English Idioms
An idiom is a set expression that has a meaning different from the sum of the literal meanings of its components. For example, if you combine the literal meanings of the words “all, of,...
An idiom is a set expression that has a meaning different from the sum of the literal meanings of its components. For example, if you combine the literal meanings of the words “all, of,...
At a Hotel В гостинице I’m going to visit Chicago next month. Я собираюсь посетить Чикаго в следующем месяце. Could you recommend a good hotel? Вы не могли бы порекомендовать хорошую гостиницу? I’d like...
Starting your letter (Paragraph 1) Thanks for your letter. Lovely to hear from you. How are you? How are things? Hope you’re well. Commenting on something (Paragraph 1) I’m sorry to hear/learn … I’m...
As many of you will know, “please” and “thank you” are very important words to use in the English Language. Many of my clients who have visited the UK often tell me how noticeable...
Слова признательности Words of Appreciation благодарность (признательность) gratitude Благодарю Вас! Thank you. Спасибо! (неофициально, часто – в ответ) Thanks. Спасибо большое! Thank you a lot. Спасибо большое! Thanks a lot. (может произноситься с сарказмом,...
accept / except advice / advise affect / effect all right / alright alone / lonely a lot / alot / allot all ready / already altogether / all together any one / anyone...
Идиомы с трактовкой и синонимами Перевод Пример after all – despite, nevertheless все-таки I knew it! After all, I was right! all along – all the time все время, всегда I knew about his little...