Category: Methodology

The amount of pollution and personal vehicles

To begin with, I feel that many people have become disinterested in the amount of pollution that their personal vehicles create.  It is a well-known fact that automobiles are one of the biggest sources...

Present Simple Exercises

Упражнения 1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.   1. I … a pupil. 2. My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist. 3. … your aunt a doctor? –   Yes,...

Схема загального аналізу уроку іноземної мови

  1.Цілеспрямованість уроку 1.1. Визначити тему уроку, місце уроку в тематичному циклі, тип уроку 1.2. Назвати цілі уроку: практичні, виховні, загальноосвітні, розвиваючі 1.3. Встановити відповідність поставлених цілей типу уроку та його місцю в тематичному...

The ideal school

The ideal school is the dream of every student. I wish that the lessons start a bit later, because it is still dark in the morning especially in winter and I want to sleep...


I’m definitely sure that each person defines some goals he or she wants to achieve, because life without aim is pointless. Different people set different goals, but whatever goal helps a person to develop...

Food is an essential part of our daily life. One famous English saying goes “We are what we eat”, and it’s true. The food we eat can influence our body and our mind. It...