


  1. Aims and tasks.

T: I’d like to start our lesson with a famous quotation of a famous man


So today we’ll speak about types of films, film-making industry, your  favourite actors and your favourite films. By the end of the lesson I want you to make and introduce to the class a project on one of the topics of our lesson.

  1. Warming Up. And now I want you to look at the slide and name the type of the film you’ll see on the slides

Slide 1                                                                           Slides 2


(Pupils practice the following lexical units working with slides 3–14: action film, comedy, disaster film, historical film, horror film, musical, romantic comedy, science fiction film, war film, western, melodrama)


  1. II.
  2. Listening practice. Listen to some fragments of some films and try to guess what type of film it is. (During this lesson pupils were listening to the fragments of a horror film, a western and a historical film)
  3. Vocabulary practice. Work with HO1”Complete the definitions with the types of films in the box”
action films   historical dramas   romantic comedies   science fiction films  war films  western


  1. ________ shows a specific period in the past. You can see how people dressed, spoke and behaved in those days.
  2. ________are films about soldiers and battles.
  3. ________ often show the future. They sometimes include aliens.
  4. ________ ussually has a story about cowboys in the USA.
  5. ________are love stories that are also funny.
  6. ________ are fast, exiting films that often contain fights and car chases.


  1. Speaking practice. Answer the questions one by one and then work in pairs and make the dialogues using these questions. You’ll have three minutes to finish with your dialogues after that you’ll perform them.


Slide 15


  1. Reading practice. Read the text about a famous film director Milos Forman and match the highlighted words with the definitions below (HO2).


HO2”Match the highlighted words with the definitions below”


  1. Short part of a film
  2. The words and directions that are written for a film
  3. A prize
  4. People who direct the making of films
  5. A film that tells a fictional story
  6. All the companies and studios that makes films
  7. Films that give true information





Many European film directors have gone to Hollywood hoping to make their mark in the American film industry, but few have had as much success there as Czech born film director Milos Forman.

Forman was born in 1932 in Caslay. Milos never saw his parents again: they both died in concentration camps. After war Forman became fascinated by film and theatre. He started out in the film industry directing television documentaries, before moving gradually to drama. In 1969 he moved to New York. Taking Off, Forman’s first English-language film, appeared in1971. The film was a critical success and won a number of awards. The film became the first film for forty years to win Oscars in all five major categories – Best Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Director for Forman. In 1984, Forman returned to Prague for the first time in 16 years to film scenes for Amadeus, which tells the life-story of the composer, Mozart.


Let’s check your answers:

Slide 16

  1. Speaking practice. Have you got a favourite actor or actress? Can you name him or her? Can you tell us some facts about him/her? Have you got a favourite film? Can you make a film review? Let’s remember the main points of making a film review.

 Slide 17


  1. Making a Project. This time you will work in groups. Each of the groups will have to fill the diagram with the topical words and make and then introduce one of the given projects.


Slide 18



Pupils work in three groups for 10 minutes making their projects and then they introduce them to the class. Thus they revise the lexics and use it in their own stories.



III. To summarize our lesson I want you to play a game and to guess the words of the crossword.


Slide 1                                                                      Slide2

Slide 3                                                                       Slide 4

Slide 5                                                                          Slide 6                       

Slide 7                                                 


Инструкция по работе с кроссвордом.

Чтобы начать кроссворд, нужно щёлкнуть левой кнопкой мыши по стрелке или любому месту на экране. Затем ведущий наводит курсор на номер вопроса, стрелка курсора превращается в указатель руки, и ведущий щёлкает левой кнопкой мыши. Появляется задание, на которое ученик даёт ответ. Все слова кроссворда расположены горизонтально. Для того, чтобы проверить ответ, необходимо установить курсор на пустое место и просто нажать на левую кнопку мыши. Появится правильный ответ. Чтобы перейти к следующему слайду, нужно щёлкнуть по стрелке в левом нижнем углу и ещё один раз, чтобы появился следующий вопрос. Все слова кроссворда образуют новое слово “western”, а пояснение к нему уже может дать сам ученик.


Slide 19

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