Learn English Easy Blog

Английские песенки

 Greetings    Hello. Hello. How are you today? I’m fine. I’m fine. And you? How are you?   Good morning. Good morning. How are you today? I’m fine. I’m fine. And you? How are...

Королевская семья Великобритании

Objectives: to extend students’ knowledge about the British monarchy; to develop students’ skills in listening and speaking; to expand students’ vocabulary. PROCEDURE WARMING-UP T: Are you interested in politics? Can we state it’s an...

Natural disasters

Цілі уроку: практичні : розвиток мовних компетенцій з теми уроку, розвиток умінь вживання нових лексичних одиниць, розвиток умінь сприйняття іноземної мови на слух і використання почутої інформації , розвиток уміння вести діалог – інтерв’ю...

How to prepare for a natural disaster

   You should follow the advice of local officials. Local authorities will provide you with information on how to prepare for a natural disaster. You should leave the area immediately, if you are warned...

Children & cartoons

Almost every child in the world today watches cartoons. They are designed to capture children’s attention and amuse them. Most children enjoy watching an hour or so of television after school or on weekend...