. Hold on.                           Не кладіть трубку

You are wanted on the phone                   Вас до телефону

You have the wrong number                    Ви помилились номером

Can you put me through?                          Чи можете ви мене з’єднати?

Telephone Etiquette

Everybody has tough days. Before picking up the telephone, smile. It will help a voice sound pleasant even if not feeling pleasant. Here are some tips:

  • Be kind, polite, direct, enthusiastic, and speak with a strong voice.
  • Try to find a quiet room where there is no background noise (i.e. television, radio).
  • Do not yell at children or talk to others in the room while on the telephone.
  • Do not eat, drink, or chew gum while talking on the telephone.
  • Always have paper and pen by the telephone as well as resume, references, work history, questions.
  • Make sure the other people in household are prepared to take messages.
  • Do not let children answer the telephone.
  • Never put an employer on hold to answer call.
  • When a person in household answers the telephone, tell them not to ask who it is before they say if applicant is home.
  • If asleep when an employer calls, whoever answers the telephone should be instructed to wake the applicant immediately, especially if an employer is calling during the late morning or afternoon hours.
  • Make sure the telephone is answered by saying, “Hello”, NOT “Speak” or “Yeah”
  • When answering the telephone and the caller says, “Is__________ home?” DO NOT respond with: “Yes”. This is confusing to the caller. Instead, answer by saying, “This is he/she” or “Speaking”.

An answering machine/voice mail is used to take calls when an individual is out. If the individual does not have an answering machine, purchase one NOW so that calls from potential employers are not missed. If the individual has an answering machine, now is the time to update the “unusual” or “unique” greeting. Ask: “What will the future employer think of my message and how that message represents me?” Some tips:


  • Make sure message is polite, direct, and businesslike.
  • Make sure message can be understood clearly.
  • EXAMPLE: “Hello, this is (phone number). I am sorry I am not available to take your call right now. Please leave your name, telephone number, a brief message, and the best time to reach you. I will get back to you as soon as possible”.
  • Return telephone calls promptly

Do Not:    

  • Make crude comments or mention social references in message (i.e. I’m unable to answer my phone because I’m out partying).
  • Have music playing in the background.
  • Let children record the greeting.
  • Use multiple people when recording the greeting.

When leaving a message for someone to return telephone call, try to have the correct pronunciation of their name and make sure the following is clearly stated:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Message
  • The best time to call back
  • Name once again
  • Telephone number once again
  • Then hang up gently
  1. Work in pairs. Practice the telephone conversation, using the expressions you have learnt.
  2. 3. Read and discuss the telephone conversation. Write out the unknown words.

Making an Appointment

Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last four years. Before Mr. Protsenko went to London, he and his experts had gone through he latest catalogues of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers. When Mr. Protsenko arrived in London, he phoned the Ukrainian Trade Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.

Zotov: Ukrainian Trade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please. I’ll put you through.

Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov’s speaking. I’m glad I’ve got you on the phone. I hope you are well.

Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Protsenko, President of Techmachimport has come to London today. He’d like to talk to you.

Lipman: I’ll be glad to see Mr. Protsenko. We haven’t met since my last visit to Kyiv. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon.

Zotov: I’m afraid this time won’t be quite convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please?

Lipman: Yes, certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I’ll pass it on to Mr. Protsenko . Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.

  1. Read the dialogues; learn one of them by heart. 

Making an Appointment

Secretary: Two-four-nine; double eight-double two.

Mr. Ivanov: I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Jeffries. This is Mr. Ivanov speaking.

Secretary: Oh, yes, Mr. Ivanov. Good morning. I’ll get his schedule. Are you there?

Mr. Ivanov: Yes.

Secretary: When would you like to come, Mr. Ivanov?

Mr. Ivanov: Tomorrow, if possible.

Secretary: I’m afraid he’s tied up tomorrow. Is it urgent? If it is, perhaps we could fit you in somewhere.

Mr. Ivanov: No, it isn’t that urgent. Is the day after tomorrow possible?

Secretary: What time would you like to come?

Mr. Ivanov: As late as possible in the afternoon.

Secretary: I’m sorry, that afternoon’s full too. How is Friday afternoon at five?

Mr. Ivanov: Yes, thats perfect, thank you. Good-bye.

Making an Appointment with a Secretary

Mr. Petrov:  Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ward, please?

Mr. Ward: Speaking. Who is it, please?

Mr. Petrov: Good morning, Mr. Ward. This is Petrov, Mr. Gromov’s assistant. Mr. Gromov had to fly to Chicago on urgent business last night. He could not see you personally and so he asked me to get in touch with you instead and settle the matter you discussed.

Mr. Ward: Sure, Mr. Petrov. I’ll tell you what. Could you come over to my office, say, about 4 o’clock?

Mr. Petrov: Yes, that’s fine for me, Mr. Ward. I’ll be there.

Mr. Ward: O.K., I’ll be expecting you.           

Appointment with a Doctor

Mr. Nikolaev: Is that Dr. Morton’s office?

Secretary: Yes, sir.

Mr. Nikolaev: This is Nikolaev speaking. Could I have an appointment with the doctor in the middle of next week, please?

Secretary: Just a minute, sir I’ll check his schedule. Will Wednesday be all right?

Mr. Nikolaev: Yes, ifs fine. What time, please?

Secretary: Wednesday, at 6 p.m.

Mr. Nikolaev: Thank you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Thank you, sir. Good-bye.

Appointment with a Dentist

Mr. Nikolaev: Good morning. Could I speak to Dr Williams’s secretary, please?

Secretary: Speaking.

Mr. Nikolaev: My name is Nikolaev. I would like to have an appointment with the doctor.

Secretary: Is it something urgent, sir?

Mr. Nikolaev: Yes, rather. My son needs a dentist.

Secretary: I see. How old is he?

Mr. Nikolaev: He is about eight.

Secretary: Can you bring him tomorrow at eleven?

Mr. Nikolaev: That’s Thursday, isn’t it?

Secretary: Yes, sir.

Mr Nikolaev: That’s fine. Thank you very much.

