Final tests

Form 9

Final test

Variant 1

  1. Choose the correct word
  • Jane was absent from school and now she has to catch up/on with the class.
  • Commercial/state TV channels broadcast mostly entertainment programmes because they must attract larger numbers of viewers in order to sell advertising time.
  • I might/could play the piano when I was a little girl.
  • Physics/chemistry is the science about the structure of substances and how they react when they are combined.
  • Penicillin was invented/discovered by Alexander Fleming.
  • Natural environment/habitat is a place where an animal or plant is normally found.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns – who, whose, which, when or where.
    • My uncle, … wife is from Australia, is going to visit Canberra next summer.
    • Their house, … was built in 19th century, is on sale.
    • The place … we would like to celebrate the wedding is wonderful.
    • Teenagers … listen to rock music seem to be more aggressive than others.
    • The time … our family lived in Paris is unforgettable.
    • The book … I received for birthday is very interesting and thought-provoking.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense and voice forms.
    • Radium and Polonium … (discover) by Marie Curie.
    • In many countries, paper, glass and plastic … (recycle).
    • Last summer my brother … (have) a part-time job.
    • This channel … (televise) mostly soap operas and sitcoms.
    • Youth cultures … (connect) with fashion and music preferences.
    • Graffiti style … (influence) by the hip-hop culture in 1960s.


  1. Write a paragraph about the ways each of us can protect the environment.


Variant 2

  1. Choose the correct word
    • A person who spends too much time working is called a weirdo/workaholic.
    • The sound engineers/vision managers control everything from microphones to mixing desks with a thousand lights and buttons.
    • Meteorology/astronomy deals with the scientific observation and study of the phenomena of weather and climate.
    • One of the most important discoveries/inventions for the mankind is the accurate clock.
    • I’ve decided that I must/have to do more exercise to feel better.
    • An editor/a carpenter is a person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical or book.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns – who, whose, which, when or where.
    • Jackson, … is our manager, owns a collection of ancient coins.
    • American continent, … was discovered in 1492, became home for many nationalities.
    • The village … they went to have rest last summer is very picturesque.
    • My grandparents moved here in the years … the WWII began.
    • My friend … father owns a factory studies abroad.
    • The office … I work is in the city centre.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense and voice forms.
  • Teenagers … (prefer) original and eye-catching clothes.
  • Isaac Newton … (discover) the law of gravitation in 1665.
  • A person who spends too much time watching TV … (call) a “couch potato.”
  • The game of basketball … (invent) by James Naismith in 1891.
  • Public TV usually … (focus) on education and culture.
  • She … (work) as a babysitter when he was 16.


  1. Write a paragraph about your future career plans and ambitions.



















Variant 1


  • up
  • commercial
  • could
  • chemistry
  • habitat
  • discovered


  • whose
  • which
  • where
  • who
  • when
  • which
  • were discovered
  • are recycled
  • had
  • televises
  • are connected
  • was influenced

Variant 2

  • workaholic
  • sound engineers
  • meteorology
  • inventions
  • must
  • an editor


  • who
  • which
  • where
  • when
  • whose
  • where


  • prefer
  • discovered
  • is called
  • was invented
  • focuses
  • worked


Form 10

Final test

Variant 1

  1. Choose the correct word
  • Sociable/bossy people are friendly and enjoy being with other people.
  • I used to have/had a turtle when I was a child.
  • John is going to apply on/for a job the very next day after the graduation.
  • I enjoy home-made/raw food and always try to cook something special for my family.
  • Do not forget to log up/out when you leave the computer.
  • Long periods without rain can cause avalanches/droughts.


  1. Choose the correct tense form of the verb
  • I had read/read much about this painter before I visited the exhibition.
  • Jane and Tom were having/had been having a meal at the restaurant when I phoned.
  • How long do you study/have you been studying at the university?
  • Our school football team won/has won the match last Saturday.
  • I hope I will be passing/will pass my exam.
  • My friend changed/has changed several jobs this year.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms to make up conditional sentences
  • If they had studied harder, they … (not/fail) final exams.
  • If I went to Japan, I … (try) all possible kinds of sushi.
  • If we … (not/train) hard, we’ll lose the match.
  • I … (order) a steak unless it is very spicy.
  • If I … (be) an artist, I would paint a portrait of you.
  • There wouldn’t have occurred so many disasters if people … (be) more careful to nature.


  1. Read the following job advertisements. Choose one and write a letter of application.


Rainbow Kids’ Camp

is looking for camp leaders

General requirements:

  • age: 16 or older
  • good English language skills
  • no criminal background

At camp you will not just take care of children but you will also teach them an activity. So, in addition to general requirements it is essential that you have a good knowledge in at least one of the following: tennis, mountain-biking, swimming, athletics, basketball, dancing, aerobics.

If you are interested in getting a job for summer, please, e-mail Mrs. Levin:



A family is looking for a part-time baby-sitter for two kids (ages 3 and 5).

Baby–sitting experience is essential. Driving license, drawing and foreign language skills would be an advantage.

Please, e-mail Mr. Jackson:


Variant 2

  1. Choose the correct word
  • We didn’t use/used to wear a school uniform, but now we do.
  • Nowadays it is easy to keep on/in touch with friends.
  • Secondary/boarding school is a school where pupils live, eat and sleep.
  • I’ll ask the secretary to print the documents out/off.
  • Landscape/still life is a genre of painting which depicts inanimate objects such as flowers, fruit, books, rocks etc.
  • Kate learned/studied to swim during her last summer holidays.


