The Ukrainian food


to revise the vocabulary on the topic;

to teach pupils to express their opinions.



T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you.

Ps: We are glad to see you too.

T: How is life?

Ps: Life is going its usual way.

T: The weather is dull today, isn’t it?

PI: You are quite right. It is windy. The sun is not shining. The sky is grey and cloudy. It’s sloppy and gloomy today. No wonder, it is winter now.

T: As for me/personally I like winter. What about you?

P2: As for me I like winter too. No wonder, winter is a nice season.  I do like winter. What about you?

P3: I prefer winter too, because it is a tasty season. There are a lot of holidays in winter.


T: So, to sum it up, I should say winter is a tasty season because there are a lot of fruit and vegetables. Per­sonally I like to eat apples and pears. And what fruit and vegetables do you- like? Ask your friend what fruit s/he likes.


P4: I say, Andriy, do you like pears?

P5: Frankly speaking, I don’t like pears. But I do like apples because they taste nice. Besides, an apple a day keeps a doctor away. And what fruit do you like to eat?

P4: As for me, I like to eat grapes and oranges. But most of all I like sweets.

P5: Well, tastes differ.

T: So, some of us like apples, some of us like meat or sweets. Let’s recollect the poem.


Some of us like brown bread.

Some of us like white.

Some of us eat a lot of meat.

Some don’t think its right.

.Some of us like apples…

Some drink juice at night.

Some of us eat many sweets.

Some don’t think its right.

T: So, what conclusion can we draw?

Ps: Tastes differ.

T: All of you like tasty things. But sometimes we eat too much and then we have some problems. Imagine that you:

Drank too much juice;

Ate too many cookies;

Ate too many hamburgers. Act out the dialogues.


PI: You look pale. What’s wrong with you?

P2: I ate too many hamburgers, my stomach aches and I think that I’m never going to eat them again.


He likes chicken,

Chicken, chicken,

And salad too,

Salad too.

She likes spaghetti,

Spaghetti, spaghetti

And pudding too,

Pudding too.

They like hamburgers,

Hamburgers, hamburgers.

T: Tell me what things we can eat.

A game in a chain:

PI: chicken, salad;

P2: chicken, salad, hamburgers;

P3: chicken, salad, hamburgers, cakes

T: Offer your friend an apple or some sweets.


PI: Would you like an apple?

P2: Yes, please. I’d love one/No, thanks.

T: Ask your friend to pass you:

some bread; some cheese; a glass of juice.


PI: Pass me the     please.

P2: Here you are.

PI: Thank you.

P2: You are welcome/Not at all.


VI Dialog

T: Listen to the dialogue.

John: What’s for dinner, Mum? I’m so hungry.

Mother: Fish soup.

John: I like fish soup.

Liz: I don’t like it!

John: She doesn’t like anything.

Mother: Meat and potatoes.

John: I like meat and potatoes. Liz: I don’t like it! John: She doesn’t like anything! Liz: I’m thirsty.

Mother: Have a glass of orange juice then.


T: Clap your hands when you hear the names of food.

List of the words: milk, apple, home, juice, friend, coffee, usually, school, soup, spaghetti, cup, potato, por­ridge, bell, bread, cheese, plate, sweets, glass, first, fish, chocolate, brother, banana, hamster, hamburger.

VIII Reading

We, Ukrainians, like to eat a lot of good tasty food cooked from fresh products.

Fruits and vegetables, grown under the hot sun in rich Ukrainian soil, have natural taste of real natural products. Traditionally they are saved without chemical processing. So meat has natural taste which differs depending on the animal’s food. For example, in a market a customer can ask a seller, “What kind of beacon is it, potato or bread?” It means that the pig was fed with potato or wheat.

Since old times Ukrainian national cooking has been famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for health as they have almost all the useful vitamins and minerals. For example, the most popular dish called borsch, has up to 20 components. A big plate of good borsch gives a person enough energy for half a working day or so. So many Ukrainians prefer to eat borsch before hard work.

Ukrainian traditional food and drinks are very interesting from medical point of view. Doctors say that a person, who keeps old Ukrainian traditions in meals, gets everything s/he needs for health and fruitful mental and physical work. In our country most of people are sure that Ukrainian traditions in meals are the best for our natural conditions and style of life. That’s why we do not like to change them much. Of course, it doesn’t mean that we don’t eat foreign dishes, but traditional food is preferable in many families.

1).After reading task:

Mark the statements true (+) or false (—).

  1. Fruits and vegetables are grown under the hot sun in rich Ukrainian soil.

2.Cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry are not fed with natural products.

3.Since old times Ukrainian national cooking has been famous for tasteless dishes.

4.The most popular Ukrainian dish has 12 components.

5.Many Ukrainians prefer to eat borsch before hard work.

6.Traditional food is preferable in many Ukrainian families.


2). Answer the questions.

What food do we like to eat in Ukraine?

Why do Ukrainian products have natural taste?

What is Ukrainian national cooking famous for?

Why is borsch useful for health?

Why is traditional Ukrainian food interesting from medical point of view?

Why do many Ukrainians prefer traditional food? What food do you prefer? Why?

3). Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

food, life, fresh, famous, in, health, elements, fed,vegetables, medical, products, borsch         

     We, Ukrainians, like to eat a lot of good tasty cooked natural from    products.  Fruits and   have natural taste of real Cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry are often with natural products. National cooking is   for a great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for The most popular dish, called       , has up to 20 components.

Ukrainian traditional food and drinks are very interesting from point of view.  Traditional combinations of productsbsupply the body and brain with all necessary  our country many people are sure that Ukrainian traditions in meals are the best for our natural conditions and style of.

 Keys: food, fresh, vegetables, products, fed, famous, health, borsch, medical, elements, In, life.


Make meat and bone broth.

Peel beet, cut into long strips, salt, sprinkle with vin­egar, place into the frying pan, add fat, tomato sauce, sugar and stew until half done. Slice onions and grate carrots and put into the frying-pan too.

Cook chopped fresh cabbage and potatoes for 15-20 minutes. Then add the mixture from the frying pan.

Simmer for 15 minutes. Season with cloves of garlic and parsley roots.

Bring to the boiling point and let stand from 15 to 20 minutes.

When serving put a slice of meat into each soup plate, a tablespoon of sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


Pour boiling water or milk over a portion of the flour.

Mix well, add the rest of the liquid.

Add egg (preferably only egg yolk), salt, the remaining flour, make a dough and allow it to stand for 40 minutes.

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with salt, sugar and raw eggs.

Roll the dough into thin flat round pieces, place about one teaspoon of cottage cheese filling on them and close edges firmly by pinching.

Drop the varenyky one by one into boiling salted wa­ter and then boil for 5-7 minutes.

Serve buttered with sour cream.

Homework: Write a composition “Ukrainian food”

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