Category: 10-th form

Урок англійської мови 10 клас: Враження від літніх канікул

Мета уроку:   Вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення.                          Формувати навички вимови. Вдосконалювати навички монологічного висловлювання з опорою на лексико-граматичну структуру. Розвивати мовну здогадку. Виховувати увагу, інтерес до англійської мови.                              Хід уроку         I...


  АУДІЮВАННЯ Natural Classic I’m a very keen reader, but selecting the book with a natural-history theme, which has influenced me most was some challenge, until I thought back to my childhood. Then it...

My favourite picture

This picture is a masterpiece of a famous Russian painter Ilya Repin. Ilya Yefimovich Repin was born on 29 September, 1930. He was a Russian realist painter. He was the most renowned Russian artist of the...

The Ukrainian painting

The Ukrainian painting is an integral part of world artistic culture. Folk spirit and realism became the main slogans of the democratic artists. In their works they frequently touched upon the acute social problems...


\     For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.   1. I really enjoy ________ in the sea. A swim B swimming C...