  1. What would you say in reply to these remarks?
  2. This is Mr. Slow speaking. I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Gorelov. 2. I’m afraid I’ll be tied up tomorrow. Could you suggest an alternative date? 3. There’s something I’d like to talk to you about. When can we meet? 4. I’m afraid we cannot fit you in today but we could recommend you another dentist. 5. This is Mr. Fray’s secretary. I’m calling to confirm your appointment with Mr. Fray for tomorrow, at 10 a.m. 6. I’m calling to let you know that Mr. Bell will not be able to keep the appointment. He is away from London and won’t be back until after Wednesday. We are sorry about this.
  3. In what situations would you say the following?
  4. Sorry, we cannot fit you in today. 2. Let me consult my schedule. 3. Could you give me an alternative date? 4. I’m afraid Mr. Petrov will not be able to keep the appointment. 5. Could I make an appointment with the dentist? 6. I can give you a lift afterwards. 7. We’ve made an appointment for Wednesday tentatively. 8. I’m calling to confirm your appointment with my colleagues. 9. We’re looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. 10. I’d like to report the fault of my phone. 11. The line is completely dead.
  5. Role-play making an appointment by phone:

1) with your counterpart; 2) with a doctor; 3) with an engineer from the TV repair service; 4) with a dentist; 5) with a friend of yours; 6) with Mr. Brody, Sales Manager of a big company.

Тема № 5

Тема: Ділова кореспонденція. Структура, змістові частини та оформлення ділового листа. Лист-запит.


  1. What “golden rules” is the person to be guided by before starting to write a business letter?
  2. What kinds of sentences are used in a business letter?
  3. What characteristics of a letter are obliged to make it available to read and to understand?
  4. What are the seven steps in planning a business letter?
  5. What are the structural components of it? Enumerate them.


  1. Підготуватися до словникового диктанту.
  2. Скласти та проаналізувати один з ділових листів згідно з основними вимогами їх написання (структура, зміст, стиль, граматика та орфографія).

Список літератури:

  1. Агабекян И.П. Деловой английский. English for business. Серия «Высшее образование». – Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2004. – 320 с.
  2. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И. С. – 5-е изд., испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 352 с.: ил. (Серия «Вас ждет упех!»).
  3. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128с.
  4. Дарская В.Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. – М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.
  5. Хачатурова М.Ф. Английский язык для деловых контактов. – К.: Аконит, 2002. – 335 с.
  6. Read and discuss the texts with the help of topical words. Write out the unknown words.

Topical words

heading заголовок
irrelevant недоречний
draft чернетка
to include містити  (в собі)
essential необхідний, обов’язковий
concise короткий, стислий
courteous ввічливий, чемний
letterhead друкований бланк (установи)
addressee адресат
range низка, ряд
to enclose вкладати (в пакет), прикладати до листа
up-to-date сучасний
p.p. (“per procuretionem”) за дорученням
enc. (“enclosure”) вкладка, додаток
advertisement оголошення, реклама
to cancel анулювати, скасувати
quality якість
commodity товар
on the average у середньому
to reduce зменшувати, знижувати
concession поступка
letter of intent лист-зoбов’язання
execution виконання
exclusive right виключне право


“Golden Rules” for Writing Business Letters

  1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see at a glance what you are writing about.
  2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write.
  3. Use short sentences.
  4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.
  5. Use short words that everyone can understand.
  6. Think about your reader. Your reader …

… must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be CLEAR;

… must be given all necessary information: your letters should be COMPLETE;

… is a busy person with no time to waste: your letters should be CONCISE;

… must be addressed to in a polite tone: your letters should be COURTEOUS;

… may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar: your letters should be CORRECT.

Seven Steps in Planning a Business Letter

  1. Write down your aim: Why are you writing this letter?
  2. Assemble all the relevant information and documents.
  3. Arrange the points in order of importance. Make rough notes.
  4. Write an outline and check it through, considering these questions:

–  Have you left any important points out?

–  Can the order of presentation be made clear?

–  Have you included anything that is not relevant?

  1. Write a first draft, leaving space for additions and changes.
  2. Revise your first draft by considering these questions:


–   Does it cover all the essential points?

–   Is it correct, relevant and complete?


–   Are the grammar, spelling and punctuation correct?


–   Does it look attractive?

–   Does it sound natural and sincere?

–   Is it the kind of letter you would like to receive yourself?

–   Is it clear, concise and courteous?

–   Will it give the right impression?

  1. Write, type or dictate your final version.
  2. Look through the structure of a business letter

Structure of the Letter

  1. Sender’s address / Date.
  2. Inside address (receiver’s address).
  3. Attention line.
  4. Salutation.
  5. Body of the letter.
  6. Complimentary close.
  7. Signature.


  1. Analyze the following letter according to its structural points.

21 High Street, Blackheath,

London SE3B 5HY

Tel: 01-564-8843

7th May 2002

The address of the firm sending the letter (the letterhead) is often printed on the paper



The date

2 M.Lawson Esq, Manager,

Filbury & Johns,

20 Shaftsbury Avenue,

London W1A 4WW


The name, position, firm and address of the addressee


3 Ourref: DM/SK


Dear Mr Lawson,

The reference (the initials of the person writing the letter and the person who types it)
4 Thank you for your letter of 4th May enquiring about our range of office equipment. The first paragraph says why you are writing


5 I enclose an up-to-date price list and our latest catalogue which I hope includes something of interest to you. You will notice that we offer very favourable terms of payment. The second paragraph says what you want or what you are doing (the real reason for writing the letter)


6 I look forward to hearing from you again. The final paragraph is a polite ending
7 Yours sincerely You write ‘Yours sincerely”, if you know the name of the addressee and ‘Yours faithfully” if you don’t
8 David Eipley

Sales Manager

The signature

The person writing the letter

His position in the firm

9 Encs Here the enclosures are the catalogue and price list


  1. Use the given phrases in the business letter of your own.

Opening Phrases:

  • Dear Madam             – Шановна пані
  • Dear Sir – Шановний добродію
  • Dear Mister Malforn             – Шановний пане Малфорн
  • Dear Sirs – Шановні панове
  • We have received your letter of…  – Ми отримали Вашого листа від …
  • We thank you for your letter of… – Дякуємо за лист від …
  • We have the pleasure to inform you – Ми раді повідомити Вас
  • In reply to your letter of… – У відповідь на ваш лист від…
  • To inform you… – Повідомляємо вас…
  • We apologize for the delay             – Просимо пробачення за затримку з

in answering your letter.                                  відповіддю на ваш лист.

Linking Phrases:

  • There is no doubt that… – Безперечно…
  • It is necessary to note… – Необхідно відзначити, що…
  • We’d like to draw your attention to the fact… – Звертаємо вашу увагу на той факт…
  • Considering the above said… – Беручи до уваги сказане…
  • In this connection… – У цьому зв ‘язку…
  • In connection with your request… – У зв’язку з вашим проханням…
  • Otherwise we shall have… – У противному разі ми будемо


  • As regards your request… – Щодо вашого прохання…
  • Up till now we have received no reply. – Дотепер ми не отримали відповіді.
  • In case of delay… – У випадку затримки…
  • In case of your refusal… – У випадку вашої відмови…
  • In case you fail to make payments… – У випадку несплати…

Closing Phrases:

  • We are looking forward to receiving your          – Чекаємо вашої згоди/схвалення/

consent/approval/confirmation.                                   підтвердження.

