Урок англійської мови 10 клас: Враження від літніх канікул

Мета уроку:   Вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення.

                         Формувати навички вимови.

Вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання

з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру.

Розвивати мовну здогадку.

Виховувати увагу, інтерес до англійської мови.


                           Хід уроку        

I Організаційна частина уроку

Привітання й повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Ознайомлення з метою та завданнями навчання у 9 класі. Знайомство з підручником.

II Основна частина уроку 

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
  • What adjectives would you use to describe summer?
  • Discuss these questions with your partner.

1)      What images spring to mind when you hear the word “summer’?

2)      How do you feel when summer arrives?

3)      What things about summer do you like most and least?

4)      What happens in summer in your country?

5)      In what ways is summer the best season?

6)      Do you always wear summery clothes?

7)      What do you like to do in summer that you can’t do in other times of the year?

8)      Do you like summer holidays?

9)      How would you feel if there was no summer?

10)      Do you like the summer sun?

11)      Would you like it to be summer forever?

12)      What’s your favourite summer memory?

Подання тексту для аудіювання та читання (впр.1, с.4):

  • Прослуховування тексту з голосу вчителя
  • Прочитати текст та розіграти в парах
  • Прочитати та пройти тест
  1. Тренування учнів у читанні (Впр.2, с.4-6)
  2. Письмо.Впр.3, с 6 .Відгадати та записати слова
  3. Аудіювання. Прослухати текст та виконати завдання


Last year my wife and I spent our holidays in Crete, the southern­most island in Greece, and we made lots of little excursions there into the countryside. On one occasion, we wanted to visit the south side of the island, where there are some ruins from Roman times and from a former monastery. We went there by bus, traveling along tiny little windy roads. It was quite frightening to watch how the bus driver was manoeuvring the vehicle around all of the twisty curves in the road, quite breathtaking. At every curve we were scared that the bus would crash, and the bus driver had to signal with his horn at each turning asit was impossible to see if any traffic was coming from the other direc­tion and there wasn’t enough space on the road for two vehicles to pass side by side.

When we arrived at the nearest bus stop to the ruins, we could see them in the distance,  and we could see that there were only two ways to get there — on foot, or by boat, if we had one, which we didn’t. So we started walking in that direction, along a dried up river bed. From the map it seemed that the distance we had to walk was about three kilome­tres, but it must have been longer, as it took us about three hours of dif­ficult climbing and scrambling over rocks to get there.

At one point of the way we reached the top of a hill, from which we had an amazing view of the ruins. There we met a boy from France, who we shared friendly gestures with, but couldn’t really speak with as we didn’t speak foreign language. We climbed down from there together, into the grounds of the ruins. There was a fence blocking our path but it was quite small and easy to climb over.

In the grounds of the ruins were some very twisty old olive trees, and at the entrance we found a beautiful mosaic from the Roman times, leading to many little paths. The monastery was very small. Each of the monks’ cells were just tiny little box-like rooms, two by three metres in size. The whole place had a beautiful ancient atmosphere.

►         True or False

1)               They spent their holidays in Europe.

2)               They traveled there only to visit some Roman times ruins.

3)               The way there was quite safe.

4)                The road was curvy.

5)               There were a lot of ways to get to the ruins.

6)               It took them three hours to get there.

Answer the questions.

1)               When did they have holidays?

2)       Why were they scared on their way?

3)       How did they get to the ruins?

4)       What was the distance to the ruins?

5)               Why was it difficult for them to speak with the boy they met?

6)       What impressed them on the ruins?

  1.  Работа над текстом « My summer holidays »

Teacher:  Read the text:

«My summer holidays».

Summer is the most wonderful time for holidays. I always look forward to my summer vacations. There are different ways of holiday-spending and you can vary it. You can stay at home sleeping off, reading interesting books, watching TV or playing computer games all day long.

Some people spend their holidays at the seaside or in the mountains.You can also spend several weeks in the country walking through the green fields, watching the clouds and enjoy a nice smell of flowers sitting down on a soft meadow. It’s nice to go for walks to the forest picking mushrooms and berries. If you do not mind of listening to the barking of the dogs and the croaking of the frogs in the evening, go to the country.

Some people want to visit some exotic place like China or Vietnam going sightseeing and visiting the places of interest.

To my mind if your idea of a holiday is something relaxing have a camping holiday.

Our company annualy spends summer holidays on the coast of the Japan sea.We place a tent in a quiet picturesque place on the sea shore for several weeks.We are not afraid of mosquitoes, damp,typhoons and wind. We enjoy fresh sea air and sun all day long. I never get bored there. As a rule I make new friends when I am on a holiday. In the daytime we play volleyball, go fishing and boating, swim in the warm water of the sea, sunbathe, read magazines, newspapers.I like to walk along the beach collecting beautiful shells and interesting pebbles.

