Category: Methodology

Useful phrases

It’s fine. – Это прекрасно. It’s a good idea. – Это хорошая мысль. I mean it. – Именно это я имею в виду. Not bad. – Неплохо. Most likely. – Наиболее вероятно. By the...


Example complaint letter: 56 Disgruntled Street Somewhere Unhappy 1AM MAD   Customer Service Manager That Awful Company Somewhere Awful UR BAD June 15, 2008   Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing today to complain of the...

A letter of apologise

Dear [Name] We would like to apologize for the error in your billing statement last [insert date]. We have now thoroughly checked our records and updated your account with the correct billing amount. The...

An Apology letter

Dear Mr Alex, I regret to inform you I will not been able to start the course in time. It was due to reasons entirely beyond my control. Please be assured that I will...

A letter of application

87 Orchard Rise, Bishops Castle, Oxfordshire. Mr Michael Cartwright                                                   September 15, 2001 World Aid, Palmers House, Ludford. Dear Mr Cartwright, I am writing to apply for the job of volunteer worker which I...

A formal letter

Layout Newspaper’s name and address        Your address The date Greeting Dear Editor, (or Dear Sir/Madam,) Paragraph 1 Give your reason for writing. I am writing to protest about the proposal for… Paragraph 2 Write...

My pet

I. Початок уроку. 1.Організаційний момент. T.-Good morning, children! P.-Good morning, teacher! T.-I am glad to see you! P.-I am glad to see you too 2.Бесіда з черговим. T.-Who is on duty today? P.-I am...

Games during the lesson

LET’S PRETEND Pretend you are a tree. What fruit grow on you? Are they tasty? – My fruit are round, (colour), sweet, juicy. We gather them in autumn. (variations: vegetables — carrot, tomato, onion,...

My clothes

Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils will develop their reading skills in skimming for general understand­ing and scanning for specific words; they will practice asking questions and reporting information to the class...