Writing tasks




You would like to study in the US. Your teacher of English has given you the address of her old frienc you have never met.

Write a letter to the American contact to:

— introduce yourself and refer to your teacher’s help;

— say why you want to go to America;

— ask if s/he can help you to organize your stay there;

— ask about language schools situated next to his/her place.

You do not need to write any dates or addresses.




You are now on holiday traveling around Europe. Write a postcard to an English-speaking friend telling him/her:

— what places you have already visited;

— what sights impressed you most;

— what you are doing now;

— what is planned for the rest of the tour.

You do not need to write any dates or addresses.




An English-speaking friend who lives in another town in your country is going to visit your home for a few days. Send an email to your friend telling him/her:

— how to get to your house by public transport;

— what time you expect him/her;

— what you are going to do together during his/her stay.




You have been asked to organize a special event as a part of the school’s English Week. Suggestions include poetry reading, a poster presentation, music and songs, or the chance to meet the native speakers of English. Write a notice for the school notice board to advertise the event. In your notice:

— describe the kind of event you are planning;

— state exactly where and when it will be held;

— ask for volunteers to help with preparations;

— say how you can be contacted.




Your school teacher is starting an English club to help students improve their communication skills in their free time. You have been asked to write an advertisement about the new club for the school newsletter. In your advertisement:

— tell students about the club;

— outline possible activities;

— give details of the meeting place and time;

— encourage pupils to join.




You are looking for an opportunity to study English in some of the European countries. In the newspaper you found the contact details of the language college in Malta, yet no details about the courses taught were given in the advertisement.

Write a letter to the college asking about:

— the English courses available for international students;

— organization of the classes and exams;

— accommodation and leisure opportunities;

— tuition fees and discounts.

You do not need to write any dates or addresses.




Using the online program Travel Cheap you are planning a trip to Manchester with a group of your classmates. You’ve found a link to a cheap hostel near the University of Manchester. Write them an email

— explaining your accommodation needs;

— telling them the dates and length of your planned stay;

— asking about the conditions, charges and discounts available;

— asking about an opportunity to book places there.

You do not need to write any dates or addresses.




You have been asked to organize the English language week in your school. You want to attract some native speakers of English to take part in this event. Write an invitation letter to the local British Council office asking them to send their representatives to your school. Mention

— the purpose of the event;

— its audience;

— the date and place;

— your expectations from the guest speakers.




You have just returned from your holiday abroad and have found out that you have forgotten some of your belongings in the hotel. Write a letter to the hotel management and

— tell them when you stayed in this hotel;

— what was your room number;

— describe the things you have left in the room;

— instruct what you want them to do.

You do not need to write any dates or addresses.




You see this advertisement in the internet and decide to apply for this opportunity.



International Volunteer Program for Teens Traveling Independently

Teen Volunteer Abroad is a program specially designed for teenage volunteers (ages 15-17) who wish to travel independently on a Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS) volunteer program. In summer 2009, teen volunteers may choose from China, Costa Rica, Ghana, and Guatemala.

Teens will enjoy an action-packed 9-day or 2-week program, working side-by-side with local people at a CCS Partner Program in the community, enjoying Cultural & Learning Activities and other supervised trips to local markets and other sites of interest. 24-hour supervision is provided by English-speaking CCS in-country staff members trained to support teenagers living and volunteering in another culture.

WHO: Teens, ages 15-17

WHERE: China, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala

PROGRAM LENGTH: 9 days or 2 weeks


Write a motivation letter to the CCS Application Review Committee stating:

— your personal motivation for participating in this program;

— your goals and expectations for the Teen Volunteer Abroad program experience;

— why you think you are well suited for this program (support your answer with examples);

— your previous volunteer and international travel experiences.







Task 1


Read the sample.

Hi pals,

My name’s Iryna Semashko. I come from Ukraine. I’m 15 years old and I live in Yalta.

There are four of us in my family – me, my mum, dad and brother Taras, who is 12. My mum is a manager and my father works in a bank.

Taras and I both go to the same school in Yalta. It’s a really nice place at the seaside, and I’ve got some very good friends there. My favourite subject is history. At the moment we’re learning about mummies in Egypt, which is fun. I also like art and English. I find it extremely interesting!

In my free time I like to play volleyball, and in winter I go figure skating. Apart from sport I like watching TV, going to the movies and listening to music. My favourite singer is Maxim. It’s amazing that it’s a woman, not a man!

I am writing because I want to meet people from all over the world, so please send me an e-mail if you’d like to be my e-pal.

All the best,



Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write an e-mail (in 100-120 words) about yourself to your e-pal. Include the information:

– name, surname, age, where you live;

– family, parents’ occupation;

– school, subjects, friends;

– hobbies, free time;

– reason for your writing.






Task 1


Read the sample.

John White is applying for the job in the Bob’s supermarket. Read John White’s CV.


Name John White
Age 18
Nationality British
Permanent address 24 Green Street, Hatford London V23RD
Tel: 020 6785 5533
E-mail JWhite@gmail.com
Hadborough High School, Hatford
June 2010 – August 2010 part-time waiter at Mary’s cafe
diving, golf, films


Task 2


Complete this CV with details about yourself.


Last Name
First Name
Permanent address






Task 1


Read the sample.




Enthusiastic sports instructors wanted

for our winter camp in January,

working with groups of 10-12 year olds.

The previous experience is necessary.


Write with a CV to Mr Harasevych,

Winter Mountain Camp “Hoverla”



Dear Mr Harasevych,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in Weekly Job. I would like to apply for the position of sports instructor in your camp.

I am a reliable and hard-working person. I am very ambitious, too.

I am enclosing my CV with details of my qualifications and work experience. Last winter I worked at the mountain camp, so I have an experience of working as a ski instructor. If necessary I could send some references from my manager.

Please contact me if you require any further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Dombrovska


Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write a letter applying for the job in response to the advertisement in the local newspaper.

Include the information:

Paragraph 1

Mention the work you are applying for and where you saw the advert.

