Category: Methodology


Objectives: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name the months of the year, to describe the seasons, ask and answer questions about their favourite seasons using simple structures and...

My classroom

Мета: Повторити та активізувати лексику теми. Формувати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні речень з опорою та наочність. Формувати навички аудіювання. Удосконалювати вміння утворювати питальні та стверджувальні речення. Активізувати вживання граматичних структур Is it a..?...

A poem about English

The English language is known world wide From all languages that were collide English is known everywhere It is great to use it anywhere Using  English by everyone Speaking  English is very fun Don’t...

7 Days of the Week

Do you know that there are only 5 “weekdays”? And of course the “weekend” has 2 days. The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures, so the first letter of...

Adjective Gradability

Gradable Adjectives A gradable adjective can be used with “grading adverbs” that vary the adjective’s grade or intensity. Look at these examples: grading adverbs a little, dreadfully, extremely, fairly, hugely, immensely, intensely, rather, reasonably,...

The English party

Ведущий праздника: – Good day, dear friends! – We are glad to see you! – We enjoy English at school. And you? – Let’s have fun together. – Listen to English poems. (Дети читают...

Our pets

  Aims and objectives: навчити описувати те, що бачиш на малюнку; вивчити назви свійських  тварин; ввести структуру: What colour is it?; What do the animals eat? What do they drink? формувати навички монологічного мовлення...