Category: Methodology

КАК ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ НАЗВАНИЯ САЙТОВ   адрес сайта =the URL (звучит как «you are ell», сокращение от universal resource locator) =hyphen / dash / =slash : =colon http:// = (по буквам:H–TT–P) colon double slash Например: the URL is: h – tee–tee – pee – s colon double slash puzzle dash english dot com Кстати, можно обойтись и без «http://». Современные браузеры отлично умеют сами вставлять...

The Healthy Way of Life

To become a healthier person, you should follow some rules: Get a lot of sleep. Sleep is food for the brain. If you sleep little, you will look bad, feel bad and work poorly....


  a hill – холм to fight – драться to bite – кусаться to slap – шлепать to kick – пинать including – включая perfect – идеальный smart (smarter) – умный (умнее) an edge...

Reading Comprehension. A Silly Dog

Pre-Reading Study the wordlist for the story. Gold-diggers – золотоискатели, Inventive – находчивый, Suggest – предлагать, Tent – палатка, Fuse – фитиль, Frightened – напуганный, Curious – любопытный, Hole – яма, нора, дыра.  Insert...


Chicken Licken – Цыпленок Цыпа Henny Penny – Курочка Пенни Cocky Locky– Петушок Локки Ducky Wucky– Утенок Вакки Goosey Woosey– Гусенок Вуззи Turkey Lurkey – Индюшонок Ларки Foxy Woxy– Лисичка Вокси   One morning...

USE OF GRAMMAR for the 11th form

Choose the right variant. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken. a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said. There were two answers, and … was right. a) neither;...

How to learn English words

  English Names Forms of Address Men’s Names and Nicknames Women’s Names and Nicknames Unisex Names and Nicknames Family and Relatives Jobs and Professions Appearance and Character Places in the City Weather and Temperature...

Topical Phrases

  Getting Acquainted About Myself Personal Questions Saying Good-bye Typical Questions at a New Place Asking for Directions Inviting People Time Weather Money Shopping Shopping for Food At a Restaurant At a Party On...

English Spelling

  How to Study English Spelling Spelling Patterns for Consonants Spelling Patterns for Vowels Adding the Ending s/es to Nouns and Verbs Adding the Apostrophe to Nouns Adding the Endings ed, ing to Verbs...

At a hotel. Useful phrases

At a Hotel В гостинице I’m going to visit Chicago next month. Я собираюсь посетить Чикаго в следующем месяце. Could you recommend a good hotel? Вы не могли бы порекомендовать хорошую гостиницу? I’d like...