Paragraph 2

Say why you are right for a job. Talk about your personal experience and responsibilities.

Paragraph 3

List your personal qualities and offer to send references.

Paragraph 4

Say when you would like to come to the interview and when you could start work.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Laura’s got a problem. “I’ve put on weight. Any ideas about what I should do?’

Read Emma’s letter. What advice does she give to her friend?


Dear Laura,

Sorry to hear that you feel unhappy because you have put on weight. Don’t worry, though, because I think I might have a very good solution.

If you want to lose weight, the first thing you should do is change your way of life. Get up early and exercise more. If I were you, I’d go jogging in the morning or join the aerobics club.

The best thing to do is keep to a healthy diet of salad and fruit. Don’t eat too much salty, high-fat food and don’t drink too many sugary drinks. It can lead to obesity. Try to avoid eating fast food. It’s better not to have meals after 6 p.m. Why don’t you walk more rather than take a bus to school?

What do you think? I would be very happy if my advice helped you to lose weight and keep fit and healthy. Remember you should join us at the beach foam party next month?




Task 2


This is part of a letter from your friend.

“My parents don’t let me go to parties. They say I am not old enough to spend time in the youth clubs. I’d like to go to the discos and spend more time with my friends. What should I do?”



On a separate sheet of paper write back to your friend (in 100-120 words) with advice and suggestions.

Follow the plan:

  1. Say you are sorry to hear about her problem.
  2. Give advice and suggestions.
  3. Finish the letter with closing remarks.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the pocket calculator that I bought from The Gadget Shop in Kyiv on 15th May.

The calculator seemed to work in the shop. When I got home, I found that it was faulty. It adds and subtracts perfectly, but it does not divide or multiply. I took it back to your branch in Chernivtsi, but they refused to exchange it, saying I would have to return it to the branch where I bought it. This is impossible because I don’t live in Kyiv.

I am enclosing the calculator together with the receipt, showing price and date of purchase, and the manufacturer’s guarantee. Could you please replace the calculator as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Petrova


Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write a letter of complaint (100-120 words) about the faulty

gadget you bought.

Include the informationi


– what the gadget is called;

– when and where you bought it;

– what the problem is.

Tell the company you are returning the gadget.

Ask them to replace it.






Task 1


Read the sample.

A review of “Race to Witch Mountain” by Angelina

One of the best films I have seen recently is Race to Witch Mountain. It’s an action movie directed by Andy Fickman, starring Dwayne Johnson, Anna Sophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig, and Carla Gugino. The film is based on a science fiction novel written by Alexander Key.

In the film, the kids Sara and Seth crash the UFO into earth and look for an experiment their parents left for research to help their own dying planet. The cab driver Jack Bruno and Dr Alex Friedman help them to find their spaceship. The children possess special powers. Sara can move things with her mind, read minds and communicate with animals. Seth can go through solid objects, and resist high level impacts, such as getting hit by a van, by changing his molecular construction. Through a series of hardships, Sara and Seth find their way to their own people.

The film is fast moving and full of action. The acting is good. The special effects are incredible.

Fantasy, science fiction, mystery, adventure keep young viewers glued to the screen.

In my opinion the film is really exciting. I would certainly recommend it to anybody looking for a thrill­ing and fast-paced action film.


Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write (in 100-120 words) a review of a film you recently saw and enjoyed. Follow the plan:

Paragraph 1


Type of film


Paragraph 2

What the film is about?

What happens?

What about the ending?

Paragraph 3

The acting

The music

The special effects

Paragraph 4

Your opinion of the film







Task 1


Read the sample.

A review of “The Little White Horse” by Paul

One of the best books I have recently read is The Little White Horse. It’s a fantasy novel by Elizabeth Goudge which won the 1946 Carnegie Medal for children’s literature. It has been adapted for film and television.

It is 1842 and Maria Merryweather, a thirteen-year-old orphan, is on a journey to the mysterious Moonacre Manor somewhere in the west of England, accompanied by her governess Miss Heliotrope and dog Wiggins. There she finds herself in a world out of time. Maria meets her cousin, Sir Benjamin Mer­ryweather, and discovers that there is an ancient story around founding of the estate that will have a great effect on her future.

Although she is helped by a lot of wonderful characters and magical beasts, it is only by self-sacrifice and persistence that she will be able to save Moonacre, right the wrongs, reunite lost loves and finally bring peace to the valley. The story has the happiest of happy endings.

The main strength of the book is its exciting plot and well-developed characterization. It keeps the readers in suspense. I really wanted to know what was going to happen. Although this novel is aimed at teenagers, I would recommend it for adults too. It is certainly a book I will remember for a long time.


Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write (100-120 words) a review of a book you recently read and enjoyed. Follow the plan:

Paragraph 1



Type of book

Paragraph 2

What is the story about?

Who are the main characters?

Paragraph 3

Why did you like the book?






Task 1


Read the sample.

This is the advertisement about the apartments for rent in Bulgaria and an e-mail letter to the owner of the apartments about the last-minute booking.



You will spend a wonderful time in our new apartments in Sviat Vlas Bulgaria!

The comfortable apartments are in two-minute walk from the sea.

They have lovely views of the sea and the mountains.

Click here for more details.

To book, contact Meestour: infoline@meesttour.ua



From: Sonia Foliak

To: infoline@meesttour.ua

Subject: Apartments in Sviat Vlas Bulgaria

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with reference to your apartments in Sviat Vlas in Bulgaria advertised on the Meesttour website, and would like to find out about the last-minute booking.

Ideally, I would like to come with my cousin for two weeks from next Saturday, June 26th. Could you tell me if your apartments are available at that time?

I would be grateful if you could give me some information about bus tours. Could you tell me whether it would be better to go to Sunny Beach or to Nesebre by bus?

Finally, we would like to try some surfing and mountain climbing while we are there. I’ve seen on the Internet that there are two water sports schools in the area, and I was wondering if you could recommend us the mountain climbing instructor?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Sonia Foliak


Task 2


You have seen a website for the apartments for rent in the Crimea. At the iast minute you and your cousin have decided you would like to go. Look at the advertisement and write an e-maii letter (in 100-120 words) to the owner of the apartments.


