How to prepare for a natural disaster
You should follow the advice of local officials. Local authorities will provide you with information on how to prepare for a natural disaster.
You should leave the area immediately, if you are warned to evacuate.
If you can drive rather than walk, you should use your car to evacuate. When driving keep windows closed, drive across the path of danger if you can or away from the danger if you can not, and watch for unusual hazards in the road.
You should close all windows, doors, and fireplace or woodstove dampers.
You should turn off all fans and heating and air conditioning systems.
You should bring pets and livestock into closed shelters.
You should stay inside, if possible, with windows and doors closed.
You should wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
You should keep your car or truck engine switched off.
You should fill your automobile’s gas tank.
If no vehicle is available, you should make arrangements with friends or family for transportation.
You should fill your clean water containers.
Review your emergency plans and supplies, checking to see if any items are missing.
You should Tune in the radio or television for weather updates.
You should listen for disaster sirens and warning signals.
You should prepare an emergency kit for your car with food, flares, booster cables, maps, tools, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sleeping bags, etc.
You should secure any items outside which may damage property in a storm, such as bicycles, grills, propane tanks, etc.
You should put livestock and family pets in a safe area. Due to food and sanitation requirements, emergency shelters cannot accept animals.
You should place vehicles under cover, if at all possible.
You should fill sinks and bathtubs with water as an extra supply for washing.
You should adjust the thermostat on refrigerators and freezers to the coolest possible temperature.
You should take only essential items with you.
You should if you have time, turn off the gas, electricity, and water.
You should stay indoors until the authorities declare the storm is over.
You should take shelter in a windowless, interior room or closet. Stay away from all windows and doors.