Learn English Easy Blog

Listening tasks

Listening Tasks  A Conversation With My Father by Grace Paley Glossary: potassium — калій; despise —  зневажати; junkie —наркоман. My father is eighty-six years old and in bed. His heart, that blood motor, is...

My future career

At school everyone is fortunated to study a variety of subjects which means that you are given an ideal opportunity to find out which subject you enjoy and which you are particularly good at....

About myself

My name is Lilly  White and I was born in London, England on the third of April 2000. My family is an averaged-sized English family; I have a mother, father and a brother. My...

Hard, difficult or heavy?

a hard (difficult) task/question/choice — трудная задача/вопрос/выбор; a person difficult (hard) to deal with — человек, с которым трудно/тяжело иметь дело. В словосочетаниях тяжелые времена, тяжелая жизнь используется слово hard: Those were hard times for him. – Это...


Let’s talk about friendship. Friendship is a special relationship between people. People need this relationship because they expect help and comfort from each other. Those who have friends have less stress and live longer....

Jokes about Mark Twain

One of Mark Twain’s friends was very fond (увлекался) of playing golf and once he asked Twain to go with him to the local golf links, Mark Twain went there with his friend and...

КАК ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ НАЗВАНИЯ САЙТОВ   адрес сайта =the URL (звучит как «you are ell», сокращение от universal resource locator) =hyphen / dash / =slash : =colon http:// = (по буквам:H–TT–P) colon double slash Например: https://puzzle-english.com= the URL is: h – tee–tee – pee – s colon double slash puzzle dash english dot com Кстати, можно обойтись и без «http://». Современные браузеры отлично умеют сами вставлять...

Tests for understanding the basic grammar rules

  I …………………… him yesterday. a) did not meet b) did not met c) have not met She didn’t say ………………….. a) nothing b) anything Professionals ……………….. teachers and lawyers should have good communication...