

Визначення рівня мовленнєвої компетенції.



  1. A hero is traditionally a person who, in the face of danger, adversity or weakness, displays courage and the will for self-sacrifice for some greater good for humanity.
  • What traits define a hero for you?
  • Does being in the right place in the right time make a hero or are people born that way?
  • Who is your hero and why do you look up to them?


  1. Many different languages are used around the world, even within a single country.
  • What other languages would you want to learn to speak and why?
  • How can language help connect people from different parts of the world?
  • How would the world be different if only one language was spoken throughout the world?


  1. Some argue that «street smarts» are more important than «book smarts»
  • What are the most important lessons you’ve learned outside of school?
  • Do the lessons we need in life come mostly from school, or not?
  • What does it mean to have a «full» education?


  1. Ukrainian students typically wear uniforms to school but not all children are happy about this.
  • Do you think schools should require students to wear uniforms?
  • Is there a way to wear a uniform and still be fashionable?
  • What image of yourself do you try to convey through your clothes?


  1. Scientist Charles Babbage proposed the idea of the computer in the 19th century, but no one imagined how much the device would change our lives.
  • How do you think technology will change in the next 100 years?
  • What technologies would you like to see that do not yet exist?
  • What are some ways technology can negatively impact our lives?


  1. Everyone likes to relax in different ways. Some people even have a special place that only they know about.
  • What special place do you like to go to for relaxation?
  • What does it look like?
  • What do you do there?


  1. Music influences people in different ways.
  • What type of music influences you the most? How?
  • Which musician has had the greatest impact on you? Why?
  • How is the music of your generation different from the music your parents listened to?


  1. Imagine that you are given the opportunity to turn back time.
  • What time in your life would you want to re-experienced ?
  • Is there anything you would change in your past?
  • How do you think your present life would be affected by your journey to the past?
  1. Describe the house of your dreams.
  • What does your house look like?
  • What is your favourite room and what is in it?
  • Where in the world would your house be located?


  1. Some students are proud of their school and really enjoy studying there, while others don’t like their school and would prefer to study someplace else.
  • What are the qualities of a good school in your opinion?
  • What must the teachers be like? The students?
  • What else influences students’ opinions of their school (discos, school lunches, etc.)


  1. One complaint many students have is that they don’t have enough control over their own education.
  • If you could teach a new class not normally taught in schools, what would it be?
  • What would this class teach and how would the students be graded?
  • How would you convince the teachers and director that students need this class?


  1. Ukraine is a big country with many different geographical features, climates and traditions. What do you like about your country?
  • What can you say about the weather here? Do you like the weather?
  • What are some of your favourite national traditions and customs?
  • What are your favourite cities? Where are they located?


  1. One of your friends recently decided to drop out of school. What would you say to a friend who wanted to quit school?
  • What reasons would you give them for staying in school?
  • What problems could they have later in life if they stop going to school now?
  • Why is it important to finish school?


  1. Traditionally, holidays are spent with family and friends.
  • If you could create your own holiday, what would it be called and what would it be called and what and what would it celebrated?
  • On what day of the year would it be celebrated?
  • With whom would you celebrate the holiday?


  1. Every culture has different traditions patterns for naming people. For example, most Ukrainian have very traditional names, but in America, people sometimes have unconventional names. Some celebrities even give their children names like “Apple” or “Moon Unit”.
  • Why did your parents choose your name?
  • Should people be able to choose their own names? If so, how old should someone be before changing their name?
  • If you could change your name to anything, what would it be and why?


  1. Fantasy books such as the Harry Potter and Twilight series have been popular for some years now.
  • Why do people like fantasy books? Are they targeted on one age group?
  • In your opinion, what is the most interesting genre of books? Explain what makes it more interesting to you than the others.
  • If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be and why?


  1. A person you know is planning to visit your town or city
  • During what season would you recommend him or her to visit and why?
  • What do you think this person would like and dislike about spending time in your town or city? Why?
  • What areas of interest would you show her or him first?


  1. Imagine you get to move into your own apartment tomorrow.
  • What five things would you put in your apartment first?
  • Do you think you would keep your apartment clean or messy? Why?
  • Would you invite anyone to live with you or would you stay there alone? Why?


  1. Imagine that you are given enough money to start life there alone? Why?
  • What type of business would you choose to open and what would you call it?
  • What would you need to open your own business in terms of space, employees, and supplies?
  • How would you advertise your new business?


  1. Your family is going to adopt new pet. Everybody has a chance to state their opinion.
  • What kinds of pets would not be good for your family?
  • How would you convince the rest of your family your idea is perfect for all of them?
  • What kind of care would this pet need?


  1. People are often interested by foreign people and cultures. Which foreign culture do you find the most intriguing?
  • Which tradition from that culture would you like to experience?
  • How has the classical understanding of that culture evolved over time?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of accepting foreign traditions into your own culture?


  1. Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube.
  • Why have these sites become so popular? Do you or someone you know watch these clips? What kind of clips do you watch and why?
  • What makes such sites different than television?
  • How do these clips influence society? Give examples.


  1. Imagine you have become stranded on Desert Island.
  • Without a computer, phone, or television, how would you spend your time?
  • What do you know about survival skills, like planting food, building houses, or making clothes?
  • If you could choose two people to be stranded with you, who would they be and why?


  1. The world is becoming increasingly urbanized.
  • Why are more and more people living in cities?
  • In the future, do you think people will live in the countryside?
  • Is living in a city a sustainable lifestyle? Explain.


  1. Mobile phones have become commonplace in the past decade, and are a useful tool used by nearly everyone. However, mobile phones are occasionally used in inappropriate times and situations.
  • How has the use of mobile phones negatively affected an experience you’ve had?
  • If you could write their guidelines for their use, what would they be?
  • How would society benefit from your guidelines? When is it appropriate to use mobile phones?


  1. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You have the opportunity to interview any person in the world.
  • Who would you choose to interview?
  • How has this person influenced people’s lives?
  • What three questions would you ask first?


  1. Mark Twain once wrote: «Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow – mindedness. Broad, wholesome, charitable views cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth.»
  • Do you agree with Twain’s statement?
  • How does traveling to different cities and countries combat prejudices?
  • Other than traveling, how can people become more open-minded?


  1. Imagine you have the power to see the future.
  • What advantages and disadvantages accompany this gift?
  • What responsibilities come with this gift?
  • Would you make the knowledge of your ability public? Why or why not?


  1. Discuss the quote “You never step into the same river twice”.
  • How do you interpret this quote?
  • Do you think it is true statement? Why or why not?
  • How can you relate it to yourself?


  1. If you could learn any language besides Ukrainian, Russian, or English, what would it be?
  • What are reasons?
  • What opportunities would it create for you?
  • What unique hurdles would you have to overcome?


  1. How important is it for young people to have good role models?
  • Who do you think is a good role model for young people in your country? Why?
  • What would you most like to be admired for?
  • What characteristics define a good role model for you?


  1. Many young people nowadays use social networks like Vkontakte and Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family. However, many critics fear that these sites are costing us too much in terms of privacy and can have a negative impact on users.
  • What are the advantages of using social networking websites?
  • What are possible disadvantages of using such sites?
  • How can people reduce the risk they put themselves in when using sites like Facebook and Vkontakte?


  1. It is required that pupils study a foreign language in school.
  • Do you feel teaching sign language would satisfy this requirement? Why or why not?
  • What effect would this have on Ukrainian society?
  • How would this impact the life of a deaf person?


  1. People today may think that humankind has seen everything there is to discover in and around the world, yet there are still a lot of unknowns about the ocean and outer space.
  • Do you think it is more important to devote resources to exploring the ocean or outer space?
  • How would we benefit from exploring this realm?
  • What do you hope we discover in the next ten years?


  1. It is often said that, “The world is getting smaller.”
  • How has technology made the world smaller?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a more connected world?
  • Does it make sense to say that “The world is getting bigger”? Explain


  1. Many pupils dream of travelling to other countries. Let’s imagine that you have to choose one country, not your native country, where you will go to live for a long time.
  • Which country would you choose? Why?
  • What would be the worst part about living there? The best?
  • How would you deal with the problem of being far from your native land?


  1. How important is friendship to you?
  • Describe the character of your best friend?
  • Can people be happy without friends? Why or why not?
  • Which is more important to you: love or friendship?


  1. “A journey of thousand miles begins with one step.” What does this mean in your life?
  • How do you start a difficult task?
  • Have you ever been afraid to do something? How did you overcome this fear?
  • How did you feel after you had started?


  1. Some people say that whatever happens, happens for the best.
  • Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
  • Can good come from bad situations? In which cases?
  • Which is more important, fate or luck? How?


  1. 4 A popular ad campaign tells television viewers, “never stop learning.”
  • What are some ways people continue to learn when they finish their normal schooling?
  • Do you know anyone who thinks has stopped learning? Why do you think so?
  • Some people lose sight and hearing as they grow older. How can they keep learning?


  1. 4 Journalism is a vital and challenging profession.
  • Why is journalism important?
  • If you were a journalist, what kinds of news stories would you enjoy reporting about?
  • Who would be the first person you would interview and why?


  1. 4 Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home country.
  • Why do some students study abroad?
  • How could studying abroad be viewed as a waste of time?
  • How can a student make the most out of his or her abroad?


  1. 4 Choosing a career path can be a difficult decision.
  • What should be one’s motivation in choosing a career path?
  • When you have a family to support, is it fair to choose a job that gives you personal satisfaction even if the salary is lower than other available jobs?
  • How can people balance their professional and personal lives?


  1. 4 “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is a popular idiom.
  • How do you interpret this phrase?
  • Describe a time when you misjudged someone or something based on appearances.
  • What value do you think our culture places on appearances, and is it appropriate? Explain.


  1. 4 Many families in Ukraine grow their own food, but in many parts of the world people buy the majority of their food from supermarkets.
  • What are the benefits of growing your own food?
  • Why do some people prefer to buy all their food from stores?
  • If you had a garden and could only plant three things, what would they be and why?


  1. 4 Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures connect through communication, transportation, and trade. This process has sped up greatly over the last two decades.
  • What advances in communication have caused globalization to speed up?
  • What roles have travel played in the globalization of world economies?
  • How can globalization positively affect different countries? How can it negatively affect them?


47.Websites, magazines, and television shows are free to say anything about celebrities and public figures – even if it’s not true.

  • Is this practice fair?
  • Why is the public so fascinated with the private details of famous people’s lives?
  • Would you be willing to trade privacy for fame? Explain your reasons.


  1. 4 Some people believe that violent films and video games make our society more violent.
  • Do you think there is a connection between violence in the media and violence in real life?
  • Should there be greater restrictions on portraying violence in films and games?
  • Do you enjoy watching films or playing video games that have violent content?


  1. 4 Social networking websites like Vkontakte and Facebook are incredibly popular, but some are concerned that young people are being too free with their personal information.
  • What information about yourself are you comfortable with sharing on the Internet.
  • Do you think people are being careless about their private lives?
  • What are the possible consequences, good or bad, of so much online sharing?


  1. 5 In the United States, it’s common for private schools to accept only boys or only girls.
  • What do you think are the positive aspects of single-sex education? What are the negative aspects?
  • Would you like to attend an all-girls or all-boys school? Why or why not?
  • If a school denied admission to a student based on race, it would be discrimination. How is sex different, if at all?


  1. 5 With all the pressures of the modern world, time is an important factor in our lives today. How does time impact your life?
  • Do you have enough time to do all things you’d like to do in your life?
  • How do you prioritize your time to accomplish the things that are most important to you?
  • Do you follow a strict schedule and calendar, or do you “take life as it comes”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your approach?


  1. 5 We all try to avoid illness through healthy daily habits and diets. When we get ill, most of us go to the doctor for advice or prescription medicines.
  • What preventative measures do you take to maintain your health?
  • How do different cultures approach health care? Compare and contrast Ukrainian health care with another culture.
  • In your opinion, do people rely too much on pharmaceuticals?


  1. 5 A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
  • What real problems do teenagers face today?
  • What can you say about generation gaps between you and your parents?
  • Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect to older generations?
  1.     5 Everyone has his or her own set of priorities or a list of things that he or she considers more important than other things.
  • What is most important to you in your life?
  • What made you decide upon your list of priorities?
  • Do you think priorities change over time? Why?
  1. 5 What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today’s so­ciety? Describe where you see it.
  • Explain why you consider it to be so bad.
  • How does it affect society as a whole and the individuals making up that society?
  • How would you propose to do away with this problem?


  1. 5 Technological inventions don’t make our lives better. They simply create more products we are expected to buy.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the statement.
  • Give arguments to support your view.


  1. 5 You will soon be finishing your studies at college and will either continue your education at a higher institution or you will begin working towards a career.
  • What’s your dream profession?
  • What qualifications must you have to get this job?
  • What would you do? Describe your average day.
  1. 5 How do you feel people from other countries view Ukrainians when they visit?
  • Do you think it is similar or different from how you view visitors?

Why do you think so?


  1. 5 Holidays are special times when people give and receive presents signifying their love for one another.
  • What do you think is better, to give or to receive presents? Why?
  • What presents do you especially wish for? Why do you want these things?
  • If you had the money or ability to give one person in the world anything, to whom would you give it, what would you give, and why?


  1. 6 Celebrities have a lot of influence nationally and internationally.
    • What Ukrainian celebrity are you most proud of?
    • What are some of this celebrity’s accomplishments?
    • How does this person bring pride to your nation and culture?










Визначення рівня мовної компетенції.