  • Your prompt execution of our order would      – Будемо вам вдячні за швидке

be appreciated.                                                           виконання нашого замовлення.

.•  We wish to maintain cooperation with you.           – Сподіваємося підтримувати


  • Your early reply will be appreciated.      – Будемо вам вдячні за швидку


  • We are looking forward to hearing from you.      – Сподіваємося отримати від Вас

відповідь найближчим часом.

  • If we can be of any assistance, please do not    – Просимо звертатися до нас, якщо ви

hesitate to contact us.                                                   потребуєте допомоги.

  • Yours faithfully/ sincerely                                     – З повагою
  1. Read and discuss the structure of the following letter according to the given statements and rules.

D. Clark,

Sales Manager,

Priston & Co Ltd,

28 Kolas Court,

North Middletown, NJ

07734 USA

5th March 2001

Our ref: MP/NK


Dear Mr. Clark,

Thank you for your offer of 3rd March.

We are favourably impressed by the quality of your commodity, but feel that the price is rather high. The prices quoted by other suppliers are, on the average, 10% lower. However, in view of the high quality of your commodity, we are ready to make a deal with you if you re-examine your prices. If you reduce your price by 5% we will place an order for some 10.000 items. We trust that in view of the size of the order you will see your way of making this concession.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Mike Parson

Sales Manager


  1. Answer the questions.
  2. Who is sending the letter?
  3. Who is receiving it?
  4. What is the opening phrase?
  5. The company is ready to purchase the commodity, isn’t it?
  6. What is its requirement?
  7. What quantity is it ready to buy?
  8. Do you think it is worth to make this concession?
  9. What is the closing phrase?  
  10. Translate into English.
  11. Ми отримали вашого листа від 13 вересня 2002. 2. Дякуємо за лист-зoбов’язання від 1березня. 3. Я надсилаю вам цей лист з проханням надіслати каталог вашої продукції. 4. Ми готові співпрацювати з вами. 5. Ми хочемо закупити таку продукцію. 6. Компанія має виключне право на виготовлення цих товарів.
  12. Analyze the structure and the content of the enquiry letter as one of the business letter samples.

Topical words:

clothing одяг
catalogue (Am. catalog) каталог
suitable підходящий
quotation пропозиція, розцінки
to require вимагати
supply поставка
to supply поставляти
payment платіж
Letter of Credit (L/C) акредитив
early reply швидка відповідь
quantity кількість



Ladies’ Clothing

306,3d Avenue

Chicago, Ill 60602


Oct. 21, 2000



118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D



We saw a collection of women’s dresses in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market. Would you kindly send us your quotation for clothing that you could supply to us by the end of November? We would require 1,000 dresses in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16.

We propose the payment made by Letter of Credit.

Thank you for an early reply.

Very truly yours






  1. Answer the questions:
  2. What do the Buyers ask for in their enquiry letter?
  3. What quantities of goods do they require?
  4. What terms of payment do the Buyers propose?
  5. Fill in the missing pronouns: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, anything, something, nothing, everything
  6. The question is not difficult and … can answer it. 2. … called yesterday but he left no message. 3. Can … help me? 4. It is too late. I think there is … in the office now. 5. There is … interesting in this letter. 6. Is there … here who knows English? 7. You must find … who can offer it to you. 8. … knew the time of briefing. 9. Please, write to us if you want to order … else. 10. There is … in the office. I don’t know him. 11. Please, tell us … about your obligations. 12. Is there … you want to offer me? 13. We have … new in our catalogue. 14. There is … interesting in this offer.
  7. Study new business proverbs:
  • A man is known by the company he keeps.
  • Failing to plan is planning to fail.
  • From those to whom much is given, much is expected.
  • If ifs and ands were pots and pans there’d be no work for tinkers.
  • Money can’t buy everything, but everything needs money.
  • Never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

Not until just before dawn do people sleep best; not until people get old do they 6

Тема № 6: Види ділових листів


  1. What types of business letter do you know?
  2. What letters of two types are often used?
  3. What is the main aim of an offer?
  4. What information do the offers usually include?
  5. What are the types of the quotation?
  6. What phrases do usually open a free offer?
  7. How do a free and a firm offers differ from each other?


  1. Підготувати доповідь на тему: «Основні види ділових листів».
  2. Скласти 2 зразки ділового листа.

Список літератури:

  1. Агабекян И.П. Деловой английский. English for business. Серия «Высшее образование». – Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2004. – 320 с.
  2. Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И.С. – 5-е изд., испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 352 с.: ил. (Серия «Вас ждет упех!»).
  3. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.
  4. Дарская В. Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. – М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.
  5. Хачатурова М. Ф. Английский язык для деловых контактов. – К.: Аконит, 2002. – 335 с.
  6. Read and translate the texts with the help of topical words.

Topical words

firm offer тверда пропозиція
are pleased раді
regarding що стосується
with regard to відносно
size розмір
to require вимагати
nearly майже
quantity кількість
obtainable який може бути отриманий
subject to за умови, що…
to deliver поставляти
to receive отримувати
to prefer надавати перевагу
air freight перевезення повітряним шляхом
kind рід, вид, сорт
shipment відвантаження
to charge назначати ціну
cost вартість, витрати
extra at cost за додаткову сплату


The Types of Business Letters.

There are different kinds of business letters, used for different purposes. They are divided into two types: the business to business type and the business to client type.

Business-to-business types are intended for company to company communication. Examples are:

  • Appreciation letter – a letter of gratitude and appreciation for help extended, or a good business deal.
  • Thank you – is a letter of gratitude.
  • Congratulations – is a letter that praises the recipient for a job well done.
  • Letter of recognition – a written statement of recognized efforts similar to an appreciation letter.
  • Letter of reference – is a character reference letter. It is a letter building up the character of a person to be accepted in a job.
  • Recommendation – is an endorsement letter to hire a certain person.
  • Sympathy letter – is a letter of condolences to a person or family.
  • Invitation letter – is a letter persuading a person or a company to join an event or an occasion.
  • Letter of credit – is a way of endorsing a certain business to be considered a credit loan.
  • Letter of interest – a reply to an invitation that confirms presence on the event/occasion.
  • Business memorandum – notices that are distributed to the staff. They are reminders of company activities, or imminent changes in the company.
  • Business introduction – is done to introduce a new business to the readers.
  • Business letter – a letter that talks about the plans for the business.
  • Donation letter – a letter asking for donations.
  • Termination letter – more popularly known as a resignation letter. It signifies someone’s desire to leave a job permanently.

