Learn English Easy Blog

The history of Easter

Warmer What do you know about Easter and the history of Easter? Discuss your ideas with a partner. Activity 1: The history of Easter Read through the questions below and see if you know...

Teenagers` problems

I think there are many teenagers` problems. It makes the life of teenagers difficult. Complex with appearance start developing, depressions begin, teenagers are excited with mockeries of other teenagers. For example, crimes, drinking alcohol,...

The Top 10 Wonders of The World

  1. The Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China was constructed 7th century BC. It is a series of fortification built to protect the empire of China. 2. Petra. It is...


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. On the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. Kyiv is the home of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, administration of the President and the Cabinet...

The Ukrainian painting

The Ukrainian painting is an integral part of world artistic culture. Folk spirit and realism became the main slogans of the democratic artists. In their works they frequently touched upon the acute social problems...


  Part I The American traveller and scientist Lowell Thomas thinks that there are seven Nature’s greatest wonders. They are the Grand Canyon, Glacier Bay, the Mammoth Cave, Victoria Falls, Baikal, Mountain Everest, and Yellowstone...

Контрольна робота

Variant 1 Level I. Complete the sentences: 1.Englishmen speak… Ukrainians speak… Americans speak… Level II. Choose the right form: I…(am living, live) in Ukraine. Ben …(plays, is playing) ball now. She always …(listens, listening)...