The English lesson Topic: Travelling. It’s great to travel


  • Practical aim: to form lexical competence on the topic “Travelling” to develop the pupils’ skills and habits of unprepared speech.
  • Adjoining tasks: to develop the pupils’ grammar skills in using Present Indefinite and Past Indefinite Tenses related to the topic.
  • Cultural aim: to cultivate the pupils’ interest to learn different things about the world around us.
  • Developmental aims: to incorporate pupils’ pair and independent work; to develop creative thinking and mutual respect.
  • Equipment: pupils’ books and workbooks, topical pictures, a lap top computer.


The procedure of the lesson


I Greeting

Hello, children! It’s nice to see you! Well, everybody looks wonderful today. The topic of our lesson is “It’s great to travel”.


II Introductory teacher’s talk about travelling.


Everybody knows that modern life is impossible without travelling. We often travel for pleasure. While travelling you learn a lot of interesting things about the places you have visited, relax and after all you become homesick. But you realize how happy and lucky you were visiting the seaside or the mountains other countries and cities.

T.: What way of travelling do you prefer?

P.1: I prefer travelling by car. It’s more comfortable

P.2: I prefer travelling by air. It’s the fastest way of travelling.

P.3: I prefer travelling by train. It’s the cheapest way of travelling.

T.: Let’s revise the poem (altogether).


Over the mountains,

Over the plains

Over the rivers

Here come trains

Carrying passengers,

Carrying mail

Over the country

Here come trains.


III Revision of the vocabulary related to the topic.


So children we know a lot of worlds related to this topic. Let’s revise them (The pupils are given a printed exercise. Everyone can see it on the screen).


  1. Let’s match two parts of the expressions.


To have                           home

To get                             the bus

To travel                         cheap tickets

To visit                           a holiday

To miss                           by plane

To come back                 to the railway station

To spend                         beautiful places of interest

To buy                             a wonderful journey

To enjoy                          fantastic time



  1. Now children come up to the blackboard, divide into three groups and write down the verbs, the adjectives which will be helpful to discuss our topic. Read it please. “It’s Great to Travel”.


Nouns                                     Verbs                                         Adjectives

Journey, trip, voyage,              travel, swim, go,                        nice, beautiful, wonderful,

Seaside, beach, ticket,             buy, take, enjoy,                        fine, cheap, expensive,

Luggage, ship, car, bus,          be, arrive, play, spend,              excellent, great,

Train, holiday, weather,          feel, fly, get,                              fantastic, hot,

Summer, games, forest,           have, come back,                       sunny……………….

River, pictures…….                Catch, miss………….


       IV Work in group


You are very active today. Do you want to express you opinion about travelling?

Come up to the blackboard divide into two groups. So, the first team is the “The best Chance” and the second one is “A brilliant idea”. Take the sheets of paper. Look through, read and express your opinion and give your reasons beginning with the words’.

I’m sure………………., I believe …………………….


     The first team:

P.1: I believe travelling is the best chance to have a wonderful trip to the seaside because it’s fantastic.

P.2: I believe travelling is the best chance to go on a voyage on board the ship because it is excellent.

P.3: I believe travelling is the best chance to enjoy the beauty of nature because it is great.

P.4: I believe travelling is the best chance to spend much time swimming in the sea and playing different games on the beach.

P.5: I believe travelling is the best chance to visit our nearest and dearest.

P.6: I believe travelling is the best chance to enjoy your holidays in the mountains or the forest, near the river or near the lake.


The second team:

P.1: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a journey because it is interesting to visit many famous places.

P.2: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a trip because it is interesting to meet new friends.

P.3: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a hike to the mountains because it is the best chance to see their beauty.

P.4: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a journey to other countries to learn a lot of different things about the words around us.

P.5: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a journey because it is a good chance to take journey because it is a good chance to take nice pictures of places of interest.

P.6: I am sure it is a brilliant idea to go on a trip to other countries because it is interesting to learn different customs and traditions of people who live there.


T.: Thanks a lot! I see you are great travelers because you can express your opinion about travelling clearly. And I hope I’ll have a wonderful trip to the seaside in August.


V Develop speaking skills.

You see a touristic map of Europe. You can choose different places to visit on your holidays. Try to choose the best one and explain why the place is your choice.

P.1: I think Britain is the best country to visit, it has many historic places.

P.2: I am sure France is the best country to see because there are a lot of places of interest there.

P.3: I believe Italy is one of the beautiful countries to travel because the people are friendly and the nature is fantastic there.

P.4: I hope travelling to Greece is great. I think so because Greece is famous for its museums and historic places.

P.5: Of course Switzerland is really a nice place to spend holidays because you can enjoy visiting the Swiss Alps.

T.: I agree with you (P.5) because going to the mountains is one of the best ways to spend holidays.

So, let’s try to make up a story with the title “My Last Trip To The Mountains”.

I’ll be the first to start, and everybody will add to continue the story. Look at the screen.


  1. A lot of people in different countries are fond of travelling ……. P.1: by car, by train, by plane, by ship.
  2. I’d like to tell you about my last trip to the mountains……P.2:  It was in July.
  3. The first thing we did we went to the railway station and…..P.3:  bought tickets for a train.
  4. It was rather cheap and comfortable…. P.4: to go by train.
  5. It took us fourteen hours… P.5: to get there.
  6. The train arrived at the railway station…. P.6: early in the morning.
  7. We got off the train and… P.7: went to the bus stop by taxi.
  8. We were lucky to catch our bus…. P.8:  So we went straight to that place.
  9. Then we went some metres… P.9: on foot.
  10. It was not easy to go up the mountains because…. P.10: we took a lot of luggage with us.
  11. But we enjoyed watching the mountains and….. P.11:  the nature around us.
  12. We were happy!…. P.12: How beautiful it was in the mountains.
  13. We stayed there… P.13: for a week.
  14. Certainly we spent… P.14: a wonderful time there.
  15. We walked a lot,… P.15: played different games, sang songs.

T.: So, children our time is up. So, you have worked hard and I’m pleased with your active work.


VI Home assignment: make up a story “Travelling is the best chance to spend a wonderful time.”

VII Conclusions. The pupils get marks.

     Match the parts of the expression:

To have                         a holiday

To get                           to the railway station

To travel                       by plane

To visit                         beautiful places of interest

To miss                         the bus

To come back               home

To spend                      a fantastic time

To buy                          cheap tickets

To enjoy                       a wonderful journey

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