Business-to-Client letters are:

  • Welcome letter – welcomes the client and thanks him for choosing the company.
  • Letter of appreciation – thanks the client for having business with the company.
  • Apology letter – asks the client for reconsideration, and apologizes for failing to deliver.
  • Collection letter – notices outstanding payments due.
  • Invoice letter template – this is asking the clients to state the invoice number of their transactions.
  • Letter of invitation – invites a client to join a certain gathering.
  • Marketing letter – is stating the newest products that the company will provide soon or is presently providing.
  • Rejection letter – is stating the rejection of the client’s request.

Business letters are more formal in writing. Follow the formats strictly. Be concise, clear and direct to the point.

An Offer. Kinds of Offers

An offer (a quotation) is a statement by the Sellers usually in written form expressing their wish to sell the goods. Offers as a rule include the following information:

— the description of the goods offered (their quality, quantity);

— detailed prices, discounts and terms of payment;

— the date or the time and place of delivery.

There are two kinds of offers.

A free offer is made when Seller offers goods to regular customers without waiting for an enquiry and sends quotation to those who may be interested in the goods. These offers were formerly called offers without obligation. There must be an indication in such an offer that it is made subject to the goods being available when the order is received.   The opening phrases in free offers may be: “We think you will be interested in our quotation for the goods” or “We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue (or the price-list of our products)”.

A firm offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated (i.e. at a stated price and within a stated period of time). This promise may be expressed in a letter in the following words: “We make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of May at the price quoted” or in some other words like: “The offer is subject to acceptance within fourteen days”, or “The offer is open for acceptance until the fifteenth of January”.

The Sellers making a firm offer have the right to withdraw it at any time before it has been accepted. In practice, however, no seller will risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated time.


  1. Read one of the examples of a business letter. State to what type it belongs to.

118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D


Oct. 28, 2000



Ladies’ Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602


Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to make you a firm offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the models are obtainable and can be delivered to you by the end of November. All other models of dresses can be supplied by the middle of December 2000, subject to our receiving your order by 15th of November. If you prefer the goods to be shipped by air freight, this kind of shipment will be charged extra at cost.

Yours faithfully,



Export Department



  1. Answer the questions.
  2. When can the Sellers deliver the goods to the Buyers?
  3. When can the Sellers supply all other models of dresses?
  4. What is charged extra at cost?


  1. Write the offer of your own using the given phrases and expressions.

Expressions used in enquiries for catalogues, brochures, etc. and in answers to such enquiries

We shall be obliged if you will send us your latest catalogues, brochures or any other publications. Ми будемо зобов’язані, якщо Ви       надішлете нам останні каталоги, брошури або будь-які інші публікації.
We are pleased to enclose our latest catalogue illustrating our range of products, which we trust you will find useful. Ми раді додати наш останній каталог, який ілюструє асортимент наших виробів, які, на нашу думку, Вас зацікавлять.
As soon as the catalogues are available, we will send you some copies. Як тільки-но каталоги будуть в наявності, ми надішлемо Вам декілька копій.
We regret to advise you that our catalogue is out of print. На жаль, ми повідомляємо Вам, що весь тираж нашого каталогу розійшовся.
We are interested in … advertised by you in this catalogue. Мі зацікавлені…, який Ви рекламуєте в цьому каталозі.
If you require further copies of this catalogue, please do not hesitate to write to us. Якщо Вам потрібні ще копії цього каталогу, будь-ласка, повідомте нам.
The goods to which you refer are not in stock and therefore no catalogues are    available as yet. Товарів, на які Ви посилаєтесь, немає в   наявності, і тому каталогів ще нема.
We enclose for your information our brochure and leaflet that we trust you will find useful. Ми додаємо для Вашої інформації брошуру та рекламний листок, які, на нашу думку, Ви знайдете корисними.
We have been informed by… that you are manufacturers and exporters of… Ми були проінформовані…, що Ви –  виробники та експортери…
We have seen your advertisement in… Ми бачили Вашу рекламу в…
We refer to your advertisement in… Ми посилаємося на Вашу рекламу в…
We shall be glad to answer any additional questions you may ask. Ми будемо раді відповісти на будь-які додаткові питання, які Ви можете поставити.


  1. Exercise your grammar. Fill in the missing pronouns: much, many, little, few, a little, a few.
  2. Will it take … time to answer this letter? 2. We give the customers … catalogues of our products. 3. We had … time, so we couldn’t prepare the goods for shipping. 4. Your order will receive … attention. 5. I like it here. Let’s stay here … longer. 6. She wrote us … letters from abroad. 7. There was … sugar in the bowl, and we had to put … sugar there. 8. I know French … and I can help you with the translation of this text. 9. Thank you very …! 10. I want to say … words about my travelling. 11. Please don’t ask me … questions. 12. How … money have you got? 13.We usually spend … money on advertising. 14. … in this work was too difficult for me. 15. There were … new orders and we spent … time executing them.
  3. Study new business proverbs:
  • Nothing succeeds like success.
  • Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
  • Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • Rome was not built in a day.
  • Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.
  • Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.
  • Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.

Тема № 7

Тема: Електронні засоби зв’язку. Факс. Телекс.


  1. What is the principle of a fax machine work?
  2. What is fax?
  3. What are the advantages of sending messages by fax?
  4. How is sending messages by telex performed?
  5. How can one correct the mistake made while sending a telex?
  6. Name the abbreviations used when sending telexes.

Список літератури:

  1. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.
  2. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.
  3. Науменко Л. П. Business English Course: Бизнес-курс английского языка. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 448 с. – Англ., рус.


Topical words






to measure

to vary


to transfer

chain store

to circulate








to replace




план, проект


гніздо, паз



міняти(ся), змінювати(ся)

доказ, свідчення


однотипні магазини однієї фірми

поширювати, передавати


пам’ятна записка

відділення, філія


вантаж, партія товарів





кожний окремий предмет


  1. Read and translate the text.


The word “fax” comes from the word “facsimile”. A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax ma­chines which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary ac­cording to the time of day and where the fax is being sent. The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.


  1. Read and discuss the following faxes.
  2. a) This fax is from Lynk & Co, who received a damaged consignment and was told by their supplier, Mr Causio, to return it.
  3. Lynk & Co. Ltd

(Head office), Nelson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL.

Telephone: 021-327 5385 Cables: MENFINCH Birmingham Telex: 556241

Fax transmission from: K. Pane

Message for: D Causio

Address: Satex S.p.A., Via di Pietra Papa, Date: 24 January 20


Fax number: (06) 394 8629

Dear Mr. Causio,

This is an urgent request for a consignment to replace the damaged delivery which we received, and about which you have already been informed.

Please air freight the following items:


Cat. no.                                     Quantity

PN40                                              60

AG20                                              75

L28                                                100

The damaged consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement.