In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the rise and the fall of the waves and enjoying the sunset. Our company finds great pleasure in making bonfires and cooking barbecues. We like to sit around the camp fire telling anecdotes, funny stories and singing to a guitar. At night everyone sleeps except me. I enjoy being alone and observing the sky. The night stars attract me so much that I don’t notice anything else. Later it’s nice to sleep in a tent in your sleeping-bag listening to the noise of the waves.

On this sort of holiday I get absolutely relaxed. There is nothing better for giving you energy to keep you going through the winter. We return home happy and full of impressions.

Teacher: Answer the questions:

  1. Do you always look forward to your summer holidays?
  2. What do you usually do if you stay at home in summer?
  3. Are you fond of travelling?
  4. What countries would you like to visit?
  5. Have you ever been in the country?
  6. What did you do there?
  7. Do you like camping holiday?
  8. What do you usually do on the sea shore?
  9. Are you fond of lying in the sun or swimming ?
  10. What do you enjoy doing in the evening?
  11. What is your idea of an ideal holiday?

Teacher: Find the equivalents:

  1. Ждать с нетерпением
  2. Отсыпаться
  3. Гулять по полю
  4. Смотреть на облака
  5. Собирать грибы и ягоды
  6. Осматривать достопримечательности
  7. Проводить отпуск на берегу моря
  8. Наслаждаться свежим морским воздухом
  9. Собирать ракушки и камешки
  10. Готовить шашлыки
  11. Петь под гитару
  12. Расслабляться

Teacher: Translate into Russian:

  1. time for holidays
  2. a smell of flowers
  3. the barking of the dogs and the croaking of the frogs
  4. visiting the places of interest.
  5. a camping holiday
  6. to be afraid of mosquitoes, damp,typhoons
  7. to get bored
  8. to go fishing and boating
  9. to walk along the beach
  10. to sit around the camp fire
  11. to sleep in a tent
  12. to return home happy and full of impressions

Teacher: Find the adjectives in the text. Agree or disagree using phrases:

  • In my opinion.
  • To my mind.
  • It goes without saying.
  • It’s hard to say.
  • It is a pity.
  •  I doubt it.
  1. Spring is the most wonderful time for holidays.
  2. Staying at home is the only way of holiday-spending.
  3. Some people spend their holidays at the seaside, in the mountains or in the country.
  4. If your idea of a holiday is something relaxing have a camping holiday.
  5. Our company annualy spends summer holidays on the coast of the Black sea.
  6. In the daytime we play football, go diving and boating, swim in the warm water of the sea.
  7. Our company doesn’t find great pleasure in making bonfires and cooking barbecues.
  8. I hate being alone at night.
  9. It’s awfully to sleep in a tent in your sleeping-bag listening to the noise of the waves.
  10. On this sort of holiday I get absolutely relaxed.

Teacher: Make sentences out of the following words:

  1. I, on, to, beach, like, the, rise, sit, the,watching.
  2. Do, like,telling,to, sit, you, anecdotes, the, around, fire?
  3. Gives, it, you, to, going, energy, you, through, the, keep,winter.
  4. Enjoy, sky, the, observing, I, night.
  5. Been, you, have, camping, ever ?

Teacher:  Translate into English:

  1. Существуют различные способы проведения каникул.
  2. Я люблю проводить летние каникулы дома, читая книги и играя в компьютерные игры.
  3. Наши друзья обычно уезжают в деревню на все лето.
  4. Каждое лето мы устанавливаем палатку на берегу моря в тихом живописном месте.
  5. Тебе умеешь готовить шашлыки?
  6. Они вернулись домой загорелыми и полными впечатлений.
  7. Мне нравятся люди, которые умеют рассказывать анекдоты.
  8. Ночные звезды привлекают меня так сильно, что я не замечаю ничего другого.

Teacher:  Complete the sentences:

  1. I always look forward to my summer vacations______
  2. Don’t spend your holidays at home______
  3. You can go for several weeks to the country______
  4. It’s nice to go for walks to the forest______
  5. Isn’t always fun picking mushrooms and berries______
  6. We are not afraid of mosquitoes and damp______
  7. I never get bored on the coast of the sea______
  8. Let’s go fishing and boating______
  9. There is nothing better to travel______


  1. Повторення лексичних одиниць теми.
    1. Впр.4, с.6-робота в парах: перевірити знання лексики у партнера та розписати слова за двома стовпчиками
  2. Розвиток умінь мовлення
    1. Впр.5, с.6-скласти розмову про літні канікули(робота в парах)

III Заключна частина уроку

  1. Домашнє завдання.
  • Підготувати розповідь про літні канікули
  1. Підведення підсумків уроку

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