USE OF GRAMMAR for the 11th form

Choose the right variant.

  1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.
  2. a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.
  3. There were two answers, and … was right.
  4. a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.
  5. This dress is … as the one I had before.
  6. a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.
  7. He … here from 1955 to 1960.
  8. a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.
  9. He’s… his sister.
  10. a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.
  11. Be careful you don’t… your keys!
  12. a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.
  13. What they say may be true; you never can…
  14. a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.
  15. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.
  16. a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.
  17. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?
  18. a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,
  19. That man reminds me … my history teacher.
  20. a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.


  1. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.
  2. a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.
  3. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.
  4. a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.
  5. He was … tired to go on.
  6. a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.
  7. I … saw Michael two years ago.
  8. a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.
  9. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.
  10. a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.
  11. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)
  12. a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.
  13. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,
  14. a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.
  15. You … pay for this information. It’s free.
  16. a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.
  17. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.
  18. a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.
  19. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?
  20. a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.


  1. I need a holiday, … I?
  2. a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.
  3. Most of the cattle … under the trees.
  4. a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.
  5. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.
  6. a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.
  7. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,
  8. a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.
  9. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.
  10. a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.
  11. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?
  12. a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.
  13. … of the three boys got a prize,
  14. a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.
  15. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.
  16. a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.
  17. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.
  18. a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .
  19. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.
  20. a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.


  1. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.
  2. a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.
  3. Nothing is wrong,…?
  4. a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.
  5. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.
  6. a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.
  7. May I apologize … being so late?
  8. a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.
  9. All the furniture in this room … antique.
  10. a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.
  11. … traffic in the city center.
  12. a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.
  13. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.
  14. a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.
  15. She … the piano since she was ten.
  16. a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.
  17. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.
  18. a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.
  19. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.
  20. a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.


  1. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.
  2. a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.
  3. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,
  4. a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.
  5. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!
  6. a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.
  7. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”
  8. a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.
  9. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.
  10. a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.
  11. Open the window, … you?
  12. a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.
  13. You must try not to … so many mistakes.
  14. a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.
  15. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.
  16. a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.
  17. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,
  18. a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.
  19. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,
  20. a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d

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