Yours sincerely,


Chief Buyer

  1. b) This fax is an example of an informal message from a sales repre­sentative, who needs something to be done urgently by his Head Of­fice. Notice that the fax is kept brief and clear.


Canal Street, Manchester M12 4KQ

Fax transmission

From: Nick Manson

To: Sue Bresson


I’ve been in Bournemouth now since yesterday, and our clients seem to be most enthusiastic about our new range of notepaper. Can you send some more samples and about twenty more catalogues? Please send them Data post, and then I’ll definitely get them tomorrow.

Also, just to let you know I’ll be in Norwich on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th and back at the office on the Monday.

Thanks, and see you next week.

  1. Complete the dialogue.

A: Where does the word “fax” come from?

B: …………………………………………………………………………..

A: What can a fax machine do?

B: …………………………………………………………………………..

A: When did this means of communication develop?

B: ………………………………..

A: How does it function?

B: ………………………………..

A: And how are charges measured?

B: ………………………………..

A: What are the advantages of fax?

B: ………………………………..

  1. Write two faxes: one – formal, the other – informal.
  2. Read and translate the text. Write out the unknown words.

The Telex

The mobile telephone, fast train and air travel have cut the problem of distance for today’s business executives. However, where the addressee cannot be reached by telephone, the fax and the telex messages may still prove valuable. Generally speaking, telex machines are now used only where there is a need for a legal proof and when a fax message is unacceptable.

The telex is a machine like a typewriter, but with a dial on its casing. A message can be sent by dialing the receiver’s number, by dialing and using the keyboard for some countries, or by ask­ing the operator to connect you.

The telex has all the advantages of sending a cable and in addition it operates in the office and offers a direct line. It is available twenty-four hours a day, and can send cables as well as telex messages.

Operating the telex: once the telex operator has dialed the code, an answerback code will appear on the teleprinter indicating that the sender is through. If the wrong code appears, the sender dials again. The message is typed, as with a normal typewriter, and appears on the receiver’s machine.

Corrections are made by typing five X’s: WE ARE SEDXXXXXSENDING ORDER.

Each telex message is finished with + sign, if the end is not clear; + + sign is used after the last message; + ? sign at the end of a message means either “reply, confirm” or “A further message will be sent”.


  1. Study the layout and the language of telexes.

The Layout of the Telex:






Sender’s name


194381 FL NT Q





PL1350 33 O/O+?


Telexes have their own language. Some words are left out altogether, e.g. articles, prepositions, pronouns “I”, “you”, auxiliary verbs “to be”, “to have”, “will”. Instead of “I’ll write soon” it is written “WRITING SOON” or “LETTER FOLLOWS”; instead of “Please will you write soon” –“PLEASE WRITE SOON”.

Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message, so telex operators have developed their own abbreviations:

ASAP, SOONEST – as soon as possible

ATTN – attention

CFM – confirm, I confirm

EEE – error

ETA – estimate time of arrival

EXT – extension

FIN – I have finished my message now

FR – from

L/C – letter of credit

MGR – manager

MOM – waits, waiting

PLS, SVP – please

RAP – I shall call you back

RECALL – call me back

RODS – regards

THRU – through

THKS – thanks

TLX – telex

U – you

W – words

X – error

Figures and symbols should be written in words, e.g.: FIFTY DOLLARS for $50.00; AT for @; PER CENT for %.

The word “telex” can be used as a noun, a verb and a participle, e.g.: “Please telex as soon as possible” or “We received a telexed reply”.


  1. Decode the following two telexes



FR:             STEVE FOX





APR 7 2000



RE     YR      TLX      86/742







  1. Write these sentences as if you are sending a telex.
  2. I have booked your flight to Manchester, departing from Brussels at 12:30 on Monday.
  3. Would you please inform your representatives?
  4. I would be happy if you could suggest a suitable meeting date in August or September.
  5. Would you please tell us which day you will be returning?
  6. The Madrid conference has been postponed.
  7. Thank you for your letter.
  8. I can confirm that your order number 442/7 (550 rolls of wire netting) was dispatched on 24th November.
  9. I intend to meet Foster and Gamble on Wednesday, and shall fly back two days later.
  10. Consignment No. 441 should arrive Southampton on M.S. Atlanta tomorrow.
  11. I met Mr. Larwood yesterday. Everything is satisfactory.


  1. Change the following message into telex.

With reference to the construction of the new administrative building, the drawings and details of the project which have so far been received from the consultants are now available. Each department head is asked to study them and forward their comments to this department as soon as possible so that the necessary action can be taken.

  1. Underline the key message words in the below text. List the main points covered in the telex.







  1. The following telexes have just come to you. Paraphrase them verbally and choose the correct action to be taken in the questionnaire.






Choose the correct action to be taken in each of the following:

  1. (a) Call sender when you receive copies of documents.

(b) Send two documents to Munich.

(c) No action to be taken.

(d) Call sender to discuss approach to adopt.

  1. (a) Call to confirm telephone conversation.

(b) No action to be taken.

(c) Inform sender of your requirements re shares.

  1. (a) You must pay your debt immediately.

(b) No action to be taken.

(c) Call sender’s office immediately.

(d) Pay administration costs.


Тема № 8

Тема: Інтернет. Електронна пошта.


  1. Tell the story of creating the Internet.
  2. What is the purpose of using the Internet?
  3. Which main spheres/branches of using the Internet do you know?
  4. What is e-mail?
  5. How does a typical e-mail address look like? Give examples.
  6. What does an e-mail message consist of?
  7. Name abbreviations used when writing an e-mail message.

Список літератури:

  1. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.
  2. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.
  3. Науменко Л. П. Business English Course: Бизнес-курс английского языка. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 448 с. – Англ., рус.


  1. Read and discuss the text. Write out the unknown words.


The best way to think of the Internet, or Net as it is often called, is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world. At present, more than 33 million people use Internet and over three million computers worldwide are linked in. They use the Net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail.

The Net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four computers. By 1972 the number had risen to 40. About this time the idea of electronic mailbox was born. By 1984 the Internet began to develop into the form we know it today.

The Internet can be divided into five broad areas.

Electronic mail, which is much faster than traditional mail. Any­thing that can be digitized (converted into digital form) – pictures, sound, video – can be sent, retrieved, and printed at the other end.

Information sites. This is perhaps the fastest growing area of the Internet as more and more people put their own information pages on line. Computers process vast amounts of information very fast, by specifying a key word or phrase. The computer can then search around the Net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usu­ally stored on big computers that exist all over the world. The beauty of the Net is that you can access all of them from your home, using your own PC.

The World Wide Web, usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast network of information databases that feature text, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can go on a tour of a museum or exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotels and holidays.

Usenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Each newsgroup consists of messages and information posted by other us­ers. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they are popular with universities and businesses.

Telnet programs allow you to use your personal computer to ac­cess a powerful mainframe computer.


  1. Make the following sentences complete.

More than 33 million people use the Net for…………………

It was in the late 1960s when……………………………………..

By 1984…………………………………………………………………..

  1. ……………………………………….. five broad areas.
  2. Anything that can be digitized, can………………………….
  3. One thing that computers do very well is………………….
  4. On WWW you can………………………………………………..
  5. More than 10,000…………………………………………………..


  1. 3. Read and discuss the text. Try to retell it.

Topical words

to retrieve – отримувати; знайти

password – пароль

use rid – ідентифікація користувача; ім’я або псевдонім

personal handle – приватне користування, особистий код

domain – домен (місцезнаходження або сфера діяльності адресанта)

server – сервер, накопичувач

login – логін (комп’ютерне ім’я)

Inbox Входящие
Sent Items Отправленные
Outbox Исходящие
Deleted Items Удалённые
Empty Deleted Items Folder Очистить папку «Удалённые»
Tools/Check for New Mail Сервис/Доставить почту
Insert (Attach) File Прикрепить файл
View/Current View

Messages with AutoPreview

Вид/Текущее представление

Сообщение с автопросмотром

Mark as Read Отметить как прочитанное
Reply Ответить
Reply All Ответить всем
IP address цифрова адреса комп’ютера

(напр., і т.п.)

URL текстова адреса комп’ютера в Інтернеті, зручна для запам’ятовування (напр., і т.п.)



The electronic mail (e-mail) was started in the late 60s by the U.S. military that were searching for a way of communication in the event of a large-scale nuclear war. They needed a system that would be decentralized, reliable, and fast in case the central institutions were destroyed. They came up with e-mail.

In the early 70s, e-mail was limited to the U.S. military, defense contractors, and universities doing defense research. By the 70s it had begun to spread more broadly within university communities. By the 80s, academics in a number of fields were using e-mail for professional collaboration. The 90s saw an explosion of the use of e-mail and other computing networking. It is estimated that more than 25 million people throughout the world were using it in the mid-90s.

E-mail is a way of sending a message from one computer to one or more other computers around the world. A subscriber to e-mail needs a terminal, such as a PC, a telephone line, and a modem, which is a device of converting signals into text. E-mail users must also have access to a mailbox, which they can call from anywhere in the world to retrieve messages. They receive a mailbox number and a password for confidentiality.

E-mail is fast, cheap, and relatively reliable. It permits to send large amounts of information to different addressees and allows people to retrieve messages at any time.

A typical e-mail address is: (the e-mail address of the A.S.K. Publishers House). The part to the left of the @ sign, called use rid, has been chosen as a personal handle. The part to the right is called the domain and represents the particular computer that receives and delivers the message.

E-mail message usually comes into two parts: the heading and the body. The heading includes: the date, the writer’s name, the addressee’s name, which is to receive a copy (c.c.), if any, and the subject. The body of the message bears an ordinary content of a letter but a bit shorter.

The golden rule for writing e-mail messages is KISS (keep it short and simple). Use short phrases instead of long, active voice instead of passive; avoid foreign words, metaphors, and scientific terms.

There’s no bold in e-mail, so use capitals or asterisks. Among the abbreviations used in e-mail there are: BTW – by the way; IMHO – in my humble opinion; CONT – container; SHPT – shipment; RQST – request; BUZ – business; MESS – message.


  1. Rewrite the letter; substitute the phrases in bold type with more suitable ones for e-mail correspondence. Don’t hesitate to omit unnecessary information.
Dear Mr. Adams,

I have been informed today by your secretary that your firm is now ready to take our proposition for take-over. I am glad to hear that nevertheless the negotiations were too long and time-consuming we have come to a positive decision.

You will be informed by my secretary about our “rendez-vous” on my arrival from Brazil next week. I hope we will be able to discuss the matter over.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Nick O’Brien


  1. Complete the sentences with the enlisted words.
  2. a) INBOX
  3. b) OUTBOX
  4. c) SENT ITEMS
  6. e) REPLY
  7. f) FORWARD
  10. i) capital/small/at/dot
  11. j) DRAFTS


  • My address is, that’s ______ H ______ o-l-l-y ______W ______ o-o-d-s ______ hotmail ______ com.
  • I need my ______ to add/remove/amend e-mail addresses.
  • My ______ is where my incoming messages are stored.
  • If I ______ a message it goes on to another person.
  • With “______” I can write a new letter.
  • If I press ______ I connect with Internet.
  • I look at ______ to see what messages I have sent.
  • Before being sent across Internet, my messages are stored in the ______ .
  • I need to send an answer to that message, I’ll use ______ .
  • I’ll have to finish that e-mail later, I’ll store it in ______ .


  1. A “smiley” is a symbol in the Internet to express your emotions. What is the meaning of the following symbols?



  1. 🙂
  2. 🙁 or :-<
  3. :-#
  4. .-)
  5. :-=
  6. 😮
  7. :-t
  8. :-/
  9. l-l
  10. :-&


The user:


  1. will not say anything
  2. is cross
  3. has a moustache
  4. is undecided
  5. is tongue-tied
  6. is winking at you
  7. is surprised/ shocked
  8. is sad
  9. is happy
  10. is asleep

  1. There are a lot of words/phrases for the Internet. Match the following terms and phrases with their explanations.
1. attachment a) where you incoming messages are stored.
2. bandwidth b) pass along an e-mail to another address.
3. bcc c) the speaker is considered incompetent or ignorant.
4. bounce message d) a quotation added to a signature.
5. forward e) error message returned by an e-mail system.
6. mailbox f) an emotional and often angry or rude message.
7. sig quote g) blind courtesy copy.
8. spam h) a measure of how much information can be sent.
9. a flam i) unsolicited e-mail messages (usually unwanted).
10. burble j) a file linked to an e-mail message.


  1. Choose the correct definition.


  1. E-business a) economic business
  2. b) electronic business
  3. T-commerce a) total commerce
  4. b) television commerce
  5. C2B a) customer to business
  6. b) client to boss
  7. B2B a) buyer to boss
  8. b) business to business
  9. IMO a) international monetary


  1. b) in my opinion
  2. IMHO a) in my humble opinion
  3. b) international monetary help organization
  4. OTL a) over the limit
  5. b) out to lunch
  6. HSIK a) how should I know
  7. b) have something in kit
  8. SPAM a) unwanted mail
  9. b) compacted meat
  10. LOL a) look over lengthily
  11. b) laugh out loud
  12. BBL a) bring back later
  13. b) be back later
  14. TTYL a) talk to you later
  15. b) the time you left
  16. NOYB a) not only your business
  17. b) none of your business
  18. FWIW a) for what it’s worth
  19. b) full with internet words
  20. IRC a) internet relay chat
  21. b) internal relay comment

Тема: Повторення.