  1. 2. Choose the correct tense form of the verb
  • Ivan Aivazovskyi was/has been an outstanding seascape painter.
  • I have been looking/looked for this recipe for several moths.
  • Megan could not find necessary files on the computer and understood that someone has hacked/had hacked into it.
  • Dan was exhausted. He had been training/was training for two hours already.
  • I sprained my ankle when I had been jogging/was jogging.
  • This time next week I will be taking/will take my exam in English.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms to make up conditional sentences
  • If you study hard, you … (have) more chances to get a good job I the future.
  • If you … (train) harder, you would have achieved better results.
  • If you finish your work, … (not/forget) to log out.
  • What would you do if you … (not/find) a job?
  • I … (cook) a Christmas pudding if I had bought all the necessary ingredients.
  • I would apply for this job if I … (be) you.


  1. Read the following job advertisements. Choose one and write a letter of application.


Summer café is looking for waiters and waitresses.

You need to be:

  • helpful and polite
  • good at serving people
  • good at remembering things
  • quick and efficient
  • reliable and punctual
  • able to work well in a team
  • fit and healthy
  • tidy

Spoken English and experience in restaurant, café or catering work would be an advantage.

Please, write a letter giving details

Mrs Melinda Hudson
1807 Glenwood St. NE
Palm Bay FL 32907




Diamond Cosmetics Shop

invites young women to work as shop-assistants.


  • good communication skills
  • attractive appearance
  • basic knowledge in cosmetology

E-mail Miss Dooley:
























Variant 1

1) sociable

2) have

3) for

4) home-made

5) out

6) droughts


1) had read

2) were having

3) have you been studying

4) won

5) will pass

6) has changed


1) would not have failed

2) would try

3) do not train

4) will order

5) were

6) had been

Variant 2


1) use

2) in

3) boarding

4) learned

5) still life

6) learned

  • was
  • have been looking
  • had hacked
  • had been training
  • was jogging.
  • will be taking


  • will have
  • had trained
  • do not forget
  • did not find
  • would have cooked
  • were


Form 11

Final test

Variant 1

  1. Choose the correct word
  • My cousin studied/learned English Literature at the university.
  • I’m taking my final exam in May. I hope I’ll fail/pass
  • The most important thing for her now was to find a good work/job in Chicago.
  • That business trip would be a great opportunity/possibility to see Paris.
  • The best way to prevent/avoid floods in our area is to fortify river banks by planting trees.
  • Delicious food/meal cooked by Lisa consisted of cheese soup, roast beef, vegetable salad and a hazelnut cake.


  1. Complete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms of the Participle
    1. … (pass) the exams, Victoria started her journey.
    2. … (direct) a science fiction thriller, he played an episodic part in it at the same time.
    3. … (study) abroad, students have a perfect opportunity to improve their language skills.
    4. … (season) with cream sauce, the veal was really fantastic.
    5. … (escape) from your problems you’ll never solve them.
    6. … (paint) in warm colours, the picture perfectly matched the atmosphere of our living-room.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms to make up conditional sentences
  • If I go to a local restaurant in France, I … (order) some special French dessert.
  • If people … (care) more about the environment, there would not occur so many disasters.
  • If the children … (not/stay) late yesterday, they would have waken up earlier in the morning.
  • If she … (not/go) to work by car, she will be losing her weight more effectively.
  • If I … (decide) to take a gap year, I would work on an environmental project.
  • If I had not worked at our family café when I was young, I … (not/cook) this wonderful Christmas dinner.


  1. Write a paragraph about the role of art in people’s lives.


Variant 2

  1. Choose the correct word
    • The factory they are going to build in our area will provide career/employment for hundreds of people.
    • Healthy food/meal is an essential component of the healthy lifestyle.
    • Spending much time with his father, Steve studied/learned many useful things.
    • Is there any opportunity/possibility that they will visit us tomorrow?
    • Applying for job, you are usually interviewed by the employee/employer.
    • Mike decided to unite/join the army when he still was a child.


  1. Complete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms of the Participle
    • … (assault) by her father, Susie ran away.
    • … (proclaim) the Act of Independence, Ukraine started a new page in its history.
    • … (conduct) a survey in our class, we found out that boys are more interested in Mathematics than girls.
    • … (use) less aerosols, we can protect the ozone layer.
    • … (work) at the camp for HIV-positive people, our teacher knows much about their problems and needs.
    • … (serve) in beautiful China cups, the tea seemed even more tasty.


  1. 3. Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms to make up conditional sentences
  • I’ll try to talk to him unless he … (be) busy.
  • If they … (not/invite) a star, the film would not have been such a success.
  • If you … (give up) smoking, I will buy a present for you.
  • If you … (read) more in English, your vocabulary would be richer.
  • If Megan had studied harder, she … (not/fail) her finals.
  • If I … (be) you, I would say sorry to her.


  1. Write a paragraph about the environmental problems facing humanity nowadays.














Variant 1

  • studied
  • pass
  • job
  • opportunity
  • prevent
  • meal


  • having passed
  • directing
  • studying
  • escaping
  • painted
  • will order
  • cared
  • had not stayed
  • does not go
  • decided
  • would not have cooked

Variant 2


  • employment
  • food
  • learned
  • join
  • employer
  • possibility


  • having been assaulted
  • proclaiming
  • having conducted
  • using
  • having worked
  • served


  • is
  • had not invited
  • give up
  • read
  • would not have failed
  • were

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