Useful phrases for writing an essay
be in the know / be aware of – быть в курсе be in the right mind – быть здравом уме be out of one’s mind / senses – сойти с ума be printed...
be in the know / be aware of – быть в курсе be in the right mind – быть здравом уме be out of one’s mind / senses – сойти с ума be printed...
Anorak – куртка с капюшоном Bathrobe – банный халат Beret – берет Bikini – бикини Blouse – блузка, кофточка Boots – ботинки; сапоги Boxer shorts – боксеры (мужские трусы) Bra – бюстгальтер Briefs –...
Хто сидів на чолі лицарського «круглого столу»? (Король Артур.) Найвища гора Великобританії. (Бен Невіс.) Під яким іншим назвою відома Північна Ірландія? (Ольстер.) Житло легендарного чудовиська в Шотландії. (Озеро Лох-Несс.) З яких палат складається Британський...
To begin with, I’d like to say that my motherland, the place where I live and love the most, is my amazing country, Ukraine. Generally, I think that our people should really appreciate the...
Every person has a dear to his heart place in the world. This is a place, where you were born and grew up, where your ancestors lived. As for me, such place is...
The old proverb says, ‘The grass is always greener on the other side.’ And every person tends to believe that life in places different from ours is for some reasons better. When I was...
I know that there are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. I would like to visit some of them, to see with my own eyes what I have read or heard about...
“My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most” To begin with, I fully agree with the proverb “There is no place like home”. My home is my native...
To begin with, I’d like to tell you about my motherland, the place where I live and love the most, it is an amazing country, Ukraine. Generally, I think that our people should...
Хід уроку: Організаційна частина уроку. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Teacher: Good morning, children! Pupils: Good morning, teacher! Teacher: I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please and let’s start...