Питання до заліку:

1)            What is the first step in a successful search for a job?

  • What questions must you ask yourself beginning to search for a job?
  • What methods of finding a job do you know?
  • Why should you read the want ads?
  • What may the ad tell you about?
  • What suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively?
  • What is a resume?
  • What are the basic requirements for a good resume?
  • How many types of resumes do you know? What do they differ in?
  • What type of resume is the most popular with the recruiters?
  • What information is recommended to exclude from your resume?
  • Which of special suggestions that can help you write a perfect resume do you think are the most important?
  • How do you understand the meaning of the word “the job interview”?
  • What does the employer judge during the interview?
  • What makes a good interview?
  • Which guidelines do you think are the most important? Why?
  • Can you give any other advice to a candidate?
  • What are the “Golden Rules” for writing business letters?
  • What steps in planning a business letter do you know?
  • Which steps do you think are the most important? Why?
  • What is the structure of the letter?
  • What are the opening (closing, linking) phrases in a business letters?
  • What types of business letter do you know?
  • What letters of two types are often used?
  • What is the main aim of an offer?
  • What information do the offers usually include?
  • What are the types of the quotation?
  • What phrases do usually open a free offer?
  • How do a free and a firm offers differ from each other?
  • What is the principle of a fax machine work?
  • What is fax?
  • What are the advantages of sending messages by fax?
  • How is sending messages by telex performed?
  • How can one correct the mistake made while sending a telex?
  • Name the abbreviations used when sending telexes.
  • Tell the story of creating the Internet.
  • What is the purpose of using the Internet?
  • Which main spheres/branches of using the Internet do you know?
  • What is e-mail?
  • How does a typical e-mail address look like? Give examples.
  • What does an e-mail message consist of?
  • Name abbreviations used when writing an e-mail message.


Список літератури :

  1. Андрюшкин А. П. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учебное пособие. – 3‑е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2008. – 332 с.
  2. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина II: Навч. посіб. для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263 с.
  3. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128с.
  4. Дарская В. Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. – М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.
  5. Карпусь И. А. Английский деловой язык: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – К.: МАУП, 1996. – 208 с.
  6. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.


Залікова контрольна робота

  1. Translate from English into Ukrainian:   Translate from Ukrainian into English:

to implement the rules                                         електроний засіб комунікації

special skills                                                        домовлятися про переговори

to get a job                                                           мати привабливий вигляд

to vary evidences                                                 керувати установою

to circulate information                                       висвітлювати досягнення

to apply for a job                                                 вимагати кваліфікацію

up-to-date advertisement                                    уникати довгих речень

to plan the business letter                                    написати чернетку

to reduce the prices                                             закупити продукцію

to transfer data                                                    отримувати інформацію


  1. Translate into English:
  2. У 1972 народилася ідея створення електронної пошти в системі Інтернет.
  3. Створіть список запитань, які ви можете поставити вашому майбутньому роботодавцю.
  4. Пам’ятайте, що оголошення про прийом на роботу не єдиний засіб, який слід використовувати.
  5. Хронологічне резюме має список щодо досвіду навчання та робочого досвіду.
  6. Проаналізуйте співбесіду та подумайте, як ви можете вдосконалити її наступного разу.
  7. Просимо пробачення за затримку з відповіддю на ваш лист.
  8. Ми готові співпрацювати з вами.
  9. Він надасть проект контракту, як тільки він буде готовий.
  10. У порівнянні з телексом, електронна пошта дешевша та не вимагає втручання оператора.
  11. Під час співбесіди створюйте гарне перше враження.


  1. Answer the following questions:
  2. What can a fax machine do?
  3. What information is recommended to exclude from your resume?
  4. 3. How many types of resumes do you know?
  5. Which guidelines in a job interview do you think are the most important?
  6. What is the structure of a business letter?
  7. How can the Internet be divided into?
  8. Where does the word “fax” come from?
  9. Give examples of opening phrases in a business letter.
  10. What are the basic requirements for a good resume?
  11. Who is e-mail particularly advantageous for?


  1. Choose the correct definition of the:

1) fax –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

  1. b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;
  2. c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;
  3. d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;
  4. e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

2) e-mail –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

  1. b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;
  2. c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;
  3. d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;
  4. e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

3) telex –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

  1. b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;
  2. c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;
  3. d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;
  4. e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

4) Internet –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

  1. b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;
  2. c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;
  3. d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;
  4. e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

5) telephone –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

  1. b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;
  2. c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;
  3. d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;
  4. e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.


Модуль самостійної роботи:


  1. The company usually advertises the ______ _______ in a newspaper.
  2. a) job interview b) job title c) job requirements     d) job vacancy
  3. Find as much as possible about the company you are going to for a _______ _______.
  4. a) job advertisement b) job title c) job interview          d) job vacancy
  5. If you want to write a good resume you must know the _________ _________.
  6. a) chronological resume b) covering letter c) basic requirements  d) job interview
  7. Job advertisement usually gives the description of the ________ _________.
  8. a) targeted resume b) business letter c) working conditions  d) applicant’s needs
  9. At first a company chooses the best candidate and then makes an __________.
  10. a) appointment b) salary                      c) experience                           d) qualifications
  11. _______ ______ emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for.
  12. a) combination resume b) functional resume c) chronological resume        d) targeted resume
  13. It’s better to highlight your skills, ______ ________ in your resume.
  14. a) travel restrictions b) job vacancy  c) letter of application         d)professional experience
  15. When you write a business letter try to use ________ sentences.
  16. a) narrow            b) wide                       c) short                                     d) long
  17. A machine which can send a duplicate of message, document, design or photo is ________.
  18. a) fax b) telex                       c) e-mail                                    d) personal computer
  19. The _______ is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world.
  20. a) laptop            b) Internet                  c) e-mail                         d) PC
  21. Spam are usually unsolicited _________ ________ which are unwanted by the user.
  22. a) e-mail messages b) fax transfers c) business negotiations    d) telephone conversations
  23. Secretary is usually responsible for doing _________ ________ for the boss.
  24. a) application form b) curriculum vitae c) paper work             d) job vacancy
  25. _______ mail is much faster than traditional mail.
  26. a) electronics b) electric c) electricity                            d) electronic
  27. Telex messages have their own _______.
  28. a) addressee b) language c) number                   d) operator
  29. We give the _______ a few catalogues of our products.
  30. a) customers b) applicants c) vacancies                d) addressers
  31. Business-to-business letters are intended for company to _______ communication.
  32. a) client b) company                 c) applicant                 d) co-worker
  33. Most business _______ are arranged by telephone.
  34. a) telexes b) partners                  c) letters                      d) appointments
  35. An ______ ______ is used to take calls when the individual is out.
  36. a) electronic mail b) extended number c) answering machine             d) urgent call
  37. Requires for special training are normally included in the _____ _____.
  38. a) want ad b) targeted resume                  c) invitation letter       d) job interview
  39. ______ ______ are usually excluded from the resume.
  40. a) work objectives b) salary demands c) personal interests                d) special skills
  41. Make sure message can be understood _________.
  42. a) like b) more                       c) clearly                     d) sure
  43. Ask caller to hold _______.
  44. a) the line b)PC c) letters                      d) appointments
  45. The ad may tell you about ___________________________ for the job.
  46. a) resume b)  the Internet
  47. c) business letter requirements d) the education and work experience
  48. Before the job interview find out all you can about __________.
  49. a) means of telecommunication b) telephone units c) company d) dress
  50. E-mail is a way of sending a message from one computer to____________.
  51. a) electronic mail b) one or more other computers c) letters          d) urgent call
  52. Don’t mention ______ in your resume.
  53. a) telephone number b)  education experience         c) work experience             d) salary
  54. There are ___ types of a resume.
  55. a) 4 b) 3 c) 2                  d) 6
  56. The company makes a short list of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an__.
  57. a) education b) experience c) interview                 d) appointment
  58. Can you put me _______?
  59. a) away b) thought c) though                        d) through
  60. A resume is a kind of written sales _________.
  61. a) presentation b) license c) requirement                 d) schedules







