
To begin with I’d like to say that health is the man’s greatest wealth .Without good health nothing else is worth having. Only a healthy man can enjoy his life, work well and be happy. People nowadays are more health –conscious than they used to be. Today everybody wants to be fit, feel good, look slim and stay young. But nowadays our life is getting more and more difficult. We live under the press of different problems. We constantly suffer from stress, noise and dust of big cities, diseases and instability. We should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. To achieve this aim, we ought to take care of our physical and mental health. As for me, I always try to live a healthy life. The first rule of my healthy way of life is to have normal weight, not to be overweight. I try to regulate my diet and do sports. It does not mean that I eat only lettuce. I eat different food including fat, vitamins, fibre and a lot of fruit and vegetables. The English people say ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. And they are absolutely right. My second rule is doing sports. It helps me to keep fit, have a good figure. And the last but not the least, I never smoke or drink alcohol.  All in all, I ‘d like to say that it‘s easier to prevent a disease rather than try to cure it .We should take good care of our health and avoid bad habits that can affect our health.

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