– the reason for your writing;

– when you would like to come.

Ask about:

– bus tour excursions;

– entertaining centres on the sea coast.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m writing to you from our coach trip around Bulgaria. The last few days have been a dream come true. Yesterday we travelled to Cape Koliakra. It’s a very special place. The sea is green and the rocks are amazing. The nature is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. This is a special reserve where you can see the dolphins. In the afternoon we went out in a boat and had a swim in the rough sea waters. Guess what! We saw the dolphins. It was unforgettable!

So far on the trip we’ve been to several wonderful places: The Botanical Gardens in Balchik, a pottery workshop in the picturesque Bulgarian village and a little zoo in the forest on the top of a hill.

Our guide told us a lot of interesting things about the country and local customs and traditions.

There were a lot of souvenirs in every place where the bus stopped. I bought a T-shirt and a toy dolphin. 1 also took a lot of photos.

See you soon.




Task 2


On a separate sheet of paper write (in 100-120 words) an informal letter to your relatives (friends).

Include the information about the trip.


– what places of interest you visited;

– what you learned about the place;

– what your impressions of the journey are.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Dr. Wilson,

I am writing to you, because I have read the advertisement of your school in a newspaper and I would like to know more about it because I am supposed to attend an English-speaking school.

I would like to know more about the subjects you teach in that school, which are the most popular with the students and what kind of other subjects you teach besides foreign languages. I am interested in how big the classes are and I would like to know if they have to wear a school uniform and if we should have it made or we can buy it in your school.

I have another important question: how much is the fee that we have to pay? We are not so wealthy and I would like to know if there is any chance to pay it in parts.

I’m looking forward to your answers.

Yours sincerely:



Task 2


Your parents would like to send you to an English-speaking school.

Write a formal letter (of about 100-120 words) to the headmaster of a school and request information about the school in response to an advertisement.

In your letter say:

– why you are writing.

Ask about:

– the subjects taught in the school;

– class sizes;

– the school uniform;

– the fee to pay.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Mum and Dad,

It’s a week of my studies here in the USA and I miss you very much.

The school system is really strange. We have to do tests every six weeks!!! I didn’t do well in the first two or three weeks, but it’s OK now.

It was really cold during the winter. Now it’s spring and it’s really hot! The weather is absolutely wonderful! The people are great! My host family is wonderful and the other students are really friendly.

Then, there’s the language. Some American English words are different from British and they pronounce some words differently as well.

I thought Americans only ate hamburgers, but I was wrong. The food is great – but there’s so much of it!

Just look at the picture I’ve sent! I can never finish what’s on my plate.

Anyway, it’s all for now.

See you soon.




Task 2


Imagine you won an English language contest and spent a month at a school in the USA. Write the letter home (100-120 words) telling your family about:

– the school system;

– the weather;

– the people;

– the language;

– the food.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Kate Hilevska read the advertisement and booked a holiday in “The Blue Sky” hotel. She went there but none of the things the agent said were true. She is writing a letter of complaint to the travel agent.



You’ll be met at the airport.

You’ll have free transfer from the airport to the hotel.

You can see the sandy beach from the hotel.

The hotel is modern and comfortable.

The restaurant serves excellent food


Dear Mr Brown,

I was interested in the holiday in “The Blue Sky” hotel you highly recommended. You said it would be an excellent package holiday but it was a disaster!

The holiday started really badly — when we arrived at the airport, we had to wait for a long time because nobody met us. We had to take a taxi to the hotel and it cost much.

We arrived at the hotel when it was 2 a.m. The restaurant had closed and we went to bed hungry. At night we couldn’t sleep because the workmen were working all night finishing the hotel.

The next day we set off early to the beach. You said that the hotel was in two minute walk from the beach — which is true, but there was a factory between the hotel and the beach, and it took half an hour to walk round it! To crown it all, the beach wasn’t sandy, it was rocky and uncomfortable.

I would like you to give me a refund for the holiday.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,

Kate Hilevska


Task 2


Write a formal letter of complaint (100-120 words) about the problems you had on holiday.


– the journey;

– the hotel;

– the food;

– the lost (stolen) things;

– the place you had a rest.

Ask for a refund for the holiday.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Kate is on vacation in the USA. Kate is writing a friendly letter to her friend Nataly whom she hasn’t seen for several weeks.

Dear Nataly,

It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it’s only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great!

I spend all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest!

On the weekdays I work. I work as a guard at the beach. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, sea and kids. The pay isn’t too great but I love the job so much.

I hope the summer’s been going well for you too. There’s only a month and a half left in summer vaca­tion and after that it’s back to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starts?

Your friend,



Task 2


Imagine you’re on vacation in Poland. You haven’t seen your friend for several weeks.

Write a friendly letter (in 100-120 words) to your friend informing him / her:

– where you spend the weekends;

– what fun you have;

– what you do on week days;

– what things you like / dislike;

– ask about your friend’s summer holidays.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Uncle Mike,

Thanks so much for the new game console you bought me for my birthday. It’s just what I wanted.

The color red fits the game console well! It is my favourite color. Right after the birthday party I played two of my favourite games on the console. My friend Pete wanted to borrow it yesterday, but I didn’t lend it to him – he always breaks things. I plan on playing games every day right after school.

It’s a pity you couldn’t come to the party. We miss you very much.

I look forward to seeing you soon! Thanks again for the game console.




Task 2


Write a thank-you note to your aunt for the birthday present.


– you liked the present very much;

– the colour fits the present perfectly;

– when you are planning to use the present;

– say thank you again.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Jenny,

I am sorry about forgetting about our lunch date. It was completely my fault. I was so busy at work that it must have slipped my mind.

I’d like to invite you to lunch next Wednesday at the new Italian restaurant in Oxford Street. Could you come at 12:30 p.m.? I have marked this date in my planner so I will not forget about it.