Робота над текстом за темою „Business Etiquette” (діловий етикет)


  1. Read this text and choose one of these titles for it.
  2. A) When in Rome… D) Problems That Business People Face
  3. B) Travelling Abroad E) Good Manners, Good Business
  4. C) Doing Business in Europe F) I Didn’t Mean to Be Rude!


Nobody actually wants to cause offence but, as business becomes ever more international it is increasingly easy to get it wrong. There may be a single European market but it does not mean that they behave the same in Greece as they do in Denmark.

In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. In France good manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with everyone present. But Northern Europeans, such as the British and Scandinavians, are not quite so fond of physical demonstration.

In France it is not good manners to raise tricky questions of business over the main course. Business has its place: after the cheese course. Unless you are prepared to eat in silence, you have to talk about something – something, that is, other than the business deal which you are continually chewing over in your head.

In Germany, as you walk sadly back to your hotel room, you may wonder why your apparently friendly hosts have not invited you out for the evening. Don’t worry, it is probably nothing personal. Germans do not entertain business people with quite the same enthusiasm as some of their European counterparts.

The Germans are also notable for the amount of formality they bring to business. As an outsider, it is often difficult to know whether colleagues have been working together for 30 years or have just met in the lift. If you are used to calling people by their first names, this can be a little strange. To the Germans titles are important. Forgetting that someone should be called Herr Doktor or Frau Direktorin might cause serious offence. It’s equally offensive to call them by a title they do not possess.

In Italy the question of a title is further confused by the fact that everyone with a university degree can be called Dottore – and engineers, lawyers and architects may also expect to be called by their professional titles.

Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact, in Italy the biggest fear, as course after course appears, is that you entirely forget you are there on business. If you have the energy, you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally ends and offer to pay. Then after a lively discussion you must remember the next polite things to do – let your host pick up the bill.

These cultural challenges exist side by side with the problems of doing business in a foreign language. Language, of course, is full of difficulties – disaster may be only a syllable away. But the more you know of the culture of the country you are dealing with, the less likely you are to get into difficulties. It is worth the effort. It might be rather hard to explain that the reason you lost the contract was not the product of the price, but the fact that you offended your hosts in a light-hearted comment over on aperitif. Good manners are admired: they can also make or break the deal.


  1. 2. Decide if these statement are true « – » or false « + », according to the writer:
  2. In France you are expected to shake hands with everyone you meet.
  3. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.
  4. In France people prefer talking about business dur­ing meals.
  5. It is not polite to insist on paying for a meal if you are in Italy.
  6. Visitors to Germany never get taken out for meals.
  7. German business people don’t like to be called by their surnames.
  8. Make sure you know what the titles of the German people you meet are.
  9. Italian professionals are usually addressed by their
  10. A humorous remark always goes down well all over the world.
  11. Good manners can make the deal.
  12. Discuss these questions:
  13. Which of the ideas in the article do you disagree with?
  14. What would you tell a foreign visitor about «good manners» in Ukraine?
  15. How much do you think international business is improved by knowing about foreign people’s customs?


  1. Read the following point of view, agree or disagree with it, add more comments while expressing your own opinion on the topic.

Cultural differences influence business strategies and operations. Understanding them is difficult to overestimate.

Many of these cultures are complex and different from ours. To be successful in international business means to be good citizens of international community.

We should learn to honour and respect our own cultures and to develop tolerance and respect for other cultures.

No one can learn all there is to know about a foreign culture. But to show an interest means to create a climate of understanding and respect. The mere willingness to accept differences is of great impor­tance.


  1. Read, translate and comment on each of five items.

Cultural differences. Body language

  1. Standing with your hands on your hips is a gesture of defiance in Indonesia.
  2. Carrying on a conversation with your hands in your pockets makes a poor impression in France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden.
  3. When you shake your head from side to side, that means «yes» in Bulgaria and Sri Lanka.
  4. Crossing your legs to expose the sole of your shoe is really taboo in Muslim countries. In fact, to call a person a «shoe» is a deep insult.

Physical Contact

  1. Putting a child on the head is a grave offence in Thailand or Singapore, since the head is revered as the location of the soul.
  2. In the Oriental culture, touching another person is considered an invasion of privacy, while in Southern European and Arabic countries it is a sign of warmth and friendship.


  1. Be on time when invited for dinner in Denmark or in China.
  2. In Latin countries your host a business associate would be surprised if you arrived at the appointed hour.

Eating and Cooking

  1. It is rude to leave anything on your plate when eating in Norway, Malaysia, or Singapore.
  2. In Egypt, it is rude not to leave something.
  3. In Germany and Great Britain, margarine and butter are used.
  4. In Italy and Spain, cooking is done with oil.

Other Social Customs

  1. In Spain, there is a very negative attitude toward life insurance. By receiving insurance benefits, a wife feels that she is profiting from her husband’s death.
  2. In Western European countries, many consumers are still reluctant to buy anything (other than a house) on credit. Even for an automobile, they will pay cash having saved for some time.



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