A letter of application

Dear Sir,
I’m writing to apply at the Highgate International School, which I saw advertised in the Internet.
I’m fifteen years old and studied in an ordinary Dnipro’s school, but also I have graduated the English speaking school, so I know English well.  I think my level is advanced. During my education, I attended many courses and seminars all around Europe and gained a lot of experience in different areas. Apart from this, I’m very single-minded and hardworking. I’m a very fast learner and I have a good memory.  Moreover, I’m ready to spend all my time for studying. I have also worked as a tutor for smaller children. And I think that this job gave me a great experience in the English language either.

As for me, I was always interested in the English culture. So I hope that this school would give me an excellent possibility to learn more and discover London better. I chose this school because I’m a big fan of the English language and your education.  Generally, I know that your school might give a good chance to go to Sorbonne University for gaining knowledge as education develops all sides of human personality, reveals his or her abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. John Kennedy said: “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”. But it doesn’t concern only one particular nation. And to my mind, exactly your school will give me an education which was mentioned in the quotation.
To add more, I enclose all recommendations and a detailed list of all my marks and qualifications. I hope that you will consider me for your school because this is a perfect opportunity for my future development. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Alisha Moor

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