(Лексико-граматичні  тести)


Test I

  1. Have you ever visited other countries? – Yes, I… to Italy and France.
  2. a) was c) had been
  3. b) have been d) would be
  4. I feel really tired. We … to the party last night and have just returned home.
  5. a) went c) had seen
  6. b) has gone d) was going
  7. At the beginning of the film I realized that I … it before.
  8. a) see c) had seen
  9. b) saw d) have seen
  10. When the bus stopped in the small square, Helen … her magazine and didn’t realized at first that she had arrived at her destination.
  11. a) read c) was reading
  12. b) reads d) had read
  13. My sister’s son … in tomorrow’s race, because he is too young. They do not allow riders under sixteen.
  14. a) won’t ride c) wouldn’t ride
  15. b) shan’t ride d) doesn’t ride
  16. A beautiful bridge … in our city. It will be finished next year.
  17. a) builds c) is being built
  18. b) is built d) has been built
  19. It has been raining for two hours. I hope it … raining soon.
  20. a) stops c) would stop
  21. b) shall stop d) stop
  22. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news, and also … entertainment at home.
  23. a) provide c) is provided
  24. b) provides d) provided
  25. On the other hand television … for the violent behaviour of some young people, and for encouraging children to sit indoors, instead of doing sports.
  26. a) blames c) is blamed
  27. b) blamed d) would blame
  28. Some millionaires have lots of money and … what to do with it.
  29. a) don’t know c) won’t know
  30. b) didn’t d) knows
  31. How … at college? You didn’t say much about it in your last letter.
  32. a) do you get on c) will you get on
  33. b) are you get on d) are you getting on
  34. When you … in this city again? – In a month.
  35. a) arrive c) have you arrived
  36. b) arrived d) will you arrive
  37. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I … walk to work.
  38. a) has to c) had to
  39. b) have to d) could
  40. Every time when I missed the bus, I … to return home late.
  41. a) must c) can
  42. b) had d) may
  43. That was great! It was … meal you have ever cooked.
  44. a) good c) best
  45. b) better d) the best
  46. This exhibition is … interesting than the previous one.
  47. a) little c) least
  48. b) less d) the least
  49. We saw … good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.
  50. a) a c) –

b)the                              d) an

  1. Everybody agrees that … happiness is very important in the life of people.
  2. a) – с) а
  3. b) the d) many
  4. In the past people lived in … harmony with the environment.
  5. a) a c) the
  6. b) an d) –
  7. When they arrived … the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.

a)to                                c)in

  1. b) at d) for
  2. When you … older, you’ll change your mind about this.
  3. a) will grow c) have grown
  4. b) grow d) grew
  5. By the time the police get there, the burglars … .
  6. a) vanish c) will have vanished
  7. b) will vanish d) vanished
  8. As soon as the taxi arrives, I … you know.
  9. a) let c) had let
  10. b) have let d) will let
  11. My friend has been writing to me for years already, but he never … a photo.
  12. a) sends c) will send
  13. b) has sent d) sent
  14. Why are you busy packing? – My train … in two hours, so we’ll leave the house in an hour.
  15. a) is leaving c) leaves
  16. b) will be leaving d) left
  17. When was this building finished? – They say it … by the end of last year.
  18. a) had been finished c) will be finished
  19. b) was finished d) finishes
  20. I thought that I … my key and was very glad when I found it.
  21. a) lose c) had lost
  22. b) lost d) was losing
  23. What’s the matter? You look upset. Last week I lost my scarf and now I just … my gloves.
  24. a) lost c) had lost
  25. b) have lost d) lose

29.1 … for this bank for five years already but I have decided to change my job.

  1. a) am working c) have been working
  2. b) has worked d) worked
  3. Martin said that he … the tickets the next day.
  4. a) bought c) will buy
  5. b) had bought d) would buy
  6. The house opposite our college .,., that’s why we are using the back entrance at present.
  7. a) pulls down c) is being pulled down
  8. b) is pulled down d) pulled down
  9. You … an umbrella when you left the house, didn’t you?
  10. a) have c) had had
  11. b) was having d) had
  12. By the time we got to the cinema the film … .
  13. a) will begin c) had begun
  14. b) would begin d) began
  15. Is there anything I … do to help you?
  16. a) can c) am to
  17. b) may d) as to
  18. The last film I saw was … frightening than this one.
  19. a) little c) least
  20. b) less d) the least
  21. Someone is calling you. Will you answer … phone?
  22. a) a c) –
  23. b) the d) these
  24. To tell the truth I don’t like … pair of trousers that I bought last month.
  25. a) those c) that
  26. b) this d) a
  27. Whose house is it? – It’s … .
  28. a) my c) her
  29. b) mine d) our
  30. Today is … cold than yesterday. So, I’m wearing my


  1. a) little c) least
  2. b) less d) the least
  3. “Come home … Christmas Day, we’ll be waiting for you”, my mother always says to me.

a)in                                    c) –

  1. b) on d) at
  2. Excuse me, do you speak English? I … for a hotel.
  3. a) look c) was looking
  4. b) am looking d) have been looking
  5. Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we … to stay on a small island.
  6. a) choose c) had chosen
  7. b) have chosen d) chose
  8. Mathematics … hard. I don’t understand it.
  9. a) are c) was
  10. b) is d) were
  11. While we … for the train, it started to rain.
  12. a) waited c) was waiting
  13. b) are waiting d) were waiting
  14. The police officer said that every house in that street … already by the police.
  15. a) search c) had been searched
  16. b) were searched d) searched
  17. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It… a lot of visitors.
  18. a) attracts c) has attracted
  19. b) will attract d) attracted
  20. The result of his investigation … in the newspaper soon.
  21. a) publish c) will be published
  22. b) be published d) is published
  23. When they arrived home, their children … outside the door waiting for them.
  24. a) sit c) was sitting
  25. b) are sitting d) were sitting
  26. We … a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.
  27. a) had bought c) bought
  28. b) was bought d) have bought
  29. He was sorry that he … to me for so long.
  30. a) didn’t write c) hadn’t been writing
  31. b) haven’t been writing d) hasn’t been writing



                                                                          Test II

  1. The ring you found … be returned to an old lady who had lost it.
  2. a) can c) have to
  3. b) must d) are to
  4. Everybody in our team played … except the captain.
  5. a) bad c) worst
  6. b) badly d) the worst
  7. You know much, but you know … than your teacher.
  8. a) little c) least
  9. b) less d) much
  10. Small shops are not as … as supermarkets.
  11. a) more convenient c) most convenient
  12. b) convenient d) the most convenient
  13. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays … piano very well.
  14. a) a c) the

b)an                                   d)-

  1. We had five phone calls, but there were … for you.
  2. a) no c) either
  3. b) none d) neither
  4. I didn’t have much time, but I … visit a lot of places of interest in London.
  5. a) can c) must
  6. b) was able to d) had to
  7. That’s an easy question! … knows the answer!
  8. a) All c) Each
  9. b) Everybody d) Every
  10. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed … him.
  11. a) on c) at
  12. b) under d)about
  13. We feel sorry … Sam because he hasn’t got any friends.
  14. a) for c) with

b)about                              d) by


  1. If I … some fish, will you cook it for me?
  2. a) will catch c) caught
  3. b) catch d) am catching
  4. She said that she … her present flat. She tried to find

another one.

  1. a) doesn’t like c) didn’t like
  2. b) won’t like d) likes

13.1 saw you yesterday from the bus. Where … you … at that


  1. a) was hurrying c) had hurried
  2. b) were hurrying d) did hurry

14.I found that everything I said on the phone … to the police.

  1. a) report c) was reported
  2. b) is reported d) had been reported
  3. When I speak Italian, all the others in the class … at me as I don’t know the language well.
  4. a) laughed c) will laugh
  5. b) was laughing d) laugh
  6. He … in the Army for eighteen months. This is his last month.
  7. a) serves c) has been serving
  8. b) is serving d) have served
  9. Don’t make noise: the children … to sleep.
  10. a) try c) will try
  11. b) is trying d) are trying
  12. A new museum … in the city. What a beautiful building it will be!
  13. a) was being built c) is built
  14. b) is being built d) builds
  15. Two terrorists … in New York some days ago.
  16. a) are arrested c) were arrested
  17. b) have been arrested d) will be arrested

20.1 … understand this letter. Will you translate it for me?

  1. a) mustn’t c) may not
  2. b) can’t d) shouldn’t
  3. Diana’s parents don’t let her go to late-night disco. She … be at home at 9 o’clock in the evening.
  4. a) must c) may
  5. b) can d) have to
  6. Henry … apologize for his bad behaviour yesterday.
  7. a) have to c) had to
  8. b) may d) is to
  9. The children studied hard, and as a result they passed the exams … of all.
  10. a) good c) best
  11. b) better d) the best
  12. This is … film I’ve ever seen.
  13. a) more interesting c) most interesting
  14. b) the most interesting d) not interesting
  15. … old, … sick, … unemployed need our special care.
  16. a) – c) the
  17. b) an d)everybody
  18. Someone who saw … robbery called the-police.
  19. a) – c)the
  20. b) a d)those
  21. According to this song … we need is love.
  22. a) all c) each
  23. b) every d) some
  24. We wished the bride and groom happiness in … new life together.
  25. a) there c) theirs
  26. b) their d) these
  27. Excuse me, but does this umbrella belong … you?
  28. a) to c) at
  29. b) for d) with
  30. I listened to the radio every day to know the weather forecast but I can never rely … it.
  31. a) at c) in
  32. b) to d) on

31.1 knew that I … her somewhere before.

  1. a) saw c) would see
  2. b) had seen d) has seen
  3. When I finally found the house, I knocked at the door but … the answer.
  4. a) don’t hear c) didn’t hear
  5. b) hasn’t heard d) heard
  6. I went out into the garden to fetch my bike, but found that someone … it.
  7. a) stole it c) has stolen
  8. b) would steal d) had stolen
  9. When I… for the keys, I remembered that I had left them at home.
  10. a) looked c) had been looking
  11. b) was looking d) look

35.1 have been working for the bank for a year already, but I … to change my job.

  1. a) decided c) has decided
  2. b) have decided d) decide
  3. They spoke so quickly that I … what they were speaking about.
  4. a) not understand c) didn’t understand
  5. b) don’t understand d) hadn’t understood
  6. Yesterday our flight … because of the fog.
  7. a) cancelled c) had been cancelled
  8. b) was cancelled d) has been cancelled

38.1 couldn’t open the office door because someone … it.

  1. a) lock c) had locked

b)locked                            d)would lock

  1. As soon as you … me, I will contact you.
  2. a) calls c) called
  3. b) will call d) call

40.1 … him since he started working here.

  1. a) have never trusted c) trusted
  2. b) had never trusted d) trust
  3. Mary will be ready soon. She … coffee at the moment.
  4. a) has c) was having
  5. b) have d) is having
  6. If we … late for the class, our teacher will be angry with us.
  7. a) is c) will be
  8. b) were d) are
  9. We … in the sunshine for about half an hour when I suddenly felt sick.
  10. a) have been sitting c) sat
  11. b) were sitting d) had been sitting
  12. We were disappointed as the film was … than we expected.
  13. a) entertaining c) most entertaining
  14. b) less entertaining d) entertaining
  15. We usually ask our teacher to explain … difficult problems to us.
  16. a) the c) a
  17. b) – d) this
  18. Playing … guitar is an interesting hobby.
  19. a) – c) the
  20. b) a d) mine
  21. Our city is famous for … beautiful ancient buildings.
  22. a) its c) it’s
  23. b) it d) his
  24. Her hair is long and fair. Everybody admires … .
  25. a) them c) they
  26. b) it d) its
  27. You are very good … dealing with people.
  28. a) in c) on
  29. b) at d) about
  30. Last summer our neighbours decided to drive to Scotland … a short holiday.
  31. a) at c) on
  32. b) to d) for




Test III

  1. When the light … I was sitting in the armchair reading a book.
  2. a) goes out c) go out
  3. b) had gone out d) went out
  4. I thought I … this film before, but I hadn’t.
  5. a) saw c) had seen
  6. b) seen d) have seen
  7. Why haven’t you brought me the letters for signature? … them yet?
  8. a) Don’t you type c) Haven’t you typed
  9. b) Didn’t you type d) Will you type
  10. She wasn’t sure whether she … the door of her flat.
  11. a) locked c) had locked
  12. b) has locked d) didn’t lock

5.1… my homework all morning and haven’t finished it yet.

  1. a) am doing c) have been doing
  2. b) do d) did
  3. The inspector suspected that the thief … a special key for opening this door.
  4. a) uses c) had used
  5. b) has used d) will use
  6. I was very tired. When I … to bed, I fell asleep immediately.
  7. a) got c) had got
  8. b) has got d) will get
  9. The Vikings … to North America a thousand years ago.
  10. a) sail c) had sailed
  11. b) sailed d) have sailed
  12. Thank you for your offer, but I … not to accept it.
  13. a) decide c) have decided
  14. b) has decided d) decided
  15. You … through your old photograph album for half an hour already.
  16. a) look c) have looked
  17. b) are looking d) have been looking
  18. Nobody knows where his picture is. Perhaps, it … .
  19. a) was stolen c) has been stolen
  20. b) will be stolen d) stolen
  21. I agree. You … apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party.
  22. a) can’t c) shouldn’t
  23. b) mustn’t d) may not
  24. Actually, today I feel … than I did yesterday.
  25. a) bad c) worst
  26. b) worse d) the worst
  27. … people who are unemployed often feel depressed.
  28. a) The с) А
  29. b) – d) That
  30. Who was the first astronaut who landed on … Moon?
  31. a) the с) а
  32. b) – d) those
  33. What happened at the end of the film? – I’m sorry to say, but I haven’t seen … film.
  34. a) a c) –
  35. b) the d) those
  36. This is … interesting exhibition I’ve ever visited.
  37. a) more c) less
  38. b) most d) the most
  39. Would you mind waiting … minutes?
  40. a) few c) little
  41. b) a few d) a little
  42. I’m … interested in languages than in mathematics,
  43. a) much c) little
  44. b) many d) less
  45. The students often translate English texts … Russian.
  46. a) to c) into

b)in                                    d) on

  1. My mother … strawberries for years but she has never had such a good crop before.
  2. a) grow c) has been growing
  3. b) grew d) had grown
  4. Helen got off the bus and walked into the bank when she realized that she … her handbag on the bus.
  5. a) left c) has left
  6. b) had left d) leaves
  7. You are a great cook! This cake … wonderful as usual.
  8. a) taste c) will taste
  9. b) tasted d) tastes
  10. I cut my finger when I … the potatoes.
  11. a) am peeling c) was peeling
  12. b) have peeled d) will peel
  13. The students … not to be late for their classes.
  14. a) ask c) are asked
  15. b) asked d) are asking
  16. Yesterday, while Jane … she broke two cups.
  17. a) wash up c) was washing up
  18. b) washes up d) has washed up
  19. Be attentive and more serious. You always … something!
  20. a) lose c) have lost
  21. b) are losing d) have been loosing
  22. What … you … when I phoned you last night?
  23. a) did do c) had done
  24. b) were doing d) had been doing
  25. Our flat … at the moment, so it doesn’t look its best.
  26. a) paints c) is being painted
  27. b) is painted d) has been painted
  28. My brother will be absent. He … for his exam at this time tomorrow.
  29. a) will prepare c) will have prepared
  30. b) will be preparing d) will have been preparing
  31. … you give me some advice about the language courses?
  32. a) Have c) Should
  33. b) May d) Could
  34. Why didn’t you give me a call yesterday? We … discuss everything together.
  35. a) can c) may
  36. b) must d) could
  37. At college the work is harder than the work we did at school, but it is much … interesting.
  38. a) more c) many
  39. b) most d) a few
  40. A person with a good education usually gets … better job.
  41. a) – c) the
  42. b) a d) an
  43. … poor people need help from the government.

a)-                                     c)A

  1. b) The d) This
  2. The government should help … poor.
  3. a) – с) а
  4. b) the d)that
  5. You can do … you want, but don’t bother me now.
  6. a) anything c) some
  7. b) something d) any
  8. The government is going to provide … houses for homeless people.
  9. a) much c) most
  10. b) more d) least

39.1 think of coming to Moscow … a few days to visit my sister.

