Children & TV



– To enrich students’ topical conversational vocabulary;

– To improve students’ listening, reading, speaking skills;

– To enhance students’ cognitive abilities and memory;

– To cultivate students’ aesthetic taste, awareness and respect to the world culture.

Equipment: a tape recorder, handouts, pictures of famous TV programmers, sayings about TV, tests, a presentation about TV.


  2. Greeting.

T: Good morning. We are going to talk about TV and TV programmes, we’ll talk about your favourite channels and programmes, films, about your TV habits and how TV influences children. You are to listen to the dialogue about some creative things you can do instead of watching TV programmes. I hope you’ll take an active part in the lesson.


T: Let us see if you are keen on TV.  I’m going to ask you some general questions

about TV, your TV habits. I think everyone has got a TV set now. And children aged between 11-16 watch TV 3 hours a day. What about you? How long and when do you watch TV? Do you watch it alone or with your parents, brothers, sisters?

Pupil I: I watch TV 2-3 hours a day. I usually watch it   after school. I like watching TV with my   sister.

Pupil II: I usually watch TV in the evening with my parents. We watch TV for           two hours.

Teacher: Why do you watch TV? Why do people watch TV?

Pupil I: I watch TV to learn news, watch nice pictures, and get some information.

Pupil II:

Pupil III:

Teacher: The favourite programmes of teenagers are  sitcoms, dramas,catoons.

What are your favourite TV- channels and  programmes? What TV-    reporters   do you like?

Pupil I:  My favourite TV-channel is “Discovery”. I like documentaries and talk shows. I haven’t got a favourite TV- reporter.

Pupil II:

Pupil III:

Teacher: What programmes /films do your mother/ father like? When do your parents watch TV?

Pupil I:   My mother likes soap operas and my father prefers news and sports programmes. They  watch TV in the evening.

Teacher: Have you got a satellite TV?

Pupil I:  Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

  2. Brainstorm

T: So, you like TV, don’t you? What TV programmes do you like watching when you have free time?

А.      Make up phrases:

Model: I prefer comedies.

like                                                     thrillers

adventure films

don’t like                                           musicals

classical ballet

enjoy                                                  folk music


dislike                                                sport news

entertaining show

prefer                                                  soup operas

animated cartoons

hate                                                    disco music


am fond of                                         horror films

am interested in

  1.  Agree or disagree with the following statements. Begin your statements with:

1) I agree (disagree) that…

I don’t agree that…

2) It’s quite true that…

3) You are absolutely right…

4) I don’t think so,…

  1.  Television takes most of our time.
  2.  Cinema and theatre are not popular because of TV.
  3.  Thrillers and horror films are for children.
  4.  TV advertisements are very interesting.
  5.  Radio is not so popular as TV now.
  6.  TV is terribly bad for people’s eyes.


  1. Use the right words: film, musical, boring, actor, prefer, horror films, fantastic.


  1.  What___is on at “Cinema-park”?
  2.  Who’s your favourite___?- Jonny Depp. His acting is____.
  3.  Did you like the TV programme yesterday? – No, it was very___.
  4.  “My Fair lady” is a famous___.
  5.  What kind of films do you___?- I like___ ____________

T: Let me divide you into 4 groups. Do the following tasks:

1.Name as many as possible TV programmes for children:                                 thrillers, adventure films , musicals, documentaries, sport news entertaining shows, educating shows, soup operas, animated cartoons,

music shows, plays, horror films.

  1. Match the paragraphs 1-4 in the correct order

Ex.1, page 73

III. Reading

Ex.1, page 73

  1. Role play. Imagine you are a reporter in the street and ask questions about the influence of cartoons on children.

Do you like cartoons?

Why do children watch them?

Are they harmful for them or not?

What do you think about cartoons?

Why do children choose them?

What do you think about it?

Do they watch them too much?

  1. Listening

Teacher. Do you know the fact? There is such an illness when people are addicted to TV. It is a big problem especially for children. Let’s watch a short film about these phenomena.

  1. Writing
  2. Test: «On TV»

Choose the correct answer :

  1.  How often do you watch TV ?
    1. For two hours.
    2. Almost every day.
    3. With Helen.

Where do you usually watch films ?

  1.  At 12:00.
  2. At the cinema.
  3. Without parents
  •  What kind of films do you like ?
    1. Yes, I do.
    2. I like science-fiction.
  •  How many hours a day do you watch TV ?
    1. In my living-room.
    2. About two hours.
    3. I watch the news.
    4. On Tuesday.
  •  Will you go to the cinema next week ?
    1. Yes, I’ ll.
    2. I prefer dramas.
    3. For an hour.
  •  What are you doing ?
    1. I have watched TV.
    2. I will watch TV.
    3. I’m watching TV now.

2.Fill in the gaps with one suitable word

violence understanding learns commit influence scared connection dangerous watching hours

The (1)_________of television on people’s behavior is great. Most young children watch TV for many(2)________every week. They watch it long before they have any real(3)________of what they are(4)_________. They often watch programmes that are not meant for them/ they watch programmes that are meant for adults/ perhaps they stay up late and watch films containing violence. There is a lot of evidence to show that they are often harmed by seeing such things.

There is now more crime and (5)___________in our society than ever before. Everyone is worried. Everyone is (6)________to go out at night. These are (7)__________times we live in. this is also the time when more and more people are watching violent films on television. Certainly there is a direct (8)_________streets. For example, a child may see a bank robbery in a film. The child (9)________from the film how to rob a bank. There have been many cases reported in the newspapers where such things have actually happened. Professor Ivor Mills (Cambridge University) has proved that many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and (10)___________criminal acts.

The (1)_________of television on people’s behavior is great. Most young children watch TV for many(2)________every week. They watch it long before they have any real(3)________of what they are(4)_________. They often watch programmes that are not meant for them. They watch programmes that are meant for adults.   Perhaps they stay up late and watch films containing violence. There is a lot of evidence to show that they are often harmed by seeing such things. There is now more crime and (5)___________in our society than ever  before. Everyone is worried. Everyone is (6)________to go out at night.  These are (7)__________times we live in. this is also the time when more  and more people are watching violent films on television. Certainly there is a direct (8)_________streets. For example, a child may see a bank robbery in a film. The child (9)________from the film how to rob a bank. There  have been many cases reported in the newspapers where such things  have actually happened. Professor Ivor Mills (Cambridge University) has proved that many young people become too excited by violent films and when the film is over they go out and (10) ___________criminal acts. influencehourunderstandwatchviolence






VIII. Summing-up

T: Thank you very much. Summarizing our work I’d like to admit that whether TV is harmful or not, it is a sense of life or just a mean of entertainment it lives for ages. Television gives us the opportunity to watch the world. We get first-hand information. It is both a pleasant companion and a real member of a family. It makes people’s living much more comfortable. It is the quickest means of spreading news and information. TV plays an important role in reflecting the life of society and building opinions and shapes our views.

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