I would just like to apologize again for missing the lunch date.

Your Friend,



Task 2


Your friend invited you for lunch but you forgot about the date and didn’t come. Write the letter of apology.

In the letter:

– apologize for not coming;

– write you were busy at school;

– invite your friend to lunch next week.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Nelly,

Thanks very much for your letter. It was great to hear from you again, and I’m glad everything is going well. Anyway, I’m writing to see if you’d like to come to our school party on the 25th of December. You know that the New Year is coming, so we’re preparing a dance show “Funny Rabbits”. I participate in three scenes and it would be great if you could come. After the performance we’re having a party at the cafe, and all our friends would be so happy to see you.

I know you’ll have to travel for 500 km, but if you take the bus, we can pick you up from the station and take you back to the station next day.

You know that we live in a big house, and you could stay with us that night in the spare room. Do you think you can come?

Please say yes — it would be so nice to see you again.

Drop me a line if you can make it.

Lots of love,



Task 2


You are preparing for a holiday. Invite your friend to come to the party you are organizing. Say:

– what the holiday is;

– when it is;

– what you are going to do after the party;

– you would like to see your friend there;

– your family will pick him / her up from the station / airport;

– where your friend can sleep.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Pauline,

Thank you for inviting Rita and me to your book launch party. We had a lovely time. Everything was just perfect. The discussions, the food, the decor and you were looking so adorable. It seems like yesterday that you learnt to write and then spell. I still remember your head hanging out of the car window as you tried to spell all the street signs. And look at you today, a successful writer. God bless, you little sister.

I am very proud of you. We are all waiting eagerly to see you and our niece on Thanksgiving. Do let us know whether Danny is going to be back by then. It’s been a long time we have seen him also. It will be really nice if the whole family can be together for Thanksgiving this time.

Till then you take good care and give my beautiful niece lots of hugs and kisses. Thank you once again for the lovely evening.




Task 2


Write a thank-you letter to your friend.

Say thank you for the invitation to the party / concert / performance you have visited. Mention what you liked there.

Invite your friend to come to your place on a holiday.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to reserve some rooms at your hotel. We are arriving in Burhas on 24 June. We hope to stay for ten nights leaving on 3 July.

My husband and I would like a double room, preferably with a balcony. Our two teenage daughters require a twin room. We understand that all your bedrooms are en-suite. Could you confirm this? Is it pos­sible to have rooms with a sea view?

Please let me know if you have rooms available for these dates. I would also be grateful if you could tell me the price of each room.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Faithfully yours,

Ann Brown


Task 2


You want to spend your holidays at the seaside / in the mountains. Write a letter of reservation to the hotel where you are going to stay.


– how many rooms you want;

– when you arrive;

– when you leave;

– what kinds of rooms you would like;

– ask to confirm the reservation.






Task 1


Read the sample.

From: Paul

To: Taras

Subject: Joining a Health Club


Hi Taras,

Guess what? Bohdan and I have joined a health club. I haven’t taken any exercise for months, and I have put on quite a lot of weight. The fitness test was so embarrassing. They ask questions like “Have you run for a bus recently? How did you feel afterwards? When you have climbed a lot of stairs, are you out of breath?”

Well, I have been very busy at school recently and I haven’t had time to go to the swimming pool or go for a walk, so I didn’t do very well in the test! Neither did David. He has spent a lot of time doing his computer project in the last six months, and although he has gone swimming every day, he hasn’t felt so unfit for years.

Have you been to a health club? Did you enjoy it? I’ll write and let you know how we get on.




Task 2


Write an e-mail to your friend. Tell him about the club you have joined.


– what the reason for joining the club was;

– what questions you were asked;

– what you have been doing recently.


– what your friend has been busy with;

– whether he / she has joined any club.






Task 1


Read the sample.

From: Cousin Ann

To: Mary

Subject: Birthday Greetings


Dear Mary,

Wish you a happy birthday. I am amazed that you are twenty-two now. Your cousins Kate and Sally also wish you a great birthday. I am pleased to have heard that you have been accepted at the Oxford Uni­versity for your Master’s Program.

It is nice that now you are ready for college and higher studies. I am pleased that you are making all of us proud by your academic ventures. I met your school friend Cathy when I went to the Christmas party this year. She is doing a secretarial course and will be joining her dad soon to run his office. Do keep in touch with us.

Pete also sends his best wishes to you. He insists that you join us for next Christmas. I hope to hear from you soon.


Your cousin Ann


Task 2


Write an e-mail to your cousin.

Congratulate him / her with the birthday.

Mention the cousin’s achievements and successes.

Say you are proud of him / her.

Ask to keep in touch with you.






Task 1


Read the samples.


Thanks very much for telling me that Ann’s going to be in hospital for a few days in June. I won’t be able to visit her as we’ll be on holiday, but I’ll send a card. How about meeting for a cup of coffee after work on Friday?




Do you fancy going clubbing tonight? I’ll call for you at ten o’clock and we can get the bus into town. Let’s not go back to the Sport Time Club. It wasn’t much good there last week, was it?

See you later,



Task 2


Write a note to your classmate giving news about your friend who is ill.

Say why you aren’t able to visit him.

Promise to send a card / a letter.

Suggest meeting after school on Friday.






Task 1


Read the sample.


Christina Mazur,

12, Shevchenko Street, Poltava.

20th December 2012.


Dear Christina,

It is with great pleasure I invite you to the Christmas Party at our home on 25th December 2012 at 5 p.m. I really hope you would be able to make it convenient to come over.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,



Task 2


Write an invitation to a party.


– what party it will be;

– the date;

– the time;

– the place.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Many people write a Father Christmas letter addressed to Santa when making wishes for the Christmas season. It is symbolic for expressing desires and aspiration on paper or making what you want known. Here is a sample Father Christmas letter.


Dear Santa,

I would like a skateboard and a game boy for Christmas. I want to be a professional skate boarder and win many trophies. We will be rich and my mum will not get to work after many hours. My brother, Mathew would like a new mobile phone to replace the one he lost while on a safari in Africa.

Mum told us that you receive so many letters but 1 know you will look for ours and get me the presents. Thank you for the last Christmas presents. I gave the trousers to my brother after I outgrew them.


James and Mathew


Task 2


Help your little brother / sister write a letter to Father Christmas. Make wishes for the Christmas season.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Children’s, belief in Santa is strong and admirable. Whenever they make wishes, the best express it on paper and list how well they behaved since last Christmas, any achievements they achieved and why they deserve gifts. Alternatively, a Children Christmas letter can be addressed to children and adults alike as shown in the Christmas letter below.


Dear Uncle Greg,

Thank you for the lovely presents you got me. I love the game boy present and will take good care of it. Now I play exciting games every evening and have a lot of fun. When you visit us, I will show it to you. Mum told me it’s very expensive and I should take care of it.

I also sent you a black hair band. Hope you liked it. Mum told me black is your favourite color. When I graduate from the university I will get a good job, buy a good car and I will take trips with you around the world.

Your nephew,



Task 2


Write a letter to your uncle / aunt.

Thank him / her for the Christmas presents he / she has sent you.

Say why you like the presents.

Ask if he / she liked your present.

Write about your future dreams.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Maria,

I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

You have always lent me your shoulder to cry on and have wiped my tears many times. You have always encouraged me to follow my dreams.

I know that you consider me to be your best friend too and I am grateful for that. I shall definitely strive to live up to your expectations and be as good a friend to you as you are to me.

It is very rare to find a friend like you in these days and I definitely consider myself very lucky to have you. Warm regards,



Task 2


Write a letter to your best friend.


– why you consider him / her your best friend;

– what qualities you appreciate in your friend;

– you are grateful to your friend for being his / her best friend too;

– you are very lucky to have such a friend.






Task 1


Read Maria’s letter. Match the three main paragraphs with three of the headings.

A Work experience

В Basic personal information

C Personality

D Hobbies

E Education


Dear Mr Fernandes,

My name is Maria Georgis. I am a year 10 student at the Rosehill College in country Victoria. I live in town with my mum, dad, and my brother who is in Year 7. Next year I will be beginning some sci­ence subjects and I hope to pursue a career working in Pathology. It would mean a great deal to me to be able to complete my one-week, full-time Work Placement in a Pathology or Laboratory environment.

I am a conscientious person and able to assume responsibility. I have good written and oral communica­tion skills. I can keep to a regular routine, concentrate and follow instmctions. I think I am able to observe and measure accurately.

My friends think I am mature and reliable and I have 3 years experience as a volunteer with a youth support agency. It is my hope that I will always be able to work in a local Hospital or Health Care agency because I love living in country Victoria.




Task 2


Write a short e-mail letter describing yourself. Include this information:

– your name and age;

– where you are from;

– your personality;

– your hobbies and interests.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Andriy Shevchenko was bom in 1976. He is a famous Ukrainian footballer who plays for Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukraine national team as a striker.

Shevchenko began his career in the youth team at Dynamo Kyiv and soon played in the first team. In 1990, Shevchenko, playing for the Dynamo Kyiv under-14 team in the Ian Rush Cup in Wales, was top scorer in the tournament, and was awarded a pair of Rush’s boots as a prize by the Liverpool F.C. player himself.

He won five consecutive domestic league titles from 1994-1999. Shevchenko played for A.C. Milan from 1999—2006, scoring 127 goals in 208 appearances and becoming the club’s second-highest all-time goal scorer. He joined Chelsea in 2006.

Shevchenko won the 2004 European Footballer of the Year award, and was named by Pele as one of the top 125 greatest living footballers in 2004. He was named a starting striker on the 2005 FIFPro World XI team, and is the third-highest scorer in the history of European club competition with 64 goals.


Task 2


Write an article for a school magazine about a famous sportsperson. Include paragraphs on

three or four of these topics or your own ideas.

– family;

– early years and education;

– first experience of sport;

– early successes;

– greatest achievements;

– why you admire him/her.






Task 1


Read the sample.


If you like farm animals, wildlife and the outdoors you’ll love the Animal Ark. Set in 20 acres of at­tractive parkland there’s lots of fun things to do. Go wild on all the adventure play or visit the Pet Barn and talk to the keeper.

You can walk by the side of the waterfowl lake or feed the pygmy goats in their pen. There’s adventure play with something for all ages including slides, swings, towers, sandpit, go karts, climbing wall and 50 metre zip wire. There’s toddler play and ride on and a small indoor play area for the under 7’s.

The cosy cafe serves hot and cold meals with healthy options for both adults and children. Alternatively bring a picnic and eat alfresco on the terrace or one of the picnic areas.

Don’t miss the gift shop for toys and great gift ideas! Whatever the weather there is always lots to see and do and it’s a very safe environment for kids.

For a Great Day Out with the Family – visit the Animal Ark Farm Park soon for something a little bit different!


Task 2


Write a leaflet about some beautiful places in your country. Include:

– a good title to attract the readers’ attention;

– information about interesting places to see and to visit;

– information about what people can do there.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Two days ago I watched Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. It’s a fantasy-adventure film.

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince is continuing the Harry Potter series. As Harry Potter begins his 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he discovers an old book marked mysteriously “This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince” and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort’s dark past.

The film is based on a book written by J.K. Rowling. The screenplay created by Steve Kloves is very gripping. The director of the film David Yates did his best to convince the audience.

The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, alongside Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry’s best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The supporting cast features Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton and Helena Bonham Carter.

The visual effects are certainly much bolder and scarier than you can imagine. Sometimes I felt frightened of those dead people coming up look like zombies, but overall I really enjoyed the film.


Task 2


Write a review of the film that you enjoyed. Follow the plan:


Name of the film, type of film and actors.

Paragraph 2

The story: What happens? Is it gripping? Is it convincing? What about the ending”?

Paragraph 3

Others aspects of the film: the acting, the screenplay, the music, the special effects, the stunts, the

location, etc.

Paragraph 4

Your overall opinion.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear David,

Thank you so much for the lovely book! I have it out on our coffee table and everyone stops to browse through it. It’s fascinating, and would you believe the cover design even matches our decor? It’s perfect in every way.

The party was really gorgeous. Everybody left their presents: an ancient porcelain vase, a pack of playing cards with unusual pictures, a tiny glass dolphin. I liked them all. It was really unexpected to get such rare things. But your gift is one of the best!

Thank you again for thinking of me!

Much love,



Task 2


Write a thank-you letter. Follow this plan:

Paragraph 1

Say thank you. Say what the present is and say something about it: What’s it like? Why do you like it? Have you used it?

Paragraph 2

Say what you did on the special occasion. Say what other presents you received.

Paragraph 3

Say thank you again.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Bill Citizen

I SE Stark Street

Portland OR


2ndDecember 2010

Ms Jill Smith (Manager)

Big Fizz Appliance Company

Commerce Street Market City 9876


Dear Ms Smith,

I am writing to complain about a Big Fizz Soft Drink Fountain I purchased for $79.95 from your Market City store on 26 November.

When I returned home and unpacked the Big Fizz Soft Drink Fountain I found that the main storage tank leaked and the appliance did not work properly.

I believe that it is within my rights to request a refund for a faulty product and I would like to return the appliance to your Market City store for a full refund of the purchase price. Please contact me within the next two weeks to arrange a convenient time for me to return the appliance and collect my refund.

I am enclosing a copy of my receipt for your information. I can be contacted on the phone (01) 9876 5432. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Citizen


Task 2


Write a formal letter of 130-150 words. Include this information:

– Say what gadget you bought and where and when you bought it.

– Say what the problem is.

– Tell the company you are returning the gadget.

– Ask them to repair it or send you a new one.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Hi Julia,

Thanks very much for your note. It’s very kind of you to invite me to your Thanksgiving party, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to come. My granny is 70 on Wednesday, and we’re going to have a big family reunion on that day. It’s too bad, because I love the parties you organize!

Anyway, I hope you’ll have a great party!

See you soon.



Task 2


Your friend has invited you to his birthday party. Write a note to tell him that you:

– thank him for the invitation;

– accept the invitation;

– ask a question about the occasion.






Task 1


Read the sample.


If I were elected president, one change I would make would be to provide employment to everyone in the country. I would do this by building more factories to produce most of the things in the coun­try, rather than importing things from other countries. This can be possible only if we are able to build low-cost factories and work efficiently. Building factories and providing employment helps us grow our country and reduce poverty. This is an essential foundation of building a strong nation.

The next thing I’d do is establish world peace. I think we are all one world and we should act like that and not be going into war. I would sign a peace treaty with all of the countries, and if you were fighting with siblings or friends, you should talk about your problem and not get into a fight.

I would try to stop the polluting of our oceans, air, sky and earth. I would help every school in getting new books and equipment. Every sick, hungry, homeless child would get homes and a supply of food that would last them for three years. I would pay more attention to children with special needs. I would try to install more wheelchair bathrooms in schools and businesses. I would also start more sports leagues for dis­abled children. They are no different than anyone else and should get the same amount of attention. Finally, I’d make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society.


Task 2


Write an essay about what you would do if you were elected president of your country. Write 150-180 words.

– The first thing I’d do is …

– I’d also…

– The next thing I’d do is …

– There are some less serious things I’d do too.

– Finally, I’d …






Task 1


Read the sample.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is the story of Edward and Bella’s romance. Forget any vampire romance you have read before, Twilight is so unique that it will satisfy both teenagers and adults alike.

The story is told by 17-year-old Bella Swan, who moves from Phoenix to the small town of Forks, Washington, to live with her dad for the remainder of high school. There, she meets Edward Cullen and his family, who possess an irresistible beauty and grace to which Bella is drawn.

Twilight is simply and yet beautifully written. The descriptions of Forks leave you feeling like you can almost smell the damp air and hear the rain falling on the roof. The romance between Edward and Bella is both touching and compelling. There is a melancholic feel to their impossible love, yet at the same time they both are unwilling to give up hope that their relationship is not doomed. The book reaches a fever pitch of excitement as the romance between Bella and Edward turns into a frantic race to stay alive.

This book really has something for everyone. Believe me, this is one book that you won’t want to end.


Task 2


Write a review of a book you enjoyed. Write 150 words. Include the information you think is important.

Paragraph 1: General information

Title, author, type of book.

Paragraph 2: Story and characters

Where is it set? Who are the main characters? What happens?

Paragraph 3: Your opinion

Why did you like it?

For example: It’s funny/moving/exciting/ gripping/interesting.

It contains lots of interesting characters.

I really wanted to know what was going to happen.

There are lots of surprises.






Task 1


Read the sample.

One of the people I greatly admire is Bruce Willis. He is an American actor, producer, and musician. He is well known for the role of John McClane in the Die Hard series. Bruce has also appeared in over sixty films, including Pulp Fiction, Sin City, 12 Monkeys, The Fifth Element, Armageddon and The Sixth Sense.

He was bom in 1955, in West Germany. He is rather tall and slim with brown eyes and receding hair. He is almost bald now.

Bruce Willis is talented. He is very very strong. He performed most of his own stunts in the films. He is good at comedies, thrillers and dramas. Although primarily known for his acting, he is a competent harmonica player. He plays and sings blues style.

Willis has won a variety of awards and has received various honours throughout his career in television and film. I love watching his films and would like to be just like him one day.


Task 2


Write an article about a person you admire (100-120 words). Include:

– who the person is;

– what he/she does;

– when and where he/she was born;

– what he/she looks like;

– his/her hobbies and interests;

– how you feel about him/her.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Julia,

Sorry to hear that your parents don’t want you to buy a puppy. Don’t worry though, because I think I might have a very good solution.

