Category: 11 -th form

Phrasal Verbs

To have a finger in every pie – ко всякой бочке затычка To be on one’s toes – быть энергичным, деятельным To set one’s heart on smth. – страстно желать чего-то To give a...

Stative Verbs

Английские глаголы можно классифицировать по разным признакам, и один из них – передача действия или состояния предмета. Соответственно, все глаголы можно разделить на динамические, или глаголы действия (Dynamic Verbs) и статические, или глаголы состояния...

Shevchenko’s poems

When I am dead, then bury meIn my beloved Ukraine, My tomb upon a grave mound high Amid the spreading plain, So that the fields, the boundless steppes, The Dnieper’s plunging shore My eyes...

Final tests

Form 9 Final test Variant 1 Choose the correct word Jane was absent from school and now she has to catch up/on with the class. Commercial/state TV channels broadcast mostly entertainment programmes because they...

Билеты ДПА

VARIANT 1 I I Read the text and choose the correct item for each statement below.                                                        Undersea Vehicles Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles, along with breakthroughs in satellite technology...

Билеты к ДПА

VARIANT 6 I I Read the text and choose the correct item for each statement below.                                             Main Dish — Pasta with Ham and Apples For 1—2 servings. Macaroni or retina pasta, cooked;...

A Use of English i-Circle the correct answer. 1 Sam’s going to …………… with friends. A chat  B have  C meet D tidy 2 I’m very …………… on cooking. It’s a great way to...