  1. a) of c) for

b)on                                   d)over

  1. I think we should ask … some information about this case.
  2. a) about c) for
  3. b) – d) on

41 The train stopped at all the stations, and long before we got to London every seat … and people were standing in the corridors.

  1. a) has been taken c) had been taken
  2. b) was taken d) is taken
  3. Most of the young people left this village a long time ago and nobody … yet.
  4. a) returned c) had returned
  5. b) has returned d) was returned
  6. The police suspected that Bill himself had broken the window at his house because he wanted to make them think that a burglar … his valuable stamp collection.
  7. a) stole c) was stealing
  8. b) had stolen d) has stolen
  9. The police thought that he … it because he needed money.
  10. a) did c) was doing
  11. b) had done d) has done
  12. If you work a bit harder, I’m sure you … the exam.
  13. a) pass c) have passed
  14. b) will pass d) would pass
  15. Where are you going? I … speaking with you yet.
  16. a) not finished c) haven’t finished
  17. b) didn’t finish d) don’t finish

47.1 didn’t see where the bus stop was, so I… the bus yesterday.

  1. a) miss c) has missed
  2. b) missed d) had missed
  3. Last week a burglar broke into the house while we … television.
  4. a) watch c) watched
  5. b) have watched d) were watching
  6. When are you going to finish this translation? – I… this translation today.
  7. a) finish c) have finished
  8. b) finished d) had finished
  9. I felt really tired. We … for two hours before we reached the nearest hotel.
  10. a) walked c) have been walking
  11. b) were walking d) had been walking





Test IV


  1. My father is sure that most people … bicycles to work in twenty years’ time.
  2. a) shall ride c) ride
  3. b) will be riding d) are riding
  4. The plane … take off after the fog had lifted.
  5. a) must c) can
  6. b) was able to d) may
  7. Finally we … stop: we were tired and it was dark.
  8. a) can c) must
  9. b) may d) had to
  10. In the past most of the population lived in … country.
  11. a) the c) –
  12. b) a d) this
  13. The judge sent our neighbour to … prison for a month.
  14. a) the c) –
  15. b) a d) an
  16. … English are proud of their country and that the English language is spoken all over the world.
  17. a) the c) an
  18. b) – d) few
  19. Why have you done it? Oh, there are … reasons for it.
  20. a) much c) a little
  21. b) little d) many
  22. Sorry, but I can’t hear … of you properly.
  23. a) neither c) nobody
  24. b) either d) none
  25. We were looking forward … a quiet rest near the forest.
  26. a) for c) on
  27. b) to d) at
  28. Our city is famous … its beautiful ancient buildings.
  29. a) of c) by
  30. b) for d) with
  31. My passport … last month, and nobody has found it yet .
  32. a) lost c) has been lost
  33. b) was lost d) had been lost
  34. There’s going to be an interesting art exhibition. It … a lot of visitors.
  35. a) attracts c) will attract
  36. b) attract d) would attract
  37. Have you head the news? He … all his exams this week.
  38. a) passed c) had passed
  39. b) has passed d) pass
  40. By the time we get to the cinema the film … .
  41. a) will begin c) will have begun

b)begins                            d)began

  1. He says his train … at 8 a.m. He’s packing his things at the moment.
  2. a) leave c) has left
  3. b) leaves d) would leave

16.1 was quite … to see Ben behaving like that.

a)shocked                          c) being shocked

b)shocking                        d)shock

  1. I … on the phone when the postman knocked on the door and entered the room.
  2. a) speak c) was speaking
  3. b) am speaking d) have spoken
  4. We first came to this town more than twenty years ago. Everything … in the town since that time.

a)change                           c) has changed

b)changed                         d)is changed

  1. We didn’t know that Bill … to Brazil the week before, and he was abroad when the burglary took place.
  2. a) flew c) has flown
  3. b) had flown d) would flow
  4. I arrived in Prague in September last year. So I … here for six months.
  5. a) live c) have lived
  6. b) lived d) will live
  7. While I was wondering whether to buy the shoes or not, they … by someone else.
  8. a) buy c) were bought
  9. b) bought d) had been bought
  10. He was happy. He … pass his driving test at the first attempt.
  11. a) should c) had to
  12. b) must d) was able to
  13. At present I … afford to go to the cinema twice a week.
  14. a) can’t c) must not
  15. b) couldn’t d) might not
  16. We didn’t think you were … in ancient history.
  17. a) interested c) not interesting
  18. b) interesting d) less interesting
  19. Every morning I listen to … radio, but I don’t like to watch TV so early.
  20. a) the c) –
  21. b) a d) these
  22. … English is the world language and the English language spoken in the USA or Australia differs from the English language spoken in Britain.

a)the                                  c) an

  1. b) – d)a
  2. You are always quarreling! Stop it, … of you!

a)everybody                      c) both

  1. b) some d) every
  2. Mr. Smith was accused of spying and put … prison.
  3. a) in c) at
  4. b) of d) to
  5. Our city succeeded … collecting a large sum of money for charity.
  6. a) on c) with
  7. b) in d) at
  8. I’m sorry … your difficulties. Can I help?

a)for                                  c) about

  1. b) at d)on
  2. It’s 11 o’clock so I … to bed now.
  3. a) go c) will go
  4. b) am going d) have gone
  5. The tickets to the football match usually … and checked at the entrance.
  6. a) sell c) are sold
  7. b) was sold d) won’t be sold
  8. We … to the party today.
  9. a) have been invited c) have invited
  10. b) are invited d) had been invited
  11. The baby … because it is hungry now.
  12. a) crying c) cries
  13. b) is crying d) cried
  14. There … a lot of people waiting in the station yesterday evening.
  15. a) is c) was
  16. b) are d) were
  17. Some people … on the benches waiting for their trains.
  18. a) was sleeping c) have slept
  19. b) were sleeping d) had slept
  20. By the time the train arrived, Susan … to push her way to the front of the crowd.
  21. a) managed c) had managed
  22. b) has managed d) would manage
  23. … you … my English book anywhere? I can find it nowhere.
  24. a) Did … see c) Will … see
  25. b) Have … seen d) Had … seen
  26. Не … the text before I decided to help him.
  27. a) translated c) has translated
  28. b) had translated d) will translate
  29. It … in London this morning that the British Oil Corporation had discovered oil under the sea near the Welsh coast.
  30. a) announced c) had been announced
  31. b) would be announced d) was announced
  32. If he … when I come, I won’t wake him up.
  33. a) sleep c) will sleep
  34. b) will be sleeping d) is sleeping
  35. … they leave before supper or have they time to stay until my friends come?
  36. a) must c) might
  37. b) may d) should
  38. My … brother studies at college.
  39. a) old c) older
  40. b) elder d) the eldest
  41. This is …film I have ever seen.
  42. a) good c) worse
  43. b) the best d) better
  44. … Hyde Park is a very large park in central London.
  45. a) – с) а
  46. b) the d) an
  47. My friends tell me that professors are people who think a lot, but say … .
  48. a) little c) a few
  49. b) few d) some
  50. These books cost … than my friend wants to pay.
  51. a) more c) most
  52. b) much d) the most
  53. He has earned so … money that he has decided to help the poor.
  54. a) much c) little
  55. b) many d) few
  56. They go to work by car and come home … foot.
  57. a) by c) with
  58. b) on d) in
  59. The bus from Glasgow arrives … the Central bus station.
  60. a) at c) in
  61. b) to d) for





Test V

1.I found my lost pen while I … for my pencil sharpener.

  1. a) look c) was looking
  2. b) looked d) am looking
  3. When my friend studied abroad, his parents … him every week.
  4. a) phone c) had phoned
  5. b) was phoning d) phoned
  6. When I got home I realized that I … my wallet.
  7. a) lose c) had lost
  8. b) lost d) has lost
  9. When you … to the Chinese restaurant next time, what will you eat?
  10. a) go c) goes
  11. b) will go d) would go
  12. The man … by the police yesterday, but he denies robbing the bank.
  13. a) arrest c)is arrested
  14. b) was arrested d) had been arrested
  15. It’s raining, but if you take your umbrella, you … wet.
  16. a) don’t get c) won’t get
  17. b) didn’t get d) doesn’t get
  18. Last year Helen was staying with her brother while her house … .
  19. a) repaired c) was repaired
  20. b) was being repaired d) had been repaired
  21. Cars are fast and convenient. On the other hand they … problems in cities.
  22. a) cause c) has caused
  23. b) caused d) will cause
  24. When I … up yesterday, I was told this good news.
  25. a) wake c) woken
  26. b) woke d) has woken
  27. We … come to your party, but it depends on our finding a babysitter.
  28. a) may c) has to
  29. b) couldn’t d) mustn’t
  30. Our teacher is a reliable person, we … trust everything to her.
  31. a) shouldn’t c) is able
  32. b) can d) must
  33. I’ll feel … when my exams are over.
  34. a) happy c) more happily
  35. b) happily d) happiest
  36. I felt … because I had fever.
  37. a) badly c) worse
  38. b) bad d) the worst
  39. Have you ever seen a film at … Embassy cinema?
  40. a) – c) an b)a                      d)the
  41. I don’t like to have … animals in my flat.

a)the                                  c) an

  1. b) — d) some
  2. Excuse me, could you move. I can’t see … .
  3. a) something c) nothing
  4. b) anything d) none
  5. … is at home and no one knows where they are.
  6. a) Anybody c) Everybody
  7. b) Somebody d) Nobody
  8. I’d like to thank everybody who has helped me … this experiment.
  9. a) in c) at
  10. b) on d) with
  11. He wanted to borrow my bike … the weekend but I couldn’t lend it to him.
  12. a) to c) for

b)in                                    d)on

  1. My cat catches a lot of … .
  2. a) mouse c) the mice
  3. b) mice d) a mouse
  4. If I … lots of money, I’ll help the poor.
  5. a) will have c) had
  6. b) have d) would have
  7. The trouble with you is that you always … . I don’t like it.
  8. a) are complaining c) had complained
  9. b) were complaining d) complain
  10. I … her a letter and sent it off immediately.
  11. a) had written c) was writing
  12. b) will write d) wrote
  13. I’m afraid my hands are a bit dirty. I … in the garden since morning.
  14. a) have been working c) work
  15. b) was working d) worked
  16. By the year 2100 most of the Earth’s natural resources … up.
  17. a) will use c) will have been used
  18. b) will be used d) will be using
  19. The first person who … the finishing line is the winner.
  20. a) crosses c)crossed
  21. b) cross d) will cross
  22. My trousers … ironing. Have you got an iron?
  23. a) needs c) will need
  24. b) need d) had
  25. What happens in your class? … lectures every day?
  26. a) Had the teachers read c) Do the teachers read
  27. b) Did the teachers read d) Are the teachers reading
  28. If you … me a song, I will sing it at the concert.
  29. a) write c) has written
  30. b) will write d) had written

30.1 disapprove of people who … all sorts of promises which they have no intention of keeping.

  1. a) made c) have made
  2. b) makes d) make
  3. When the burglar ran out of the house he … by a policeman.
  4. a) arrested c) had been arrested
  5. b) was arrested d) would be arrested
  6. I think you … practise driving every day to become a safe driver.
  7. a) can’t c) should
  8. b) might d) has to
  9. You … have my car if you like. I shan’t be using it tomorrow.
  10. a) had to c) may
  11. b) are to d) must
  12. … war between these two countries was the longest in history.
  13. a) – с) а

b)the                                  d)those

  1. On my way home I saw a terrible fire. Luckily the fire brigade soon came and put out … fire.
  2. a) a c) –
  3. b) the d)such
  4. There are … things that money can’t buy.
  5. a) any c) some
  6. b) much d) something
  7. Helen had to pay extra at the airport because she had too … luggage.
  8. a) much c) little
  9. b) many d) few
  10. There is a newspaper shop … the end of the street.
  11. a) at c) on
  12. b) in d) by
  13. … we get to the theatre, the play will have started.
  14. a) until c) as soon as
  15. b) by the time d) whenever
  16. Nowadays there are many good reasons for using bicycles … cars to travel in city centers.
  17. a) instead of c) except for
  18. b) but d) such as
  19. An Englishman very seldom … on the Underground. He prefers to read newspapers.
  20. a) talk c) is talking
  21. b) talks d) has talked
  22. If you … with the traffic regulations, you will get into trouble with the police.
  23. a) aren’t complied c) don’t comply
  24. b) won’t comply d) wouldn’t comply

43.1 … whether you are telling the truth or not and if you are telling a lie, I will never believe you again.

  1. a) shall know c) should know

b)know                              d)knew

  1. Whose horse you … when I saw you yesterday?
  2. a) were riding c) was riding
  3. b) did ride d) rode
  4. Do you know the time? It … to me it’s about two o’clock.
  5. a) seem c) seemed
  6. b) seems d) will seem
  7. Tom met me at lunch time and said, “I … you at the bus stop this morning”.
  8. a) haven’t seen c) didn’t see
  9. b) not seen d) hadn’t seen
  10. Since my first visit to this city many new houses … here and it has become very noisy.
  11. a) are built c) had been built
  12. b) were built d) have been built
  13. My doctor says, “A week in the country … you feel better”. I want to follow his advice.
  14. a) made c) will make
  15. b) has made d) is making

49.I don’t like that she always … with you.

  1. a) arguing c) had argued

b)argue                             d)is arguing

50.I noticed that it … all night and everything was wet.

  1. a) was raining c) rained
  2. b) had been raining d) has been raining





Test VI


  1. She … him your message as soon as she sees him.
  2. a) give c) will give
  3. b) gives d) gave
  4. Yesterday I was going home on foot and all the time I had an impression that I … .
  5. a) am followed c) followed
  6. b) was followed d) was being followed
  7. … you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday?
  8. a) can c) must
  9. b) may d) should
  10. We moved last week and now we have a much … flat.
  11. a) good c) best
  12. b) better d) the best
  13. The Mediterranean is not as … as the Pacific Ocean.
  14. a) larger c) largest
  15. b) large d)the largest
  16. I didn’t expect to see him there. He was … last person I wanted to see.
  17. a) the с) а
  18. b) – d) one
  19. I didn’t know … answer to that question, so I left it out.

a)the                                  c) an

  1. b) – d) no

8.I don’t go swimming very … nowadays.

  1. a) many c) few
  2. b) much d) a little
  3. Excuse me, there is … I’d like to ask you.
  4. a) anything c) something
  5. b) everything d) none
  6. A combination of the use of bicycles … cheap public transport solves the problem of traffic jams in large cities.
  7. a) with c) of
  8. b) by d) in
  9. 1 There … several groups of people in Britain that try to protect the environment.
  10. a) is c) was
  11. b) are d) were
  12. Money … the root of all evil in our life.
  13. a) are c) have been
  14. b) were d) is
  15. This time next week I … on a beach in the Crimea.
  16. a) shall lie c) will be lying
  17. b) lie d) was lying

14.I just … some soup. Would you like some?

  1. a) have made c) had made
  2. b) made d) had to
  3. Jim told me that he … in the school basketball team.
  4. a) plays c) will play
  5. b) had played d) is playing
  6. Some birds, such as parrots, … alive and sold as pets.
  7. a) catch c) will be caught

b)caught                           d)are caught

  1. He is used to working late at the office. He … it every day.
  2. a) do c) did
  3. b) does d) will do
  4. The boy … a bicycle along the motorway when he was hit by the car.
  5. a) ride c) has been riding
  6. b) rode d) was riding
  7. The boy … to hospital by the driver of the car.
  8. a) was taken c) had been taken
  9. b) took d) will take
  10. As soon as the traffic … the children ran across the road.

a)stop                                c)stopped

  1. b) had stopped d) will stop
  2. How long you … for me? – For half an hour.
  3. a) are waiting c) do wait
  4. b) did wait d) have been waiting
  5. People … prevent pollution of the rivers before it gets worse.
  6. a) could c) must
  7. b) need d) had to
  8. If you are spoiled as a child you … have a lot of problems in adult life.
  9. a) must c) could
  10. b) may d) should
  11. The more you work the … you’ll pass your exams.
  12. a) good c) best
  13. b) better d) the best
  14. In Britain you officially become … adult on your eighteenth birthday.
  15. a) the c) –
  16. b) an d)a
  17. What plant does your father work at? – He works at … plant down the road.
  18. a) a c) –

b)the                                  d)those

  1. Shall we have … dinner today? – Don’t worry, at the end of the conference they will serve a dinner.
  2. a) – c) the
  3. b) a d) an
  4. Whose spectacles are these? – … are on the table, and these are my spectacles.

a)your                               c) our

  1. b) yours d)their
  2. Most visitors to Britain aren’t used to driving … the left and have a lot of problems.
  3. a) to c) in
  4. b) at d) on
  5. Don’t forget to thank Martin … coming. He risked his life to get there.
  6. a) in c) at
  7. b) by d) for
  8. 3 My mother is ill. She will stay in bed until she … better.
  9. a) get c) will get
  10. b) gets d) is getting
  11. When he lived in London, he … a lot of time in the muse ums.
  12. a) spend c)spent
  13. b) had spent d) was spending
  14. I … by the door for a long time until someone opened it.
  15. a) wait c) waited
  16. b) am waiting d) had been waiting
  17. It’s raining. I hope you … your car outside.
  18. a) won’t repair c) didn’t repair
  19. b) don’t repair d) were not repaired
  20. In two years’ time my parents … for twenty-five years.
  21. a) will be married c) are married
  22. b) will have been married d) have been married
  23. They said they would not work after 6 p.m. if you … them overtime.
  24. a) won’t pay c) didn’t pay
  25. b) don’t pay d) not pay
  26. When I … her, I waved her, but she didn’t noticed me.
  27. a) had seen c) see
  28. b) saw d) have seen
  29. Where were you at about three yesterday afternoon? -Oh, I … my car at that time.
  30. a) was repairing c) had been repairing
  31. b) repaired d) had repaired
  32. My sister will not finish medical training until she … twenty-tree.
  33. a) will be c) have been
  34. b) is d) are
  35. Do you know what you … in your life by the year 2020?
  36. a) will achieve c) will have achieved
  37. b) achieve d) will be achieved

41  What a surprise! There … a fall in the cost of living lately-

  1. a) has been c) will be
  2. b) had been d) was

42.I decided to have some English lessons so that I … practise when I come to the US.

  1. a) can c) may
  2. b) must d) should
  3. If you telephone early next week, the secretary … give you your exam results.
  4. a) must c) may                               ,
  5. b) can d) will be able to
  6. The man said to me, “Just don’t park your car … my gate again. O.K.?”
  7. a) far c) behind
  8. b) nearly d) in front of
  9. … young nowadays have a very cynical attitude to the police.
  10. a) the c) an

b)a                                     d) –

  1. … old people sometimes feel lonely.
  2. a) – c) an
  3. b) the d) this
  4. The government is going to provide … houses for homeless people.
  5. a) most c) few
  6. b) much d) more
  7. … is wrong with the car, and it won’t start.
  8. a) anything c) nothing
  9. b) something d) everything
  10. Prices go up and up. Everything gets … expensive.
  11. a) most c) more

b)least                               d) less

50.1 won’t do the job … being paid for it.

  1. a) with c) without
  2. b) out d) by




Test VII


  1. The passengers were tired because they … all night.
  2. a) didn’t sleep c) don’t sleep
  3. b) hadn’t slept d) won’t sleep
  4. Where is your umbrella? – Oh, it seems to me I … it on the bus.
  5. a) left c) had left
  6. b) have left d) will leave
  7. Bill said that he … the tickets for the performance the day before.
  8. a) had bought c) was buying
  9. b) bought d) would buy
  10. She said she didn’t know where her friend … .
  11. a) is c) has been
  12. b) was d) will be
  13. When we reached the theatre, there … any tickets left.
  14. a) wasn’t c) hadn’t been
  15. b) were not d) aren’t
  16. When I finally found the house and knocked at the door, I … no answer.
  17. a) heard c) didn’t hear
  18. b) have heard d) won’t hear

7.1 don’t know where Susan is. Maybe she … in the garden reading a book.

  1. a) sits c) was sitting
  2. b) is sitting d) will be sitting
  3. My brother … when I use his computer without asking.
  4. a) doesn’t like c) don’t like
  5. b) didn’t like d) like
  6. You can have the book on Monday. I … it by that time.
  7. a) read c) will be reading
  8. b) will read d) will have read
  9. Unless we leave now, the film will have started when we … there.
  10. a) get c) would get
  11. b) will get d) got
  12. When we … home last night we saw a lot of stars twinkling in the sky.
  13. a) drove c) are driving
  14. b) drive d) were driving
  15. Many species of animals are threatened, and … easily become extinct if people do not make an effort to protect them.
  16. a) can c) might
  17. b) must d) have to
  18. Last week we … write an essay about the causes of the French Revolution.
  19. a) must c) may
  20. b) could d) had to

14.1 think the film was terrible! It was … film I have ever seen.

  1. a) terrible c) most terrible
  2. b) more terrible d) the most terrible
  3. Nobody in our group knows … about England than Peter does.
  4. a) much c) most
  5. b) more d) the most
  6. My mother wants me to play … piano, but I want to buy a guitar.
  7. a) the c) –
  8. b) a d) mine
  9. I had … wonderful dream last night. I wish it would come true.
  10. a) a c) –
  11. b) the d) such
  12. They say that in future the officials will demand a fine if … breaks the law.
  13. a) everyone c) someone
  14. b) everybody d) all
  15. When we arrived … the station, we ate a sandwich, drank a cup of coffee and waited for the train.

a)to                                    c)in

  1. b) at d) for
  2. If the weather is fine tomorrow, I’ll go … a cycle ride.
  3. a) at c) by
  4. b) on d) for

21.I’m sure I … the door of my house.

  1. a) lock c) have locked
  2. b) locked d) had locked

22.The inspector suspects that the thief … a special key for opening this safe.

  1. a) will use c) had used
  2. b) has used d) use
  3. When are you going to finish this translation? – I… it by tomorrow.
  4. a) will finish c) will have finished
  5. b) will be finishing d) would finish
  6. Have you heard the news? I … my last exam yesterday.
  7. a) passed c) had passed
  8. b) have passed d) was passing
  9. He says that he doesn’t know where he … after graduating from university.
  10. a) work c) had worked
  11. b) will work d) would work
  12. When you … older, you will understand everything.
  13. a) grow c) will grow
  14. b) grows d) have grown
  15. As a rule the most important news … broadcast on this channel.
  16. a) are c) is
  17. b) were d) had been
  18. There … hardly any furniture in his room. He hasn’t even a chair to sit on.
  19. a) is c) were                  ‘
  20. b) are d) have been
  21. The rich collection of Hermitage regularly … millions of people.
  22. a) attract c) have attracted
  23. b) attracts d) would attract
  24. When my mother returns home she … at once that we have redecorated our flat.
  25. a) will see c) has seen

b)sees                                d)saw

  1. He … the car for many hours before he came to the crossroads.
  2. a) drives c) had been driving
  3. b) was driving d) has driven
  4. We … along the forest road when it started raining.
  5. a) were walking c) walked
  6. b) had been walking d) had walked
  7. Sorry, I … stay any longer, but I really must go home.
  8. a) mustn’t c) cannot
  9. b) couldn’t d) may not
  10. This is … problem I’ve ever had in my life.
  11. a) difficult c) most difficult
  12. b) more difficult d) the most difficult
  13. When … “Titanic” was crossing the Atlantic she struck an iceberg.
  14. a) – c) the
  15. b) a d) an
  16. The weather is fine today, but I don’t like … hot weather.
  17. a) – с) а

b)the                                  d) an

  1. Some women tint their hair when … goes grey.
  2. a) they c) its
  3. b) it d) them
  4. Your news … very important to us.
  5. a) are c) aren’t
  6. b) is d) were

39.1 think it’s important … young people to get a good education.

  1. a) for c) about
  2. b) by d) among
  3. They left … Moscow some years ago and live there now.
  4. a) to c) for
  5. b) in d) at
  6. 4 Before I came to the office the manager already … the documents.
  7. a) signed c) was signing
  8. b) had signed d) will sign
  9. Peter … his TV-set when I came to see him yesterday.
  10. a) repaired c) was repairing
  11. b) had been repairing d) has repaired

43.1 hoped that my article … in this magazine soon.

  1. a) will be published c) would have been published
  2. b) would be published d) would publish
  3. If you … hard, you will enter the university.
  4. a) work c) are working
  5. b) will work d) have worked

45.1 … him for three years. I wonder where he is.

  1. a) didn’t see c) don’t
  2. b) haven’t seen d) hadn’t
  3. My mother … in this school for twenty-five years.
  4. a) is teaching c) has been teaching

b)taught                            d) teaches

47.1 want to post this letter, but I … to go out in the rain.

  1. a) don’t want c) hadn’t wanted
  2. b) didn’t want d) not want

48.1 need the car to get to the match. I … on Sunday.

  1. a) played c) have played
  2. b) am playing d) have been playing
  3. My neighbour used to be such a hard worker, but now he … interest in everything.
  4. a) lose c) has lost

b)loses                               d) lost

  1. I’m so sorry. The camera which you lend me … .
  2. a) break c) had been broken
  3. b) broken d) has been broken







  1. Yesterday l … finish the work because I was very tired.
  2. a) could c) can’t
  3. b) couldn’t d) mustn’t
  4. Last week he said I … use the car at the weekend but now he won’t let me after all.
  5. a) can c) was able to
  6. b) could d) must
  7. I’m afraid I can’t do it … than you.
  8. a) good c) best
  9. b) better d) the best
  10. Be quiet! I don’t want to discuss the matter any … .
  11. a) more c) the most
  12. b) most d) much more
  13. … people cannot live without water and air.
  14. a) the с) а
  15. b) – d) this
  16. Before her marriage she lived in London, where she worked for … National Gallery.
  17. a) – с) а

b)the                                  d)that

  1. Haven’t you read … by Shakespeare?
  2. a) something c) nothing
  3. b) anything d) none
  4. Something is wrong with my umbrella. May I take …?
  5. a) yours c) her
  6. b) your d) their
  7. Have you ever been … England?
  8. a) in c) into
  9. b) for d)to
  10. Tom has had to give … playing football since he broke his leg.
  11. a) in c) at
  12. b) on d) up
  13. 1 The Statue of Liberty … by Gustave Eiffel.
  14. a) design c) was designed
  15. b) designed d) have been designed
  16. Where are your brothers? – They … a swimming-pool in our garden.
  17. a) are digging c) were digging
  18. b) dig d) have been digging
  19. How do your parents like their new house? – My mother likes it, but my father … our old one.
  20. a) miss c) missed
  21. b) misses d) doesn’t miss

14.I didn’t believe that you … short of money.

  1. a) are c) were
  2. b) is d) have been
  3. Actually it’s a very friendly dog. If you … it, it won’t bite you.
  4. a) won’t touch c) didn’t touch
  5. b) haven’t touched d) don’t touch
  6. The town of Kestwick, which … at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect place for a holiday.
  7. a) laid c) is lying
  8. b) lies d) lay
  9. We … forward to a concert in our town. It is next Sunday.
  10. a) looks c)are looking
  11. b) looked d) were looking
  12. The picture, which … lately, is worth thousands of pounds.
  13. a) damage c) has been damaged
  14. b) damaged d) was damaged
  15. The scientist who … a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
  16. a) had discovered c) has been discovered
  17. b) discovered d) was discovering
  18. … we have something to eat? – Yes, but not here.
  19. a) will c) do
  20. b) would d) shall
  21. My mother always moves my books around so I … find them.
  22. a) can’t c) wasn’t able
  23. b) couldn’t d) may not

22.I don’t like the cafes that don’t have chairs and people … eat standing up.

  1. a) can c) may
  2. b) could d) have to
  3. There is a big hotel in the middle of … park.
  4. a) a c) –
  5. b) the d) these
  6. … towns which attract tourists are usually crowded in summer.
  7. a) – с) а
  8. b) the d) this
  9. Be sure to pick … tomatoes before they get too ripe.
  10. a) this c) much

b)that                                d)these

  1. I suppose people are spending now … money than they used to.
  2. a) much c) fewer
  3. b) many d) more
  4. Was it exciting buying a car? – Well, it was a bit of a problem because I didn’t have … money to spend.
  5. a) many c) most
  6. b) much d) few
  7. Once I hated flying, but now I feel … nervous about it.
  8. a) most c) less
  9. b) least d) little
  10. The trouble … my father is that he never relaxes.
  11. a) of c) about
  12. b) with d) out
  13. What did you buy this computer magazine …? – To read about business software.
  14. a) at c) on
  15. b) in d) for
  16. 3 All my money … on the way to the airport yesterday and I couldn’t fly anywhere.
  17. a) were stolen c) has been stolen
  18. b) have been stolen d) was stolen
  19. This company … millions on computers but it doesn’t seem to become more efficient.
  20. a) spent c) will spent
  21. b) had spent d) has spent
  22. We had to wait until the light … to green.

a)change                           c)changes

  1. b) will change d) changed
  2. I head the news on the radio while I … home yesterday evening.
  3. a) drive c) had driven
  4. b) was driving d) drove
  5. Before I left the house it … to rain and I had to take my umbrella.
  6. a) started c) had started
  7. b) would start d) start
  8. I was surprised that you … the football match on television.
  9. a) hadn’t watched c) don’t watch
  10. b) haven’t watched d) aren’t watching
  11. When Columbus landed on San Salvador, he … where he was.
  12. a) knew c) doesn’t know
  13. b) didn’t know d) hadn’t known
  14. At one time people believed that Columbus … America.
  15. a) discovers c) had been discovered
  16. b) discovered d) had discovered
  17. The talks … in London next week to discuss some problems of terrorist activity.
  18. a) is held c) would be held
  19. b) will be held d) hold
  20. Didn’t you … this horror film last night? – No, I hate such films.
  21. a) saw c) see
  22. b) seen d)seeing
  23. Who … this ice-cream? – Oh, it’s mine. I’m just going to eat it.
  24. a) didn’t eat c) doesn’t eat
  25. b) don’t eat d) hasn’t eaten
  26. The new building looks awful. – I agree. It … very nice.
  27. a) didn’t look c) hasn’t looked
  28. b) doesn’t look d) won’t look
  29. “You … spend your free time on playing football”, my mother used to say when I was a schoolboy.
  30. a) needn’t c) couldn’t
  31. b) mustn’t d) can’t
  32. You needn’t wear your best clothes. You … what you like.
  33. a) can wear c) might wear
  34. b) must wear d) need wear
  35. I think … people look after their cars better than young people.
  36. a) elderly c) elder
  37. b) older d) oldest
  38. What are you going to do after you finish … college, Rachel? — I want to travel.
  39. a) – с) а

b)the                                  d) an

  1. There’s been a lot of talk about … ‘spaceship’ seen over our town on Sunday night.
  2. a) – с)а

b)the                                  d) an

  1. … is a new one-way traffic system in the city center. It’s very confusing.
  2. a) this c) it

b)that                                d)there

  1. … of these magazines would you like? – This one, please.
  2. a) what c) why
  3. b) how much d) which
  4. They will come … the three o’clock train.
  5. a) on c) with
  6. b) at d) by




Test IX


  1. Nick said that he … up smoking the week before.
  2. a) gave c) was giving
  3. b) had given d) would give
  4. Thanks for your letter. Your news … very interesting.
  5. a) was c) will be
  6. b) were d) have been
  7. I wanted to buy a new ring but I … my credit card at home.
  8. a) left c) had left
  9. b) leave d) have left
  10. My father … more than my mother for the same work.
  11. a) pays c) is paid
  12. b) paid d) is being paid
  13. The company … some land, but it’s going to sell it.
  14. a) has bought c) will buy
  15. b) had bought d) buys
  16. I rang my friend in London yesterday and he said it … heavily there.
  17. a) is raining c) has been raining
  18. b) was raining d) had been raining
  19. No one told me that the goods … the week before.
  20. a) would arrive c) had arrived
  21. b) arrived d) was arriving
  22. A number of attempts … to find the Loch Ness monster lately.
  23. a) have been made c) made
  24. b) were made d) will make
  25. He … this trip for months. He is leaving on Sunday.
  26. a) plans c) has planned
  27. b) is planning d) has been planned
  28. If you … the music too loud, you’ll wake up the neighbours.
  29. a) will play c) have played
  30. b) play d) played
  31. You … spend all your money as soon as you’ve earned it.
  32. a) can’t c) couldn’t
  33. b) mustn’t d) shouldn’t
  34. This cheque … be signed only by the manager of your company.
  35. a) can c) have to
  36. b) may d) must
  37. Your new car looks very … , I must say.
  38. a) nicely c) beautifully
  39. b) nice d) strangely
  40. The book was … than the film I saw last week.
  41. a) exciting c) the most exciting
  42. b) most exciting d) more exciting
  43. How … does this dress cost? — I don’t know. It’s a present.
  44. a) many c) money
  45. b) much d) a lof
  46. You can apply for a … job when you’ve had more experience.
  47. a) best c) worse
  48. b) better d) worst
  49. People don’t know what … future will be.
  50. a) the с) а
  51. b) – d) these

18.1 went to … British Museum several times when I was in London.

  1. a) the с) а
  2. b) – d) that
  3. There is a problem … our TV-set, it breaks very quickly.
  4. a) at c) over
  5. b) on d) with
  6. Don’t worry … your job prospects. Everything will be all


  1. a) with c) about
  2. b) for d) over
  3. 2 My sister … interested in medicine ever since she was a


  1. a) is c) has been
  2. b) was d) will be
  3. When I started working for this company, I … an architect for six years already.
  4. a) has been c) was
  5. b) had been d) have been
  6. I’ll take the decision after I … to the manager.

a)speak                              c) has spoken

  1. b) will speak d) spoke
  2. Look! That window just … again!
  3. a) has broken c) has been broken
  4. b) broke d) break
  5. This cafe used to be much … before they opened the new one next door.
  6. a) popular c) most popular
  7. b) more popular d) the most popular
  8. My company has treated me well, and given me … chance to succeed.
  9. a) every c)each
  10. b) all d) either
  11. There may be no need to go to school in the future, since everyone will have a computer … home.
  12. a) – c)in
  13. b) at d) for
  14. The pilot … land the plane on only one engine.
  15. a) could c) must
  16. b) was able to d) need
  17. … marriages end in divorce these days.
  18. a) many c) few
  19. b) much d) a few
  20. You have to learn to accept … ups and downs of life.
  21. a) the с) а
  22. b) – d) this
  23. Belarus has always been rich in … talented and gifted people.
  24. a) an c) the
  25. b) a d) –
  26. Where … my scissors? I can’t find them.
  27. a) is c) was
  28. b) are d) has been
  29. I don’t believe in ghosts, so I’m not afraid … them of course.
  30. a) of c) in
  31. b) at d) –
  32. The two Prime Ministers … discuss the current economic crisis tomorrow.
  33. a) can c) has to
  34. b) may d) are to

35.I think he was lonely because he had … friends and none of his neighbours ever spoke to him.

  1. a) few c) many
  2. b) a few d) much
  3. The journey to Paris had taken much … before they built the Channel Tunnel.
  4. a) longer c) long
  5. b) the longest d) longest
  6. A small sum of money … from the cash some days ago and nobody knows who did it.
  7. a) steal c) is stolen
  8. b) stole d) was stolen
  9. Man … first in East Africa.
  10. a) is discovered c) discover
  11. b) discovered d) was discovered
  12. Why are you so dirty? – I … in the garden.
  13. a) dig c) was digging
  14. b) dug d) have been digging
  15. Next summer we … here for 20 years.
  16. a) will live c) will be living
  17. b) will have been living d) are living
  18. 4 What are you looking for? – I’m afraid I … my key.
  19. a) lose c) losing
  20. b) lost d) have lost
  21. She took this decision after she … to the manager.
  22. a) spoke c) had spoken
  23. b) was speaking d) would speak
  24. I … nervous since morning, but this feeling vanished as soon as I saw her.
  25. a) was feeling c) feel
  26. b) have been feeling d) had been feeling
  27. The second prize … to an unknown author from India at yesterday’s celebration.
  28. a) awarded c) will be awarded
  29. b) was awarded d) is awarded
  30. I’m going to see … of this city.
  31. a) the sight c) a sight
  32. b) the sights d) sight
  33. … teachers have complained about his behaviour at school.
  34. a) much c) some
  35. b) the most d) any
  36. It would be difficult to imagine life without … telephone.
  37. a) – c) an
  38. b) a d) the
  39. Nobody nowadays thinks that women … just stay at home and look after the children.
  40. a) are to c) might
  41. b) has to d) should
  42. When I was a teenager, I argued … my brother and sister all the time.
  43. a) at c) on
  44. b) with d) by
  45. I think that we are not making as … profit as we should do.
  46. a) much c) little
  47. b) many d) few



Test X


  1. “I … a convincing explanation of your absence yet”, the teacher said.
  2. a) not hear c) haven’t heard
  3. b) don’t hear d) hasn’t heard
  4. She thinks she … more forgetful as she grows older.
  5. a) get c) would get
  6. b) gets d) is getting
  7. This is the first time I … late for my English lesson.
  8. a) am c) has been
  9. b) was d) have been
  10. It seems that they already … everything without consulting us.
  11. a) have decided c) decided
  12. b) had decided d) decide

5.I don’t think you … to show your passport there.

  1. a) ask c) will be asked
  2. b) will ask d) asking
  3. Happiness is not … inevitable result of having money.
  4. a) – c) the

b)a                                     d) an

7.I am afraid there are … vacancies in the company at present.

  1. a) not c) neither
  2. b) none d) no

8.I … give you permission for going there, I’m afraid.

  1. a) doesn’t have to c) might
  2. b) can’t d) am not to
  3. The tourists were not aware … the danger of bandits in the hills.
  4. a) in c) under
  5. b) of d) during
  6. She has … smile I have ever seen. That’s what attracts people to her.
  7. a) beautiful c) the most beautiful
  8. b) more beautiful d) less beautiful
  9. 1 Не … for several hours and needed a rest.
  10. a) was driving c) had been driving
  11. b) drove d) had driven
  12. Somebody is at the door. – I … to see who it is.
  13. a) go c) will be going
  14. b) will go d) will have gone
  15. The boy is going to be a scientist when he … up.
  16. a) grow c) will grow
  17. b) grows d) will have grown
  18. By the time she qualifies, she … law for 5 years.
  19. a) will study c) will have been studying
  20. b) will be studying d) study
  21. This old house on the corner … down in two weeks.
  22. a) will knock c) will have been knocked
  23. b) will be knocked d) knocked
  24. It was a film about … life of a polar explorer.
  25. a) – c) an

b)a                                     d) the

  1. They met in May and it was then … he fell in love with her.

a)that                                c)there

  1. b) than d)this
  2. I don’t agree that the unemployed … receive more help from the state.

a)can                                 c)should

  1. b) may d) has to
  2. Being a nurse is not as … as being a doctor.
  3. a) more interesting c) less interesting
  4. b) interesting d) most interesting
  5. We arrived … England at Gatwick Airport.
  6. a) to c) in
  7. b) for d) at
  8. Don’t worry, the sun … our clothes by the time we get home.
  9. a) will dry c) will be drying
  10. b) will have dried d) dry
  11. Traditional English afternoon tea … rare nowadays, although the English are ready for a cup of tea at any time of the day.
  12. a) is c) has been
  13. b) was d) will be
  14. My father who … recently spends all day reading the newspapers.
  15. a) retired c) retires
  16. b) has retired d) will retire
  17. Much that has just been said … soon.
  18. a) forget c) will have been forgotten
  19. b) will forget d) will be forgotten
  20. There … interesting news in today’s newspaper.
  21. a) are c) have been
  22. b) is d) were

26.I saw two films yesterday, but I didn’t like … of them.

  1. a) neither c) none
  2. b) no d) either
  3. The judge sent him to … prison for ten years.
  4. a) – c) the
  5. b) a d) an
  6. … you tell me if this bus goes to Heathrow Airport?
  7. a) must c) may
  8. b) should d)could
  9. Last year I stayed for a few days in an old house in Scotland which was famous … its ghosts.
  10. a) by c)about
  11. b) at d) for
  12. Your car costs … than mine but it is more beautiful.
  13. a) little c) the least
  14. b) less d) fewer
  15. 3 … you still … or have you found a job already?
  16. a) are studied c) have studied
  17. b) are studying d) have been studying
  18. Any advice that the Queen may offer the Prime Minister … secret.
  19. a) keep c) is kept
  20. b) are kept d) was kept
  21. Members of British Parliament … salaries since 1911.
  22. a) paid c) are paid
  23. b) have been paid d) were paid
  24. I decided to change from central London to the suburbs because it … so expensive to live there.
  25. a) become c) will become
  26. b) have become d) has become
  27. The teacher asked her pupils where they … to spend their holidays.
  28. a) are going c) will be going
  29. b) were going d) have been going
  30. As you can see from the letter I … my address and live in Oxford now.

a)change                           c) have changed

  1. b) changed d) had changed
  2. This time next week I … on the beach in Spain.
  3. a) lie c) will be lying
  4. b) will lie d) will have been lying
  5. Living in the country is … than in a big city.
  6. a) less expensive c) the least expensive
  7. b) most expensive d) expensive

39.1 would like to meet … you and thank you for your help.

  1. a) with c) by
  2. b) at d) –
  3. Every time I go to the supermarket I ask … why I go shopping so often.
  4. a) my c) mine
  5. b) myself d) they
  6. It rains every day. If you … the television with you, you will have nothing to do there.
  7. a) not to take c) won’t take
  8. b) don’t take d) aren’t taken
  9. The British Queen is certainly one of … women in the world.
  10. a) rich c) the richest
  11. b) richer d) not rich
  12. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became … first woman Prime Minister, yet she never appointed a woman in her Cabinet.
  13. a) – с) а
  14. b) the d) an
  15. A passer-by asked if it … the right road for Hastings.
  16. a) is c) has been
  17. b) was d) will be
  18. Excuse me, … I borrow your newspaper, if you are not reading it?
  19. a) must c) might

b)can                                 d)should

  1. Bill said that he … for me outside when I got to the station.
  2. a) will be waiting c) is waiting
  3. b) would be waiting d) waits

47.1 need some time to think about … offer you made me.

  1. a) – с) а
  2. b) the d) an
  3. We can’t go by train. The train-drivers are … strike.

a)on                                   c)for

  1. b) in d) at

49.I think that he was lonely because he had few friends and … of his neighbours ever spoke to him.

  1. a) neither c) none
  2. b) either d) no
  3. After oil … under the sea near the Welsh Coast, Britain has become self-sufficient in this energy source.
  4. a) discovered c) will be discovered
  5. b) was discovered d) is discovered






British Games

People have played games throughout the years from ancient Egyptians to the Eskimos and the origins of most sports are lost in time. However, we do know when and where sports were first organized. And in many cases the first associations were formed and the first rules were written down in Britain. Then in the 19th century the British sent their soldiers, engineers and businessmen across their Empire and the rest of the world learnt to play by British rules.


Football may have been brought to Britain by the Romans, but the rules of modern football were drawn up in tavern in London in 1863. The first game under the new rules ended nil nil (0-0). Nine years later the first international was played between Scotland and England. The result was another disappointing scoreless draw. It makes you wonder how football ever became the most popular sport in the world.


In 1823 a boy called William Webb Ellis was playing a game of football at his school, Rugby. Suddenly, he picked up the ball and began to run with it in his hands. This was against the rules. The boy had created a new sport – rugby football. Great story. Unfortunately, it’s not quite true. In fact, the rules of rugby weren’t standardized until 1871 when the Rugby Football Union was founded in London. It has been said that rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen, whereas football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans.


Although the origins of cricket may be in Asia, the game has been played in England for over 700 years. It was probably first played by shepherds and it was so popular in the 15th century that it was banned by the king who was worried about the defense of his kingdom and who wanted his subjects to practice archery instead. The rules, which date from 1744, arc so complicated that many people have no idea now it is played.


An early version of tennis was popular in monasteries in Europe more than a thousand years ago, but modern tennis didn’t really become popular until 1875 when the All England Croquet Club tried to attract new members by offering Lawn Tennis as an alternative attraction. The new game was an instant success and in 1877 a committee was established to draw up rules and to organize the first ever tournament. The Wimbledon Championship was born!


There have been many sports in history in which you hit a ball with a stick but it was 15th century Scots who first thought of hitting the ball into a hole. Scotland is home to the world’s oldest golf courses and the famous course at St Andrews dates from the 16th century. The oldest surviving rules were drawn up by The Gentlemen Golfers of Leith, Edinburgh in 1744, and even today golfers must behave like gentlemen and must not try to cheat.


In England in the 17th century, hockey was played by teams of up to one hundred players and games could last seven days. The modern game was developed at Eton College in the 1860s, and in 1890 the English, Irish arid Welsh hockey associations joined to form the International Rules Board. Hockey was introduced to India by the British Army in 1900 and today although it is a minority sport in England it is India’s national spirit. In many parts of the world ice hockey is more popular than field hockey but in India and in Britain hockey’s usually played on grass.



  1. We know where most sports originated.
  2. The British were responsible for organizing many popular sports.
  3. Many sports became popular around the world thanks to the British Empire.
  4. Rugby is played in countries that used to be British colonies.
  5. Hockey is not so popular in England today.
  6. Cricket is played in countries that didn’t use to be British Colonies.
  7. Cricket and Rugby are both played in hot countries.








Like father, like son? Perhaps not…

A new report suggests that our brain chemistry at birth is as important as our upbringing

A new report suggests that our brain chemistry at birth is as important as our upbringing

Go into a busy newsagent’s and have a look at what kind of things people are reading. The chances are that the women are reading about fashion, beauty, romance or relationships and the men are reading about cars, photography, equipment or sport. This ought not to be a surprise. After all, these choices are also seen in typical male and female hobbies – men generally enjoy things such as looking after their cars, buying new parts to their stereos, bird-watching or playing computer games while women seem to prefer keeping in touch with friends and entertaining.

For a long time, experts thought that these differences between male and female interest; depended on how parents brought up their children and indeed society in general. However, when we look at young babies, we see that boys and girls have interests which we can call typically ‘male’ or female’ from a very early age. A baby girl, as young as 12 months old, is sympathetic when she sees a sad or worried face —she also looks sad and makes comforting sounds. Baby girls also make more eye contact and look longer at other people. Boys of the same age look longer at mechanical objects — toys (hat spin, light up or move. Later, when they become toddlers, boys usually enjoy putting things together and building towns or bridges or vehicles. Boys are often more selfish and aggressive when they play with other children while girls -are better at joining in with others. Just like the adults.

So where do these differences between male and female behavior come from? Although it is true that culture and upbringing play an important role, many scientists now believe that the answer also lies in the amount of male and female hormones in the mother’s body before a child’s birth. Research has shown that this balance of hormones leads to three different types of brain: type E, type S and type B. People who are born with a type S or male brain are generally interested in systems: constructing and organizing things and working out how things work. They tend to be good at working out where they are from maps, making things from plans or collecting things. Others have a Type E or female brain which means they are good at understanding other people’s emotions and treating people with care because they are sensitive themselves. Others are born with characteristics of both these male and female brains — this is called the type B or balanced brain.

Perhaps the most crucial thing that the researchers found out was that the type of brain you have does not have to depend on your sex. Not all men have the male brain and not all women have the female brain. But on average, more males than females have a type S brain, and more females than males have a type E brain.

So does this mean that one sort of brain is superior? No, not at all. Some people find some things easier to do than others but both sexes have their strengths and their weaknesses. Researchers hope that understanding how people are born with different types of brain can help make all of us more tolerant of difference.



  1. Generally speaking, women and men “both prefer reading about people than reading about gadgets or equipment.
  2. Experts used to believe that parents had a lot of influence on what hobbies their children liked.
  3. Even when they are babies, girls seem more interested in people than boys.
  4. It seems to be easier for little girls to get on with people than for boys.
  5. People with a type S brain get lost easily.
  6. It is extremely unusual for women to have a type B brain.
  7. Three types of brain are systematic, emotional and balanced.
  8. It is proved that the type of brain you have obligatory depends on your gender.
  9. Researchers think that there is a type of brain which is better than the others.
  10. Women choose more romantic things for reading.


Multiple choice

  1. Researchers found out that
  2. Both men and women find some things easier and other things more difficult to do
  3. Both men and women have typically male or female brain
  4. Both males and females have the type B brain
  5. Boys are more selfish and aggressive than girls
  6. When they are 12 months old
  7. When they are just born
  8. When they start walking
  9. Fr they reporters the difference in the choice of typical male and female hobbies
  10. Was very surprising
  11. Was an expected result
  12. Was not important discovery
  13. Typically male and female interests can be seen when children
  14. Are toddlers
  15. Become adults
  16. Are babies
  17. People who are born with type B brain
  18. Are interested in constructing and organizing things
  19. Are interested in treating people with care
  20. Are interested in systems and emotions
  21. It is found out that
  22. All males have type S brain and all females have type E brain
  23. Both males and females can have type B brain
  24. An average male has type S brain and an average female tends to have type E brain.
  25. The words “comforting sounds” in the text means
  26. Showing that you understand and care about someone’s problems
  27. Making someone feel better when they are anxious
  28. Allowing people to do what they want
  29. Baby girls are better
  30. At looking at other people
  31. At looking at moving objects
  32. At looking at bridges and vehicles
  33. People who are born with S type braine tend to be good at
  34. Planning and collecting
  35. Planning and orienting
  36. Planning, orienting and collecting
  37. The research has been done to help
  38. To make all of us care about ourselves and not other people
  39. To make all of us allow people to do what they want especially when we don’t agree with it
  40. To make all of us behave in an angry way towards other people




As intelligent as…?

Ask a biologist what the most intelligent creatures are on Earth, and they’ll probably come up with a fairly similar list: larger mammals such as horses, dogs, dolphins, pigs, the great apes as well as some birds like crows and ravens. But now some scientists believe that one of the most intelligent being on Earth is in fact the octopus — which doesn’t belong to any of these groups.

Every school child knows that octopuses (or octopi) have eight legs and can shoot ink while trying to escape from enemies, but there are many other unusual things about octopuses. For example the legs of some octopuses can grow to over nine meters in length and are extremely strong. If an octopus loses a leg, it can grow a new one. It also has three hearts and complex eyes, which seem to belong to a mammal rather than a sea creature. Octopuses also seem to be experts at escaping — they have extremely soft, flexible bodies and can escape through holes not much bigger than their eyes. There are many biologists who have stories about walking into the laboratory after lunch to find their octopus had escaped from its aquarium and was now hiding in a teapot or climbing a bookshelf!

However, even until quite recently, little was known about octopus intelligence. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, octopuses usually live at the bottom of river mouths and seas — areas which are not attractive to researchers. Secondly, they are not social animals so it can be difficult to study their interaction with others. Perhaps most importantly, octopus intelligence is not easy for humans to understand. When we observe mammals such as rats or dogs we can often instinctively understand their behavior. Octopuses, however, can seem like aliens. Scientist needs to have a lot of imagination to be able to understand what an octopus is thinking!

In the 1950s, the US Air Force sponsored scientists to study the way octopuses use their brains. They hoped that they could use this knowledge to help them build better computers. However, their brains were so complex that the scientists quickly gave up. And even today the octopus brain is a mystery. Octopuses have a very complex nervous system and recent research suggests that they have some of their intelligence inside each arm, which means that each arm can think’ for itself. It also appears that they have good memories, perhaps similar to a car’s. Some octopuses in laboratories seem to play with objects as if they were toys – a sure sign of intelligence. Others could pick up complicated skills like opening jars.

Perhaps the most striking thing about octopuses is their ability to change their color and body pattern. They do this to camouflage themselves and also to communicate with others. They can completely change their appearance in less than a second — a striped octopus can suddenly become spotted. It can change its skin to look like rocks, sand or plankton. A scientist once observed an octopus that changed its appearance nearly 1,000 times during seven hours of feeding. It can change its appearance to look like a dangerous predator – and can even copy its style of swimming.

Some scientists have even suggested that these different patterns and colors are in fact a very sophisticated language — and that each design is a different verb, adjective or noun. But nobody has been able to work out what they might he saying. It seems like the problem isn’t the limitation of the animals… but the limitations of humans!





Multiple choice


  1. Now some scientists believe that
  2. all octopuses are more intelligent than larger mammals
  3. we can add the octopus; to the list of most intelligent animals
  4. the octopus isn’t in fact a mammal
  5. we should find a new group for octopuses.
  6. An octopus’s eye is
  7. something that even schoolchildren know about
  8. rather unusual for a mammal
  9. rather unusual for a creature that lives in the sea
  10. not very complicated
  11. Octopuses are good at escaping because
  12. they can change the shape of their body
  13. they choose surprising places to hide in
  14. they have very small eyes
  15. the scientists who study them often go out
  16. One of the reasons that we didn’t know how intelligent octopuses are until recently was that
  17. they live in places where researchers don’t like going
  18. they didn’t like being observed
  19. they don’t like socializing with humans
  20. they are so different from other animals we know
  21. One thing that suggests that octopuses are intelligent is that
  22. they were smarter than US Air Force computers
  23. their brains are similar to cats’
  24. they learn how to do complicated tasks
  25. the octopus brain is a mystery.
  26. One of the reasons octopuses often change their appearance is because
  27. they want to become less noticeable
  28. they get bored when they are eating for a long time
  29. they are very talkative
  30. they enjoy copying other animals.
  31. Scientists have suggested that the language the octopuses use is
  32. The change of their appearance
  33. The change of their color
  34. The change of their behavior
  35. The change of their color and body design
  36. Humans can’t understand what octopuses say because
  37. Their language is too primitive
  38. They “talk” very quickly and it’s difficult to catch up
  39. Their language is too sophisticated
  40. Human’s brain is too limited to work it out
  41. Scientists gave up studying the way octopuses use their brain because
  42. They have their intelligence inside each arm
  43. They have good memories
  44. They showed complicated skills
  45. They have a very complex nervous system and brains which remain a mystery
  46. In fact octopuses are the most intelligent
  47. Mammals
  48. Predators
  49. Sea animals
  50. Creatures





  1. All the biologists have common opinion what creatures are the most intelligent on Earth
  2. There are only some things that make octopuses unusual creatures
  3. Octopuses are experts at escaping as they can shoot ink.
  4. Octopuses can escape through tiny holes.
  5. Octopuses are reluctant to get on with other creatures.
  6. Octopuses are the creatures which are absolutely different from other animals.
  7. Both octopuses and cats have very good memories
  8. The ability to play with objects is the only sign of intelligence that octopuses have.
  9. Octopuses change their body shape to hide themselves.
  10. Octopuses can imitate the appearance and the style of behaviour of their creatures.








Text 1

Look at the sentences below about. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark  +  on your answer sheet.  If it is not correct, mark – on your answer sheet.

See Tasmania!

Rich in old-world charm and with magnificent National Parks, Tasmania is well covered by a good road network. Light traffic and wonderful views make driving these roads a pleasure. Though the bus system is reliable, on many routes services may only run once daily. So hire a car and see this beautiful and interesting island at your own speed.

There is a variety of places to stay, and although booking is strongly advised, particularly at peakholiday times, it should not be too difficult to arrange things as you go, if you prefer. We sell you a set of Taz Hotel Pass vouchers and Tasmania is yours. The Taz Hotel Pass offers the visitor a simple and convenient way to stay anywhere in Australia. Each hotel ticket is paid for in advance and is for one night’s accommodation. There is no maximum or minimum number of hotel tickets you can buy, and we will give you your money back on unused tickets, less a small administrative charge. Taz Hotels are divided into simple colour categories, with Ruby being the most basic and Diamond representing the highest quality. We recommend that you buy a mixture of tickets, as we cannot give you your money back if you use a higher-value ticket when staying at a lower-value hotel. If you travel to an area where Taz have no hotels, then we will find other reasonably priced accommodation for you in exchange for your Taz tickets.

Here is the planned route for our holiday in Tasmania:

Day 1: Arrive at Hobart airport, pick up your car and spend some time in the capital, perhaps driving up to the Old Signal Station on Mount Nelson.

Day 2: Drive through the Derwent Valley, stopping at Russell Falls. Later the scenery becomes even more amazing as you pass Lake St Clair National Park. Spend the night in the fishing town of Strahan.

Day 3: We take you on a half-day cruise from Strahan on the famous Gordon River. Then set off for a leisurely drive to Cradle Mountain National Park.

Day 4: Enjoy the wild beauty of the Park. Go fishing or horse-riding. Or walk around beautiful Dove Lake, from where there are wonderful views of the mountain itself.

Day 5: Explore the fascinating country towns as you drive north and along the coast to Launceston, Tasmania’s second-largest city.

Day 6: A pleasant drive through peaceful countryside to Hobart. On route, you pass the charming towns of Ross and Oatlands. Return to the airport in time for your flight.


  1. There are few traffic jams in Tasmania.
  2. There are several buses every day on most routes.
  3. It is essential to reserve accommodation in advance.
  4. There is a limit on the number of hotel tickets you can buy.
  5. Ruby Hotels are the cheapest.
  6. Taz Hotel tickets can only be used in Taz Hotels.
  7. The most attractive scenery you see on the second day is by Russell Falls.
  8. The third day is spent in the car.
  9. There are good views of Cradle Mountain from the edges of Dove Lake.
  10. The trip finishes where it started.








Text 2

Look at the sentences below about. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark  +  on your answer sheet.  If it is not correct, mark – on your answer sheet.

Action Sports Camps

Action Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and adults. We offer training  in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our colour brochure.

The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports – we cover a wide range of indoor activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the experience we’ve gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics. It is unnecessary to bring any equipment because it is all provided.

We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange their experiences later on.

Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities – and the staff are first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants organising the children’s games are students, many of whom came to the camp themselves when they were younger.

At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury accommodation is not available near our camps.

To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form. Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a 5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be given.


  1. Some centres are open all winter.
  2. The activities available depend on the weather.
  3. Action Sports Camps courses are unsuitable for people who are excellent at sport.
  4. You need to have your own sports equipment.
  5. Children and adults spend some time together each day.
  6. Some of the staff are unqualified.
  7. Action Sports Camps only recommend accommodation of a high quality.
  8. You have to pay the total fee one month after you book.
  9. Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card.
  10. If you cancel three weeks before your camp, you will get half your money back.



Text 3

Look at the sentences below about. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark  +  on your answer sheet.  If it is not correct, mark – on your answer sheet.

Ferndig Islands

Three miles across the water from the town of Blascott lies the group of islands known as the Ferndigs. The main island is St Michael. Separated by a narrow channel of water is St Michael’s little sister, St Margaret. People first lived on these islands 1,500 years ago. By the 1950s the population had gone down to below twenty, and in 1960 the last person left the islands. But in 1991 two families moved back, and since then more people have followed. Tourists now visit regularly to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Visit the one shop on the islands which sells butter, cheese and bread produced by the families who live there. The produce is also taken by boat to restaurants in Blascott, where it can be enjoyed by visitors to the area. Perhaps more interestingly, a range of perfumes is made from the wild flowers and herbs which grow on the island and can be bought in the shop. They are produced mainly for export and are very special. So a visit to the shop is a must!

St Michael Island is easily explored on foot but, in the interests of safety, visitors are requested to keep to the main footpaths. From where the boat lands, walk along the cliff until you reach a steep path signposted to the church. When you get there, it is worth spending a moment in this lovely old building. Carry on along the same path which continues to climb to the highest point on the island. There is a wonderful view from here along the coastline. If it is warm, you may like to finish your day relaxing on the beach. Priory Beach on the eastern side of the island is safe for swimming. Sandtop Bay on the western side is the other sandy beach, but swimming is not advised here.

It is possible to hire a boat to cross to the islands, or you can take one of the boat trips which depart from Blascott harbour in summer, Monday to Friday. The islands are always open to visitors apart from on Sundays. Buy a ticket for a boat trip from the kiosk in Blascott harbour. The charge for landing on the islands is included in the ticket but, if you take your own boat, remember to take some money. The crossing takes thirty minutes, and boats run every fifteen minutes.

Before you set off on a trip, visit the exhibition centre which tells the history of the islands and gives information about birds and wildlife you may see when you get there.


  1. St Margaret Island is smaller than St Michael Island.
  2. There was no one living on the islands in the 1980s.
  3. There are several restaurants on the islands.
  4. Flowers are for sale in the island shop.
  5. The church is at the top of the highest hill.
  6. There is one beach on St Michael Island where it is safe to swim.
  7. It is possible to take a boat trip on a Saturday.
  8. There is a fee for landing on the islands.
  9. The journey to the islands lasts half an hour.
  10. There is an exhibition centre on the islands.


Text 4

Crazy for Belgian Chocolate

     If you’re going to indulge in this irresistible, high-calorie, dark delight, you might as well make sure it’s top quality. Local speciality and hand-made chocolate is a delicious excuse for an escape to Belgium.

For most people there’s a definite before and after when it comes to sampling what is, for many, the best chocolate in the world. Between the bitter xocolatl that formed a part of pre-Columbian Aztec and Mayan ceremonies, and the smooth and fragrant sweets on display in the windows of the fine chocolate shops of Belgium, there is a world of difference.

If you were already a fan before trying these Belgian delights, once you’ve made a rigorous ‘study’ of the workshops and products of the country’s master confectioners, you’ll be, not just an expert, but also a much more informed and demanding consumer.

In Brussels, Antwerp, Louvain, Bruges, in fact, in just about every town and village in the country, it’s quite normal for one of the family to take a daily trip to their favourite confectionery shop, select each individual chocolate – known here as pralines – and carry home their booty to consume in perfect condition. A true chocolate fan will not only think about flavour, but will also take into account the brightness and sheen, texture and aroma, as well as how crisp it is as you bite into it, and how delicately it melts on the tongue. And in order to score high on all these points, chocolate has to be fresh.

A visit to the Chocolate Museum in Brussels will give you all the background you need and you’ll then be ready to explore the city, fully appreciative of the delights awaiting, laid out like jewels, in the windows of high class confectioners.

With nearly 1,500 outlets spread across the world, the Leonidas brand is internationally famous. Some experts think their chocolates are too sugary, but their prices – up to five times cheaper than those of the top-end speciality products – are, without doubt, a sweetener. To make your own comparison, just visit their shop at 34 Rue au Beurre, close to the capital’s famous Grand Place, and then head to number 44 in the same street where you’ll find the prestigious confectioner’s Galler, with it exquisitely displayed trays of balzane, carre, feret, manon and other delights.

Then there’s Neuhaus in the Saint-Hubert Galleries – a real chocolate box of a shop where you can get your daily fix. In Place Stephanie, you’ll find Godiva, another of the large international chocolatiers, with their windows full of caraques and orangettes, a range of dark chocolate, and their special seasonal gift boxes for Halloween, Christmas, Valentines and Easter, including some limited editions for collectors.

The chocolates of Planete Chocolat in Rue Lombard are even more artistic, and every week-end there’s the chance to attend live demonstrations (reservation required). Wittamer in Place Sablon, has been a family business for four generations: there’s even a coffee shop where you can sample the specialities of this traditional master confectioner.

Mary, in the Rue Royale, has supplied the Royal Family since 1942, although the most expensive chocolates of all are supplied by the award-winning house of Marcolini, who have seven stores in Brussels, as well as in shops in Antwerp, Liege and Knokke.

Outside the capital, it would be a sin to miss the chocolates fresh from the Sukerbuyc workshop at number 5 Katelijnestraat, Bruges; in Leuven, don’t miss Raets Putseys on Bondgenotenlaan, or Tartuffe, the tiny, coquettish store on Louis Melsensstraat, whose traditional granny’s kitchen serves up the most delicious truffles. In Antwerp, Goossens, at number 6, Isabellalei, and Del Rey on Appelman are two ateliers wrapped in the unmistakable and irresistible aroma that sets you salivating before you even cross the threshold.


  1. According to the first paragraph, Belgian chocolate

a/ has the similar fragrance as ancient chocolate sweets

b/ is the same as the Aztec and Mayan bitter chocolate

c/ has many well-wishers since earliest times

d/ is a main pretext to visit Belgium

  1. To be more hard-to-please customer you have to

a/ taste all kinds of Belgium chocolate production

b/ study the ancient history of chocolate origin

c/ make the acquaintance of chocolate manufactories

d/ visit the majority of famous Belgian shops of chocolate.

  1. According to the fourth paragraph, chocolate fans can

a/ appreciate different aspects of chocolate taste

b/ determine if the chocolate is fresh or not

c/ carry home their favourite pralines from a daily trip to Brussels’ shops

d/ get all basic facts about chocolate confectioners in Brussels’ museum.

  1. A true chocolate fan will think____________________.

a/ only about flavour

b/ about brightness and sheen, texture and aroma

c/ about flavour  and brightness, about sheen, texture and aroma, and   how crisp it as you bite into it, and how delicately it melts on the tongue

d/ about favour, and how crisp it is as you bite into it.

  1. To make your own comparison of Leonidas brand you__________.

a/ have to listen to the opinion of the famous national experts

b/ must visit some of capital’s confectionary shops

c/ have to taste the cheapest top-end speciality of products.

d/ must believe in the brand and in the international fame of  confectioners.

  1. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE of Godiva?

a/ It’s the largest international chocolatier in Belgium.

b/ There is a possibility to buy a special collection box of delicious   chocolates.

c/ It’s the only shop with special seasonal gift boxes of dark chocolate.

d/ There are a lot of different holiday boxes of chocolates for collectors there.

  1. Godiva can be found ______________.

a/ in Rue Lombard

b/ in Place Stephanie

c/ in Place Sablon

d/ in Grand Place

  1. Some experts think that their chocolates are too sugary but the prices are sweetener. They talk about_______

a/ the House of Marcolini

b/ the Leonidas brand

c/ chocolates of Planete Chocolat

d/ Neuhaus

  1. The chocolates of ___________ are more artistic , and every weekend there’s the chance to attend live demonstrations.

a/ Chocolate Museum

b/ Neuhaus

c/ Planete Chocolat

d/ house of Marcolini

  1. Which of the following  can be inferred from the text?

a/ The most expensive chocolate is supplied by the representatives of the family chocolate  business.

b/ Every Belgian shop of  chocolate gives the customers an opportunity to taste their products.

c/ The products of the famous Belgian confectioners can please every fan of chocolate.

d/ The experts think that the most expensive Belgian chocolates are too sugary.







Text 5.

How I Got My First-Class Degree

What does it take to graduate from university with a First?

Mark McArdle, first-class degree holder from the University of Lancaster, tells how he did it.

University degree classifications in the UK:

First class

Upper second (2:1)

Lower second (2:2)

Third class (3)


“Don’t spend too much time at the student lounge, do turn up for most lectures and tutorials and do submit all coursework – eventually”. That, I was told by a PhD student during freshers` week, was all I needed to do to get a 2:2. For a 2:1, I’d require a better attendance record and have to work harder, but not at the expense of being cut off from civilization. And for a First I would have to become some sort of social outcast, go to every lecture and tutorial (scribbling notes madly), spend every waking moment immersed in academic books, and be among the last to be thrown out of the university library at 10pm closing time.


Well, I did not give up my life for study. I didn’t attend every lecture and tutorial. I didn’t write down every word spoken in lectures. I didn’t get 80% or more in every essay, project, test or exam. I was usually behind with my reading and occasionally mystified by the syllabus. Sometimes I couldn’t be bothered to go to university and stayed at home instead. But I always knew where I was, what I had to do, and what not to bother with. And I always worked hard on the things that counted: assignments and exams.

Getting a degree is about learning, but it isn’t just about learning biology, history, English or whatever. It’s about understanding what you need to succeed – what, in fact, the university wants from you and what you will get in return. You have to have a feel for the education market and really sell your inspirations. What does the lecturer want? What is the essay marker searching for? Some students try to offer something not wanted. Others want to give very little – they steal the thoughts of others and submit them as their own. But they all want to be rewarded. Exchange, but don’t steal, and you’ll get a degree.

I saw lecturers as customers who fell into two broad categories. There were those for whom lecturing was an unwelcome interruption to their research work. After all, we were students and what did we know? I would deliberately pitch my essays to this kind of academic so that my opinions appeared more as evidence that I had read and understood the key contributions to the debate, rather than as an attempt to pull down monuments. The other type of academic were those who enjoyed teaching and discussing new ideas. They wanted more. They wanted something different, inspirational, iconoclastic. I would present my arguments to show that I had done my reading and understood the key concepts, but I would also try to add something more to the issue rather than rake over familiar ground. Essentially, it was a case of working out what was wanted and then delivering it. I can’t state exactly how successful this tactic was, except to say that I sold more essays that I had returned as faulty.

I could guarantee every book on my reading list was out on long loan from the university library within five seconds of the list being issued. This was worrying at first, but I quickly learned that it was impossible to read all of the books on an average reading list anyway. I sought shortcuts. Collections of selected readings or journal articles were excellent sources that often saved me the bother of reading the original texts. References in books dragged me all over the place but, with all the courses I had to do, there wasn’t enough time to be dragged too far. I would flick through the book, read the introduction, note any summaries, look at diagrams, skim the index, and read any conclusions. I plucked out what was needed and made my escape.

I revised by discarding subject areas I could not face revising; reading; compiling notes; and then condensing them onto one or two sheets of A4 for each subject area. Leading up to the exam, I would concentrate on just the condensed notes and rely on my memory to drag out the detail behind them when the time came. I didn’t practice writing exam questions, although it was recommended. I prefer to be spontaneous and open-minded. I don’t want pre-formed conclusions filling my mind.

And nor should you; there is no secret to getting a First – this is just an account of how I got my First. Be a happy student by striking the right balance between working and enjoying yourself. Take what you do seriously and do your best. And. No matter what you do, don’t forget to appreciate every day of your university studies: it is one of the greatest periods of your life.


  1. The PhD student who spoke to the writer

1)  exaggerated the need to work hard

2)  thought the writer would get a First

3)  succeeded in scaring the writer

4)  was uncertain how to help the writer.


  1. According to the writer, an important factor in success at university is
  • the ability to understand the market
  • acquaintance with lecturers and markers
  • clever use of other people’s ideas
  • an understanding of what was required


  1. In the third paragraph the writer warns against
  • trying to second-guess lecturers
  • expecting to be rewarded
  • plagiarism in essays and exams
  • offering money to academic staff


  1. In his relationship with his lecturers, the writer tried to
  • show them that he would make a good salesman
  • do his work in a style which matched their expectations
  • always have some new ideas to impress them
  • never upset them by submitting ground-breaking work.


  1. How did the writer cope with long lists of required reading?
  • he ignored them
  • he wrote his own
  • he was selective
  • he summarized them


  1. Why did the writer not practise writing exam questions?
  • he was advised not to
  • he thought the practice was rather boring
  • he wanted to answer exam questions critically
  • he thought it might prejudice staff against him


  1. The writer concludes by advising students to
  • follow his recipe for success
  • make the most of being a student
  • concentrate on passing exams
  • aim for a First at all costs.


  1. 8. Jessie’s parents were very……with the grades on her school report.
  • fulfilled
  • gratified
  • pleased
  • entertained

     9.I got……on the arm by mosquito last night and now it’s really itchy.

  • chewed
  • pecked
  • nibbled
  • bitten
  1. The two old friends……about their childhood.
  • reminisced
  • recalled
  • recollected
  • remembered






Text 6


Mason realized something was wrong as soon as he came into the house. Call it instinct, a hunch, whatever you like, but he had been around long enough to sense that element of the unknown and danger which added up to trouble. He didn’t expect to come across this in his own place – his home had always seemed a refuge from work – but here it was and he had to be on his guard. Shaking off the tiredness that came at the end of a long day, he forced himself to be extra alert and face whatever was coming.


The living room seemed normal, exactly as he left it – a mess – and he was just crossing to the bedroom when he saw it in the corner of his eagle eye. A letter, white and neatly folded. The letter was lying on the table in the corner. It was a wonder he saw it amongst all the other stuff there. Mason knew better than to touch the letter and destroy what fingerprints might be on it so he gingerly prised it open with a pencil. The message was stark and simple: ‘Don’t bother looking for her’.


Quickly but thoroughly Mason searched the rest of the house. Of course, she wouldn’t be there but his trained mind knew that the first hours after a crime were absolutely vital and couldn’t be wasted. There were no tell-tale signs of a struggle, nothing to suggest anything unusual and in fact the house seemed chillingly normal, as if his wife had just stepped out for another pint of milk. Her things were untouched, nothing had been taken, not even the rather valuable pearls in the jewellery box right on top of the dressing table.


Mason sat down for a moment, his mind a whirl. His wife had gone and all he had was a five-word message to go on. It wasn’t much. The first question was who could have done it and then what the motive could be. In his line of work there was a long line of rogues who might be interested in hurting him. He remembered Neil Hunter, who he had put in prison for five years for stealing artwork from a gallery. Janet Kersey, who had just come out of an asylum after poisoning her neighbor with a cupcake; Trevor Timms, who he had imprisoned for setting on fire a bakery. There were others too, all with a personal grudge against him and equally likely to want to settle scores.


His mind went back to the letter. The handwriting was very careful and deliberate, as if someone was trying to disguise it. The paper itself was taken, not torn, from a proper notepad, the kind you can buy at any stationer’s. Clearly, the note had not been written in a hurry and whoever had done it had had plenty of time. It could have been done on the spot; it could have been done elsewhere. The strange thing was why they had left the note in the first place, why not just let him find out his wife was missing himself? Possibly it was to taunt him, turn the screw as it were, which increased the likelihood that this was a crime with a very personal motivation.


It was time to get some help and Mason was reaching for the mobile in his back pocket when it rang of its own accord. ‘Number unknown’ read the display so the hair on the back of his neck bristled as he accepted the call. They knew he had found the note. Mason kept silent, heart pounding, waiting for the caller to speak first and reveal as much as possible. The silence was agony but then the voice came It was his wife. Tony, it’s me. I’m not hurt. They say that if you do everything they want, I can come back She spoke clearly and calmly, as if reading from a prepared script. Again, Mason kept silent but this time it was much more of a struggle. A pause and then another, rougher, voice came on the line. ‘We’ll be in touch.’ The phone went dead.


  1. Which adjective best describes how Mason felt when he opened the door?
  • shocked
  • exhausted
  • cautious
  • annoyed


  1. The message in the letter means
  • don’t worry about where she could be hiding
  • she could be hiding anywhere
  • it will be difficult to find her
  • you will never find her


  1. Why did mason search the house?
  • to try and find his wife
  • to look for evidence
  • to see what had been stolen
  • to check if his intuition was right


  1. In the fourth paragraph ‘to go on’ means:
  • to read several times
  • to explain everything
  • to have as a clue
  • to remind him of his wife



  1. What is the connection between the three criminals mentioned?
  • They all might like to take revenge on Mason.
  • They have all been sent to prison by Mason.
  • They are the only people capable of taking revenge on Mason.
  • They have all committed terrible acts of violence.


  1. Mason could tell from the letter that the writer
  • was in a hurry when he wrote it
  • had written it at the house
  • had forgotten to hide it
  • didn’t want his writing to be recognized


  1. Why didn’t Mason speak immediately when he answered the phone?
  • It was a tactic to get more evidence
  • he knew it was going to be his wife
  • the number of the incoming cell was unknown
  • he felt very nervous and worried


  1. Did you get caught in the down pour? Here, take this towel, you’re………all over the floor.
  • dripping
  • leaking
  • dropping
  • spilling


  1. I didn’t………her to arrive so soon.
  • presume
  • wait
  • anticipate
  • expect


  1. 10. As Mary………the house she could sense that something was wrong.
  • arrived
  • came
  • approached
  • advanced





Text 7

The Secret Poet

Jack packed his sandwiches and flask of tea into his rucksack. The weather forecast had been quite promising, but he took his umbrella just in case. He’d been caught out once before and there was nothing worse than trudging home soaked to the skin.

Jack looked forward to his Sundays spent fishing by the river. Anyone who knew anything about fishing would have known immediately that Jack was not an accomplished angler. In fact, he rarely made a catch. But Jack didn’t mind because fishing gave him the perfect reason to sit by the water every weekend.

You see, Jack worked as an entertainer in a nightclub, which meant that he was surrounded by loud music and lively people most evenings. This couldn’t be more different to his peaceful trips to the river. In fact, he often felt that he couldn’t get through his busy week without them.

Jack’s two flatmates would tease him mercilessly each time he walked through the door empty-handed on Sunday evening. Both were football fanatics and could not understand why Jack would rather sit beside a river than watch the weekend’s footy on TV. At first, he’d been put out by their giggles and remarks, but he’d soon learned to take them in the good-natured manner in which they were intended.

What neither of Jack’s flatmates realised was that his fishing trips served another purpose. Jack had been writing poems for a couple of years now and sitting by the river was where he found his inspiration. Jack didn’t let anyone read his poems. Only once had he thought of submitting a couple of his best ones to a literary magazine, but as the submission deadline had approached, he had lost his confidence, certain they were not up to standard.

The sun was shining brightly as Jack cycled towards the river. He had high hopes for the afternoon ahead. Surely today would be the day that he would at last be able to finish the poem that he had been trying to write for weeks, he thought. He even wondered whether he would catch a fish or two.

After arriving at the riverbank, Jack found himself a sheltered spot on the riverbank where the river ran deep and the current was strong. He attached a worm to the hook on his rod and cast his line into the river. Finally, seated on his little fishing stool, he reached into his bag and pulled out a well-thumbed notebook and blue writing pen.

Yet despite the perfect conditions, Jack struggled to write anything. He ate his sandwiches and went for a short stroll, but that didn’t help at all. Then he sat in the sunshine and looked through his earlier work, hoping for a burst of creativity. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his line. ‘A fish!’ Jack thought, as he leapt to his feet to reel his line in. But just as he did so, his precious notebook, containing all of the poetry he had ever written, was thrown from his lap into the muddy waters of the river. It began to sink and, within a few seconds, it had totally disappeared from sight…


  1. In the first paragraph, the author implies that Jack is someone who

1   is careless with his possessions.

2   always expects the worst.

3   learns from experience.

4   is quite forgetful.


  1. In the second paragraph, we learn that Jack

1   didn’t go fishing very often.

2   didn’t take fishing very seriously.

3   had taught himself how to fish.

4   had only recently taken up fishing.


  1. ‘them’ (paragraph three) refers to Jack’s

1   week-day evenings.

2   work colleagues.

3   flatmates.

4   fishing trips.


  1. When the writer says in paragraph four that Jack was ‘put out’ by his flatmates’ jokes, it means he was

1   puzzled.

2   encouraged.

3   annoyed.

4   amused.

  1. In paragraph five, the writer suggests that Jack

1   doubted the quality of his poems.

2   had been discouraged by others’ opinions of his poems.

3   didn’t really care what others thought of his poems.

4   dreamt of publishing a book of poems.


  1. When the writer says that Jack ‘had high hopes’ in paragraph six, he means that he

1   thought he might be disappointed by his trip.

2   was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon.

3   felt that he would achieve a lot that day.

4   felt that his afternoon would improve his mood.


  1. The writer suggests that Jack was having difficulty writing because

1   the day was too hot.

2   he got distracted by reading old poems.

3   he lacked inspiration.

4   he was more focused on fishing.


  1. 8. As Mary………the house she could sense that something was wrong.
  • arrived
  • came
  • approached
  • advanced


  1. Did you get caught in the down pour? Here, take this towel, you’re………all over the floor.
  • dripping
  • leaking
  • dropping
  • spilling


  1. 10. The police are………the neighborhood robberies.
  • looking into
  • looking for
  • looking after
  • looking out








Лексико-граматичні тести



Test 1

1) b; 2) a; 3) c; 4) c; 5) a; 6) c; 7) a; 8) b; 9) c; 10) a; 11) d; 12) d; 13) b; 14) b; 15) d; 16) b; 17) a; 18) a; 19) d; 20) b.


21) b; 22) c; 23) d; 24) b; 25) c; 26) a; 27) c; 28) b;29) c; 30) d; 31) c; 32) d; 33) c; 34) a; 35) b; 36) b; 37) c; 38) b; 39) b; 40) b.


41) b; 42) d;43) b; 44) d; 45) c; 46) b; 47) c; 48) d; 49) c; 50) c


Test 2


1) b; 2) b; 3) b; 4) b; 5) c; 6) b; 17) b; 8) b; 9) c; 10) a.11) b; 12) c; 13) b; 14) c; 15) d; 16) c; 17) d; 18) b; 19) c; 20) b; 21)


a; 22) c; 23) c; 24) b; 25) c; 26) c; 27) a; 28) b; 29) a; 30) d.31) b; 32) c; 33) d; 34) b; 35) b; 36) c; 37) b; 38) c; 39) d; 30) a


41) d; 42) d; 43) d; 44) b; 45) b; 46) c; 47) a; 48) b; 49) b; 50) d.



Test 3


1) d; 2) с; 3) с; 4) с; 5) с; 6) с; 7) а; 8) Ь; 9) с; 10) d; 11) с; 12) с; 13) Ь; 14) Ь; 15) а; 16) Ь; 17) d; 18) b; 19) d; 20) с.


21) с; 22) b; 23) d; 24) с; 25) с; 26) с; 27) b; 28) b; 29) с; 30) b; 31) d; 32) d; 33) a; 34) b; 35) a; 36) b; 37) a; 38) b; 39) c; 40) с


41) c; 42) b; 43) b; 44) b;45) b; 46) c; 47) b; 48) d; 49) c; 50) d


Test 4


1) b; 2) b; 3) d; 4) a; 5) c; 6) a; 7) d; 8) b; 9) b; 10) b. 11) b; 12) c; 13) b; 14) c; 15) b; 16) a; 17) c; 18) c; 19) b; 20) c; 21) c; 22)


d; 23) a; 24) a; 25) a; 26) b; 27) c; 28) d; 29) b; 30) с 31) b; 32) c; 33) a; 34)b; 35) d; 36) b; 37) c; 38) b; 39) b; 40) d; 41) d; 42) a;


43) b; 44) b; 45) a; 46) a; 47) a; 48) a; 49) b; 50) a


Test 5


1) c; 2) d; 3) c; 4) a; 5) b; 6) c; 7) b; 8) a; 9) b; 10) a; 11) b; 12) a; 13) b; 14) d; 15) b; 16) b; 17) d; 18) d; 19) c; 20) b.


2l)b;22)a; 23) d; 24) a;25) c; 26) a; 27)b;28)c;29)a; 30) d; 31) b; 32) c; 33) c; 34) b; 35) b; 36) c; 37) a; 38) a; 39) b; 40) a.


41) b;42) c; 43) a; 44) a; 45) b; 46) c; 47) d;48) c; 49) d; 50) b


Test 6


1) c; 2) d; 3) a; 4) b; 5) b; 6) a; 7) a; 8) b; 9) c; 10) a. 11) b; 12) d; 13) c; 14) a; 15) b; 16) d; 17) b; 18) d; 19) a; 20) c; 21) d; 22)


c; 23) b; 24) b; 25) b; 26) b; 27) a; 28) b; 29) d; 30) d. 31) d; 32) c; 33) d;34) a; 35) b; 36) c; 37) b; 38) a; 39) b; 40) c; 41) a; 42)


a; 43) d; 44) d; 45) a; 46) a; 47) d; 48) b; 49) c; 50) с


Test 7

1) b; 2) b; 3) a; 4) b; 5) c; 6) a; 7) b; 8) a; 9) d; 10) a; 11) d; 12) a; 13) d; 14) d; 15) b; 16) a; 17) a; 18) c; 19) b; 20) d.


21) c; 22) b; 23) c; 24) a; 25) b; 26) a; 27) c; 28) a; 29) b; 30) a; 31) c; 32) a; 33) c; 34) d; 35) c; 36) a; 37) b; 38) b; 39) a; 40) с


41) b; 42) c; 43) b; 44) a; 45) b; 46) c; 47) a; 48) b; 49) c; 50) d;


Test 8


1) b; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) b; 6) b; 7) b; 8) a; 9) d; 10) d. 11) c; 12) a; 13) b; 14) c; 15) d; 16) b; 17) c; 18) c; 19) b; 20) d; 21) a; 22)


d; 23) b; 24) a; 25) d; 26) d; 27) b; 28) c; 29) b; 30) d. 31) d; 32) d; 33) d; 34) b; 35) c; 36) a; 37) b; 38) d; 39) b; 40) c; 41) d; 42)


b; 43) b; 44) a; 45) a; 46) a; 47) c; 48) d; 49) d; 50) d.



Test 9

1) b; 2) a; 3) c; 4) c; 5) a; 6) b; 7) c; 8) a; 9) c; 10) b; 11) d; 12) d; I 13) b; 14) d; 15) b; 16) b; 17) a; 18) a; 19) d; 20) c,


21) c; 22) b; 23) a; 24) c; 25) b; 26) a; 27) b; 28) b; 29) a; 30) b; 31) d; 32) b; 33) a; 34) d; 35) a; 36) a; 37) d; 38) d; 39) d; 40) b.


41) d; 42) c; 43) d; 44) b; 45) b; 46) c; 47) d;48) d; 49) b; 50) a


Test 10


1) c; 2) d; 3) d; 4) a; 5) c; 6) d; 7) d; 8) b; 9) b; 10) с 11) c; 12) b; 13) b; 14) c; 15) b; 16) d; 17) a; 18) c; 19) b; 20) c; 21) b; 22) a;


23) b; 24) d; 25) b; 26) d; 27) a; 28) d; 29) d; 20) b. 31) b; 32) c; 33) b; 34) d; 35) b; 36) c; 37) c; 38) a; 39) d; 40) b; 41) b; 42) c;


43) b; 44) b; 45) b; 46) b; 47) b; 48) a; 49) c; 50) b.






British Games









Like father, like son…





5 –


7 +

8 –

9 –

10 +

11 a

12 c

13 b

14 c

15 c

16 c

17 b

18 a

19 c

20 b


As intelligent as…

1 a

2 c

3 a

4 d

5 a

6 a

7 d

8 d

9 d

10 d

11 +

12 –

13 –

14 +

15 +

16 +

17 +

18 –

19 –

20 +



See Tasmania!

  1. +
  2. +
  3. +
  4. +


Action Sports Camps

  1. +
  2. +
  3. +
  4. +
  5. +



Ferndig Islands

  1. +
  2. +
  3. +
  4. +
  5. +


Crazy for Belgian Chocolate

1 D

2 C

3 B

4 C

5 B

6 D

7 B

8 B

9 C

10 C

How I Got My First-Class Degree

1 – A

2 – D

3 – C

4 – B

5 – C

6 – C

7 – B


8 – 3

9 – 4

10 – 1



1 – 3

2 – 4

3 – 2

4 – 3

5 – 1

6 – 4

7 – 1

8 – 4

9 – 4

10 – 3


The Secret Poet

1 – 3

2 – 2

3 – 4

4 – 3

5 – 1

6 – 3

7 – 3

8 – 3

9 – 4

10 – 1














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