This summer I’m going on holiday to my grandparents. They live in the countryside and have got three dogs. They are old enough to keep all the household in a good state. I promised to help them during the whole summer. Why don’t you come with me? I’m sure you would have a chance to take care of dogs and even little puppies. Dogs do need care. Regular meals, bath and grooming are essential so that they remain healthy. Your parents think you are too young to understand all these things. They are afraid you won’t have enough time to take good care of your pet. If you spend three months at my grandparents’, you’ll certainly prove all your skills in looking after dogs. Your parents would certainly understand that you have enough experience in taking care of dogs.

What do you think? Talk to your parents and let me know what they say. I would be very happy if you joined me.




Task 2


Your friend wrote, “My brother keeps taking CDs from my room. I’m so annoyed.”

Write back to your friend with advice or suggestions. Use the phrases below to expand prompts into full sentences.

If I were you. I’d …

Why don’t you ….?

Another good idea is to …

This would mean that …

If you did that, …

That way, …


Test 37




Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inquire about an item which was left in one of your taxi cars. On Tuesday 8th March I was in a hurry and telephoned your taxi service 90006. When I got from the car, I realized that one of my bags was missing.

It was a grey leather bag with two long handles. There are two pockets in front of the bag with zippers. The logo “LV” is embroidered on one of the pockets. There were three articles of clothing inside the bag. One was an expensive blouse with golden buttons. There was also a dark green scarf to match. The third item was a pair of jeans with thin pinstripes.

If you find the bag, I can be contacted on 0936678995 from 6 am to 10 pm every day.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Vera Fancy


Task 2


You have recently bought an item from an antique shop. Write a letter to a friend describing it.




Task 1




Read the following model. Pay attention to the sequence words.



250g chocolate

100g glace cherries

30 sweet cases



  1. First, line a baking tray with sweet cases.
  2. Next, chop the cherries into іsize pieces.
  3. Then, break the chocolate into a bowl and melt.
  4. Stir in the cherries.
  5. After that, add 1 tsp to each sweet case making uneven shapes.
  6. Leave to set.


Task 2


A cookery magazine is running a competition asking its readers to submit a recipe for a typical dish from their country. Write your recipe, using the sequence words.






Task 1


Read the sample.

The Algarve is the most southern region of Portugal and it’s one of Europe’s favourite holiday destina­tions well known for glorious year round sunshine and excellent sandy beaches.

If you go there, you will find a lot of quaint villages barely touched by tourism. Traces of the Moorish presence are still evident in the local architecture. The orange groves and blossoming almond trees add colour to this fertile region in contrast with the whitewashed traditional houses. You will enjoy staying in any of the self catering villas conveniently situated on the outskirts of the charming village of Guia. The holiday villa interior offers well appointed accommodation with bright modern furnishings and with all bedrooms benefit- ting from a balcony or terrace area. Outside a covered terrace leads from the lounge area and overlooks the large sun terrace and swimming pool. The beaches of Gale and Castelo can be reached within a ten minute drive while the bustling resort of Albufeira is just ten minutes away.

Due to the mild nature of the weather the Algarve is ideal for many outdoor sporting activities. It is not only known for its cosmopolitan nightlife with many bars and clubs but also for the many waterside restau­rants serving fresh fish and “cataplana” — a local shellfish dish.

Welcome to the south of Portugal, on the south-west tip of Europe… to the Algarve. You will certainly enjoy Europe’s sunniest spot.


Task 2


You have decided to write an article to your local newspaper describing the ideal place for holidays. Write your description in the appropriate style using 120-180 words.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Taranenko,

As the parents of the school leaver, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the graduation party of our daughter, Tamara Ivaniuk, On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with our closest friends and family members.

Children grow faster than any of us can imagine, the time is upon us to watch our child grow and flour­ish into a new stage of her life.

The formal event will take place at the Houses of Culture Club on the thirtieth of May at three o’clock, two thousand and eleven.

Please RSVP by the twenty-fifth of May to ensure attendance.

We hope to see you there, to enjoy this special day with friends and family.

Yours faithfully,

Mr and Mrs Ivaniuk


Task 2


You are going to celebrate your birthday party. Write a letter inviting your relatives to attend the party. Inform them about:

– the reason of your letter;

– the place where the party will be held;

– the directions to the place.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Rony and Judy,

Thanks for the invitation to your Christmas party on December 20th.

Brian and I were really pleased to receive it and we’d love to come. It’s lucky for us that you chose that date. Actually the 20th is the only day of the week that we are free.

It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen each other, so it will be great to get together and catch up all the news. Please let me know if there’s anything I can bring or anything I can do to help.

Thanks again. See you on the 20th.




Task 2


The president of your Students’ Club has invited you to participate in the Viennese ball. Write a letter thanking him / her for the invitation and saying why you will be unable to attend the event.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Mr Gordon,

I am sorry that Kate was absent from school yesterday. This was because she had a doctor’s appointment. I am afraid she will be away at the same time next week and I wonder if she could be excused then. Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Tomson


Task 2


Imagine you were absent from your basketball training last week. Write a note giving a really serious reason for your absence.






Task 1


Read the sample.

The Internet is something people are using more and more. Young people especially are spending more time surfing. However, is this new technology a positive or a negative thing?

There are several arguments in support of the Internet. Firstly, chat rooms and e-mails are good ways to meet new people and keep in touch. Secondly, educational sites provide useful information for school projects.

However, there are also arguments against the Internet. Some sites are unsuitable for children and al­though chat rooms might be fun, you don’t really know who you are talking to.

To sum up, the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand there are lots of useful websites, but on the other hand, people need to choose the websites they visit carefully.


Task 2


Write a composition giving arguments for and against owning a car.






Task 1


Read the sample.


At 12:51 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22nd, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Canterbury region of New Zealand’s South Island, near the country’s second-largest city, Christchurch.

It is an aftershock of a massive, deeper earthquake that hit New Zealand last September, and has already caused more damage, injuries, and fatalities than the earlier quake. Hundreds of structures in Christchurch have now been severely damaged or collapsed completely.

