Reading 5th form
Read the details in each paragraph below. To the right of the paragraphs are some pictures. Draw a line from each paragraph to the animal it describes.
- The front legs of this animal are short. Its back legs are much longer. Its tail is long and thick. The female has a pouch in which she carries her young.
2.. This animal is a member of the cat family. It is large and powerful. It has a tail. The male also has a mane, and the mane is shaggy.
3.. This animal has a long bushy tail. Its fur is thick. A small animal, it lives in trees.
- This animal is large and strong. It has a flowing mane and a tail People often ride on it.
- This animal is small and has long ears. Its fur is soft. It has a short tail.
Control reading 6th form II semester
Read each paragraph below. Then, under each paragraph, put a check next to the word that best describes the mood.
- Pat listened, but he couldn’t hear anything. It was strange that the house
was so silent. The loose window was not rattling as usual, and the steady
ticking of the clock had stopped. Even the dead tree branch outside was no
longer tapping against the house. There was no sound anywhere.
___ a. happy ___ b. mysterious ___ c. hopeful
- Except for one sea gull that flew along the shore, the beach was
deserted, A voiceless wind was blowing away the last trace of footprints in
the sand. A broken shovel lay in the weeds, forgotten by its owner. Finally,
the sea gull gave one lonely cry, and then it, too, left for another place.
___ a. lonely ___ b. hopeful _____________________ ___ c. mysterious
- When Sarah saw the new bike her parents had bought for her, she
clapped her hands and jumped up and down with excitement. Then, after
hugging each of her parents, she did a little dance around the bike.
___ a. sad ___ b. mysterious ___ c. happy
Control reading 6th form II semester
You see pictures of two shirts, shirt A and shirt B. Compare the two shirts. Try especially to find the ways in which the two shirts are different. Then read the paragraph that tells about the two shirts. As you read, fill in each blank in the paragraph by writing A or B,
Shirt A and shirt B are alike in some ways. Both of them are shirts, of course,
and both of them are made of cloth. But they are different in other ways. Shirt
_______ has a collar, but shirt_______________ does not. Both shirts have sleeves, but the sleeves on shirt___________________________ are short. The sleeves on shirt __________are long. To put on shirt__________ , you have to pull it over your head. You don’t have to do this with shirt_______________ ___ because it has buttons and buttonholes. There isn’t any writing on
the front of shirt____________ On the front of shirt________, however, are the words
I like me.
Control reading 7th form II semester
Suppose you are planning to go to a stadium to watch a baseball game. Read the facts below carefully. Put a check next to each fact that might be important for you to know before going to the baseball game.
___ 1. Millions of people go to baseball games each year.
___ 2. The tickets for the baseball game cost three dollars each.
___ 3. The stadium cost twenty million dollars to build,
___ 4. It took two years to build the stadium.
___ 5. The baseball game starts at one o’clock.
___ 6. The parking lot next to the stadium is owned by two people.
___ 7. Two hundred people work in the stadium.
___8. Your favorite baseball teams are playing.
___ 9. The game will be played on Saturday.
___10. A lot of pigeons fly around the stadium.
___ 11. Tickets for the baseball game are sold only at the main gate.
___12. The stadium is on the corner of Stanford and River streets.
Control reading 7th form II semester SPORTS
The main idea of the paragraph below is that Tammy is a good athlete. Read the paragraph. Then, under the paragraph, put a check next to each detail that shows that Tammy is a good athlete.
Tammy lives next door to me. I’ve known her all my life. The thing that impresses me most about her is what a good athlete she is. Tammy is in my gym class. When we play basketball in gym, the team that Tammy is on almost always wins. She’s also the best baseball player in the class. Our school day ends at three o’clock. Every day after school Tammy runs home. It’s over a mile, but she runs all the way without stopping. She says she does it to get in shape for the track team. Track season starts in April. Naturally Tammy is the star of the track team. She’s even a good horseback rider. Last year she won two blue ribbons for horseback riding at the county fair.
- When we play basketball in gym, the team that Tammy is on almost always wins.
- She’s also the best baseball player in the class.
- I’ve known her all my life.
- Every day after school Tammy runs home. It’s over a mile, but she runs all the way without stopping.
- Our school day ends at three o’clock.
- Naturally Tammy is the star of the track team.
- The track season starts in April,
- She’s even a good horseback rider.
- Tammy is in my gym class.
- Last year she won two blue ribbons for horseback riding at the county fair.
Control reading 11th form IІ semester
Read the following news story. Then read the statements below the news story. If a statement is true, write a T next to it. If a statement is false, write an F next to it. Base your answers on what you read in the news story.
____ 1. Floodwater made it possible for the otters to escape.
____ 2. A baby yak was born at the Williamsport Zoo yesterday.
____ 3. A heavy rainstorm caused a tremendous amount of damage at the zoo.
____ 4. The floodwater at the zoo was over three feet deep in some places.
____ 5. The otters didn’t return to their moat even at feeding time.
____ 6. Thomas Vicks announced that even though the zoo was flooded, all the
animals are now safe and well.
____ 7. Nothing was done to save the baby yak from drowning in the high water.