If Clauses Type I – Form

If Clauses Type I – Form

  • In the if clause of a Conditional Sentence Type I, we use.
  • In the main clause of a Conditional Sentence Type I, we use.

Choose the correct form.

  • If weto London, wethe Tower.
  • If the shopopen, Ia souvenir.
  • If shethe bus, shehere on time.
  • Heme if hethe answer.
  • Janeyou in if Ihere.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

  • If you (eat) an ice-cream, I (have) a hot chocolate.
  • If she (need) a computer, her brother (give) her his computer.
  • If we (have / not) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.
  • He (talk) to her if you (want / not) to do it.
  • You (win / not) the game if you (know / not) the rules.

Before submitting the test, check the following:

  • Got the spelling right?
  • Put in the full stop or question mark where required?
  • Used the correct key to type the apostrophe (Shift and #)?

In the test we cannot give you a second try. Such careless mistakes would therefore cost you valuable points

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