Reportedly, 65 people have died and more than 100 people are missing. Buildings have collapsed, vehicles have been buried under debris and rescuers are working to help save people trapped under rubble.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has sent his “deepest sympathies and condolences” to the people of New Zealand following the devastating earthquake in Christchurch.


Task 2


Imagine that you work for a local newspaper as a reporter. Write a news report about the building which crashed because of the reconstructing processes held inside it.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Helen,

Thanks for your last letter. We had a great time last weekend. It was Frank’s birthday and we went on a trip to Brighton Towers. Brighton Towers is a great theme park. It’s only about forty kilometers from home so we were there in less than an hour and arrived before it opened. After having a delicious breakfast to warm up, we went on as many rides as we could.

The first thing we did was to join the queue to Nemesis. This is the best ride in the park. It is so popular that you often have to wait for 45 minutes to get on. The entrance to the ride is the mouth of a big spider. It is terrifying because there is nothing between you and the ground. It was all a blur after the ride had started. I felt dizzy at the end of it. Before recovering, we had joined the queue for another brilliant ride. This time we got really wet as we were moved upside down towards big jets of water.

We had a good time until Frank decided to join a queue for a ride called The Black Hole. After getting to the front of the queue, he discovered that the ride was in total darkness. Frank is afraid of the dark but he was too embarrassed to go back. He was petrified during the ride and was sick after getting off. It took Frank almost an hour to recover.

We were hungry and decided it was time for lunch. After having a hamburger we decided to spend some time on the gentler rides. It was nice weather, so we had a lovely time walking round the grounds.

Frank and I were sorry to go home. It was a great day with some breathtaking rides, although I’m sure Frank would prefer to forget the experience of The Black Hole.

Have you ever been to a theme park? What are they like in your part of the world?




Task 2


Write an account of a real or imaginary family trip. Make sure you include:

– an introductory paragraph which states where you went and how you got there;

– a description of some of the places you went to and what you did there;

– a concluding paragraph that sums up your view of the trip.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sally,

Sorry I haven’t written for ages. I’ve been so busy with my studies over the last year.

I’d like to study law at university in Canada next year and I hope you can give me some advice. I think I would prefer Toronto because I know a few people from my visit last year.

This year I’m doing history and English at school and I hope to do well in my tests. However, I really don’t know which university to apply to, so could you send me some information about different colleges? Also can you find out what documents I need? For instance, as an overseas student, do I have to take an English test? I would also like to know about the fees.

I hope you don’t mind doing this for me. It is much better to get this information from someone who lives in the country, so I hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks a lot,



Task 2


You have a cousin who lives in the USA.

You have decided that you would like to study at one of the colleges in her city.

Write to your cousin (100-120 words) explaining what you would like to do.

Tell him/her what type of studies you have been doing for the past few years.

Ask for information about the colleges, entrance tests, documents and fees.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sath,

Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you and the family are well. So, are you thinking of going on holiday to Ukraine? Well I can certainly recommend one destination for you. I went one year to a place called Pochaiv in the north west of the country. It’s quite a long trip to get there but it’s worth it.

The place is famous for its monastery. It’s breathtaking. There are only a few places to stay: two hotels, on the territory of the monastery and one more in the nearby village. There is also a campsite outside the village. We stayed at the monastery hotel but I know you and your family are keen campers so you might prefer the camping option.

The place is magnificent. The cathedrals and the churches are very old. There are fantastic hills nearby for walking in amazing scenery.

The food is typical Ukrainian. It is cooked by the monks. They bake bread and cook other traditional dishes which are delicious. If you’re camping though, food will be up to you!

Anyway, I’ve got to go. Write again if you need any more information.

Lots of love,



Task 2


A friend of yours is going on holiday soon and has asked you to recommend a destination.

Write a letter to your friend (100-120 words) and recommend a good place for a holiday that you have visited before. Say where you went, where you stayed, what you can do there and

what the food was like.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sir,

I am a teacher of history from Kherson. A group of students from my school are going to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. This visit will be part of their survey for the school history project. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information.

First of all, what are the opening hours for the exhibition? Secondly, what is its theme and what objects are on display? Thirdly, can any other activities be held in connection with the exhibition?

I would like to inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for a group of ten students. If so, how much is the discount?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Denis Kravtsov


Task 2


As part of a student school project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition in a small town.

Write a letter (100-120 words) asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, its opening hours, other activities held in connection with the exhibition, discounts available.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Sir,

I am writing in connection with a suitcase that I left on one of your buses. Last week on Wednesday 26th April I came to Kyiv on 2 o’clock bus from Khmelnytskiy. My seat number was 14. The bus arrived late at night and I was tired. As a result when I got home, I remembered that I had left my suitcase on the bus under my seat.

My suitcase is small and made of yellow leather with a zip opening the back. Inside the suitcase there is a flash drive, a paperback I was reading, some car pens and my notepad.

Please check and see if the lost property department has my suicase and contact me as soon as possible to let me know whether they have found it or not?

You can contact me on my mobile telephone number which is: 097 654 10 42.

Thank you in advance for your help.

1 look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Taras Ivanenko


Task 2


Last week you were on a train to Kyiv. Unfortunately, you left a bag on a train. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel.

Write a letter (100-120 words) to the railway. Explain what has happened, describe the bag and its contents and say what you would like them to do about it.






Task 1


Read the sample.

Dear Helen,

I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. Just think: we have been writing to each other for three years, and now we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the station as soon as you arrive.

The reason is that your train will arrive at 5 o’clock in the morning, and the quickest time I can get to the station is 6 a.m., an hour after you arrive. Please wait for me inside the building of the station.

By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me: I am of medium height, my hair is black and long. I will be wearing a green leather jacket. In addition, I will be carrying a brown bag tucked under my left arm.

Looking forward to our first meeting.

Yours sincerely,



Task 2


One of your pen pals is going to visit you. For some reasons, you can not meet him at the station on time. Write a letter (100-120 words) asking him to wait for you at the station and tell him how to identify you.

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