MUSIC QUIZ Here’s a chance to put your musical knowledge to the test. Mark the following statements True or False. If you are correct, the letters which you haven’t marked will give you a...
MUSIC QUIZ Here’s a chance to put your musical knowledge to the test. Mark the following statements True or False. If you are correct, the letters which you haven’t marked will give you a...
A SNOWBALL-TREE One handsome boy was in love with a pretty girl Kalyna. But her parents didn’t allow him to marry her. They wanted him to marry a rich girl Ganna instead. Kalyna came...
“A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse.” Stephen Dolley “If we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it.” “It’s terrible...
іноземна мова (англійська) 1-4 класи загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів для дітей із затримкою психічного розвитку ПОЯСНЮВАЛЬНА ЗАПИСКА Трансформаційна стратегія мовної освіти в Україні передбачає удосконалення системи навчання іноземних мов з орієнтацією на затверджені Радою...
Reading The second form Урок 1 Назвіть букви англійського алфавіту. Aa [æ] Bb [b] Cc[k] Dd [d] Ee [e] Ff[f] Gg [g] Hh [h] Ii [ I ] Jj ...
11 КЛАC ________________________________________________________ SEMESTER I READING COMPREHENSION TEST “DEAR MOM, YOU’RE RUINING ME” Jean Van Leeuwen Dear mom, I am working very hard on cleaning my room. But I want to go to Katy’s...
10 КЛАC SEMESTER I LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST CANADA. ITS GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE Canada covers all of the North American continent to the north of the USA except Alaska and the small French Islands of...
9 КЛАСC ____________________________________________________________ SEMESTER I LISTENING COMPREHENSION THE THREE WISHES (AN OLD ENGLISH FAIRY TALE) One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours...