The Youth Organisations
Мета: Допомогти учням вдосконалювати читання та усне мовлення;
розвивати в учнів комунікативні навички;
виховувати в учнів соціально активних членів суспільства
Хід уроку
- Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
- Організація класу до уроку
T: Good morning, children! How are you today?
Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are fine, we are fine,
We are fine today.
T: Sit down! I am very glad to hear this.
- Вступна бесіда з учнями
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What was your hometask for today? Мовна бесіда в режимі T – P1 – P2.
- Оголошення теми і мети уроку
T: Today we are going to speak about youth organizations. You’ll read some facts from the history of the Scout movement discuss the rules of the Ukrainian Scouts and try to create your own rules for a youth club.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
- Перевірка домашнього завдання
Writing an autobiography
- Answer the questions: Do you know any youth organizations? Are youth organizations necessary for young people? Why? Would you like to join any youth organization? Мовна бесіда в режимі T – P1 – P2…
- Youth organizations in Ukraine. (див. додаток 1)
T: Please read the text and answer the questions which are after the text.
- Plast – national Scout organization of Ukraine. (див. додаток 2)
T: Please read the text and try to translate this text into Ukrainian.
- ex. 3, с.
T: Look at ex. 3 on page 34 and try to translate the words truthful, conscientious, punctual, frugal, just and fair, friendly, helpful and kind, productive, disciplined, industrious using vocabulary at the end of the book. After that when you find these words you must say about yourself using these words.
- ex. 4 (a), с.
T: Look at ex. 4 (a) on page 34 and work in small groups. Think of your own youth club, either a real or an imaginary one. State clearly the purpose of the club. Discuss the laws for the members of your club to follow.
- ex. 4 (b), с.
T: Now, open your copy – books, write down today’s date and do ex. 4 (b) on page 34. Write a list of 12 rules for the membership in the youth club you’ve decided to organize.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
- Підсумок уроку
T: Today we spoke about the Scout moment. Would you like to know more about this organization? Would you like to join it? Why?
The lesson is over. Goodbye.
Ps: Goodbye.
- Домашнє завдання
Ex. 4 (c), p. 34. .