A letter to the editor

Dear Editor

Dear Editor Mr. White,
I’m writing to express my concern that hours may be cut at our branch libraries. As a cost-cutting measure, the City is recommending that the library close all branches on Mondays.
To begin with,I am a staff member at the Branch, and I work weekday afternoons. Each day, as school closes, dozens of students file into the library to do homework, use the library’s 13 computers, or socialize in a safe place. Many of these children would otherwise go home to empty houses, and the library is the one place that provides a secure, supervised alternative to being home alone.
To add more,our library has put several after-school programs in place to give students who are not doing homework something constructive to do; and other library customers have told us that they are surprised and delighted that the young people are so well-behaved. Teachers have called to say that some of their struggling students’ work has improved since spending afternoons at the library. Parents have told us they are grateful for the library’s welcome to their children. Closing on Mondays will be a major disruption for these children, and I’m certain there are other ways to save money without risking their safety and the productive use of their afternoons.
All in all,I urge your readers to contact their City Council representatives and urge them to vote to keep libraries open! Contact information is on the library’s website at www. (provide a web address) .
Yours Harry White

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